I have noticed a scary decline in the level of customer service offered around the globe, in most businesses, in the past few years. Seems the tighter the economy, the less emphasis was placed on what should have been the critical element for sustainable success – retaining and attracting ... Views: 2036
Wars are raging all around us. Political battles fought daily in the work place, in government and in our family circle. The symptoms are many – jealousy, personal infringements and one upmanship are common, but mostly it is a turf war – a war over territory, whether that is physical territory ... Views: 2066
Definition: 'A Sales Legend is a sales person who stands above the rest. He or She will likely enjoy a great lifestyle, earn more and be less stressed than the rest. They will win, win and win again. They will be loved and recommended by customers. They are virtual team leaders, and well ... Views: 3451
Ever wondered why some people consistently make millions at the top of the sales ladder and others struggle to meet quota?
In this series of articles, based on 999 Legendary Selling For The 21st Century, we review the differentiators between those who consistently over achieve and those who ... Views: 2245
Ever wondered why some people consistently make millions at the top of the sales ladder and others struggle to meet quota?
In this series of articles, based on 999 Legendary Selling For The 21st Century, we review the differentiators between those who consistently over achieve and those who do ... Views: 2153
Although we see the economy slowing down in so many areas, and many of us and our colleagues are unemployed, the best news is that online sales in America are continuing not just to rise, but to reach out for the stars!
2010 is predicted by many sources to see the beginning of a spike of up ... Views: 2399
You are a professional sales person, you generally reach on or about target, and life is good.
Have you ever wondered just how some people become a sales legend? What secret do they have that is not common knowledge? Why do the same people win the competitions and make club year after year, ... Views: 2439
This is the second in a series of articles to help you improve your communication skills and establish stronger relationships at all levels.
A lot of stress and angst can be removed from our lives if we can learn to effectively communicate.
When we meet someone we are given a short time in ... Views: 2259
With the closing of yet another fast paced year in the online, and physical, world we need to take some time to reflect on what were the good things that we experienced. We need to plan for a great 2010.
We should reflect upon some of the key satisfaction factors in life, and ask ourselves ... Views: 2432
This is the first in a series of articles to help you improve your communication skills and establish stronger relationships at all levels.
A lot of stress and angst can be removed from our lives if we can learn to effectively communicate.
Communication is far more than words; it involves ... Views: 2315
Ever wondered why some companies, large or small can deliver consistent growth and positive, forecast results in good times and bad? So many companies ride the roller coaster of economic vagaries, and the published results are like a camouflaged list of excuses, especially when the economy is ... Views: 2199
One of the most difficult challenges that we all face every day is acceptance. Not only is it sometimes difficult to accept some things in our lives, but to understand and work effectively with differentiation between that which we must accept, and that which we can change is also often ... Views: 2499
Many people still think that being environmentally friendly costs more, and in some cases this can be true, but there are many things the average person can do that will save money and help the environment.
Here we offer you 11 Ways that you can Save Money and The Environment.
1.Change all ... Views: 2334
Somewhere, somehow, as parents we lost something. We lost something very important to our childrens’ futures.
Too many teenagers today are no longer inspired to achieve, they think work is a bad four letter word. They don’t have the hopes and dreams that we did. They do not respect their ... Views: 2583
As I am a traveller, I am often asked by people 'What are the people like, in this place or that place?'
My answer is always a simple one ' How do you find the people where you are now?'
The truth is - how you find the people where you are right now, is how you will find the people ... Views: 2176
To understand and accept fear, we must first embrace the concept that we experience fear because we are in our ego.
Most fear, or fear disguised and justified as ‘worry’ will never actualise, it just will not happen.
If the feared outcome does happen, then it will happen, it is what it ... Views: 2601
It's absolutely a parent's responsibility to guide their child into a responsible and contributing adult.
It is necessary for you to have some disciplines, and not to give your child everything they want, even if you can afford it. You should ask your child to do small jobs for you even from ... Views: 2493
You are probably as fed up, and frustrated, as I am with corporations to whom you entrusted your hard earnt money, and who are not returning solid results, but instead trying to confuse you with beautifully scripted results and announcements that portray a positive future and a one time ... Views: 3155
Truly Great Leaders expect maximum productivity from everyone!
In High Performance Teams absenteeism is very low, productivity is high, and people are busy doing what they should be doing to contribute, they are entirely relaxed about the leader and see him or her as part of the team, rather ... Views: 3414
Sometimes we sit and listen to a friends ideas, or a new business they have started, or a goal or dream they have. We want to help them, so we usually start by ensuring they understand all the pitfalls that they may face, and the challenges that may stifle them. We want to protect them and help ... Views: 1273