Remember playing car-racing games at the arcade, trying to stay on the virtual road while going as fast as you can? In those videos, sharp curves keep switching and obstacles suddenly appear, causing you to crash and burn if your reactions aren’t fast enough.
It may be fun to play a game, ... Views: 719
Now that summer is in full bloom, are you looking for ways to make new beginnings yourself? You've been seeing flowers popping their heads up, risking bad weather to bloom once more. If you've wanted to make some changes in your old habits but have been bogged down by winter's heavy gloom, now's ... Views: 757
As you settle into the new year, do you sometimes feel like time is getting away from you? I make list after list of what I want to accomplish each day – and often get a large chunk completed - but never seem to get everything done. Now that I make my lists on my PDA, it's easier to just change ... Views: 1034
Ever since Title IX guaranteed equal funding for girls' sports programs 40 years ago, we've seen the results in school, the workplace and women's self-confidence. Studies have shown that girls who play sports in high school are more likely to do better in science classes, complete college, avoid ... Views: 1337
Remember what it was like to be in school, afraid of the big bully in the neighborhood? The documentary Bully reignited the national dialogue about this challenge for kids, following several students and their families over the course of one school year.
Bullying is pervasive in our society ... Views: 982
Now that all the mega-lottery winners have stepped forward, the overwhelming odds are you didn't win. Americans spent $1.5 billion in their quest to win the jackpot, fantasizing about how they would happily spend the $656 million to be paid out to the winner. As it happened, there were three ... Views: 1800
Now that your teens are in school again, are you concerned they're back to risky behaviors on the Internet - sending inappropriate sexual pictures and texts on their cell phones? If so, you're not alone. A recent survey of parents with children between the ages of 10 and 18 found their number ... Views: 721
With Anthony Weiner no longer front-page news now that he has resigned in disgrace from public office, what's a parent to make of that perfect storm - a mix of politics, power, sexting and lying? The media frenzy over the ex-Congressman's behavior provides a clear teachable moment for our teens. ... Views: 848
In the wake of the floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis and radiation leaks this spring, we're struck by the realization that changes in the Earth present in many ways. At times they're gradual or sudden and violent. They can come from the forces of nature or the actions of human beings. ... Views: 837
Are you feeling overwhelmed by 24-hour cable and Internet news, with vivid pictures, highlighting the dreadful effects of the massive earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown in Japan? These horrors have pushed the world's psyche into overload, causing increased levels of anxiety. If you're ... Views: 1616
Winter weather, for most in the Northern Hemisphere, is cold, dark and dreary - with little chance of a break for several months. The transition back from the holiday season with its increased activity and social engagement - parties, gift giving, family time, vacations - can be an emotional ... Views: 1066
A real comedy standout on TV and in the movies lately - among all the youthful as well as botoxed, lifted, heavily made-up faces - has been Betty White. Lifetime Achievement Award winner at 88 and ½, as Betty proudly declares, White is the poster gal for throwing away the calendar when talking ... Views: 3229
Given your current limited budget, have you made any plans for a family vacation? Any time of year, a low cost getaway can create memories to cherish. But for some Sandwiched Boomers, squeezed between caring for growing children and aging parents, the choices may be slim.
According to a ... Views: 1118
Wondering what all these W's have in common? They provide cases of excellent role models in sports that we can pass on to our children and grandchildren. After witnessing so many instances of poor sportsmanship over the years, it's impressive to have examples of positive behavior by ... Views: 1553
Have you noticed that your kids are becoming more attached than ever to television, video games and texting? And the season doesn't seem to matter. During summer, with more free time and fewer structured activities, it's easy to turn to electronics for stimulation. In winter, the shorter ... Views: 1141
Have you found this article by surfing the Internet for topics of interest? Or responded to a Google Alert about a subject that concerns you - brainpower, aging parents, growing children, nourishing relationships, family conflicts, Sandwiched Boomers? If so, congratulations, you're boosting the ... Views: 1685
Raising children has never been easy, but some parents think it's even harder today. They have always had to deal with providing - food, clothing and shelter as well as a supportive and loving environment where their offspring can grow to their full potential. Today, in addition, mom and dad are ... Views: 1955
Ever since the first modern Olympic games were held in 1896, athletes have worked hard to 'go for the gold.' Baron Pierre de Coubertin brought the ancient Greek Olympiad back to life to recreate the ideals of physical, mental and spiritual excellence demonstrated by the competitors there. This ... Views: 1645
The news about the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti is heartbreaking and the vivid pictures tragic. As in grieving any loss, the people of Haiti have been experiencing a wide range of emotions. Initially, many were grateful for surviving the catastrophe. But now they are dealing with the ... Views: 1587
Feeling down in the dumps now that the holidays are over? If you're hoping for something uplifting on these dreary days and cold nights, you're not alone. T.S. Eliot, in The Waste Land, said, "April is the cruelest month." But studies have found that for the majority of Americans, January is the ... Views: 4064
Robert Frost, in his poem, Death of the Hired Man, wasn't thinking about boomerang kids when he wrote, "Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in." But he sure might have been.
In this economy, adult children are moving back home in record numbers - for many ... Views: 969
Multi-generational households are making a comeback for Boomers in the Sandwich Generation - especially with the lack of jobs available for new college graduates and the financial pinch felt by aging parents as their retirement incomes dwindle. Don't be disappointed if you were dreaming about ... Views: 863
Now that the summer solstice has given us more time between sunrise and sunset, Americans are officially in summer mode - using the extra daylight hours to spend with the family. But unemployment rates are above 10% in many states and the recession isn't showing signs of an early end. A lot of ... Views: 1326
As Leo Tolstoy put it in Anna Karenina, "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." What about other family traits? Are families who are flexible all flexible in the same way? And are rigid families each set in their own ways?
Today, families are being ... Views: 889
Americans were thankful and joyous to learn of the successful rescue of Richard Phillips, captain of the Maersk Alabama, a commercial ship bringing much-needed food and supplies to Africa. Capt. Phillips acted heroically when his ship was attacked by Somali pirates five days earlier, ... Views: 1013
Amidst the yards of fabric and the glitter of jewels, the 81st Academy Awards might seem an unlikely place for 40-somethings or sandwiched boomers to look for role models. After all, the red carpet doesn't exactly represent the clothes in our closets or the figures reflected back to us in the ... Views: 1148
Now that Michelle Obama's mother is living in the White House, will the cruel jokes and snide remarks about mothers-in-law finally stop? Will Marian Robinson, as first mother-in-law, be able to pave the way for acceptance, even respect, for this much-maligned branch of the family tree? Only ... Views: 1166
Over two thousand years ago, the ancient Romans began the practice of making New Year's resolutions when they named the first month after Janus, the god of beginnings. Janus had two faces, one looking back at the old year, the other looking forward to the new one. In order to secure good fortune ... Views: 846
Even with the harsh economic news - jobless rates up and the stock market down - we can still find a lot to be grateful about, especially during the holidays. Families and friends traditionally draw together for support in times of crisis and this year is no different. The gift of appreciation - ... Views: 1048
Lost in the headlines about the presidential election and the stock market meltdown is the fact that October is the month dedicated to controlling domestic violence. The irony is that the financial shock waves are likely to increase the prevalence of abuse. The economic turmoil will undoubtedly ... Views: 1049
Across the United States and around the world, the effects of the financial crisis continue to spread – foreclosures are widespread, banks are being taken over, stock markets are erratic, credit is frozen and bankruptcies are increasing. No one can predict with certainty the long-term effects on ... Views: 904
The news media thrive on streaming information - and gossip - about the exploits of high visibility couples. The general public has been well informed about the infidelity of John Edwards, the visits to call girls by Eliot Spitzer, the on-going splits of Hollywood couples. Polls report that ... Views: 1107
This year's Presidential and Vice-Presidential election spotlights the important contributions made by women in our society - be they single or married, mothers or not, young or old, rich or poor, from big cities or small towns, in high-powered careers or down-to-earth jobs. The women in this ... Views: 895
The full range of female athletes on the 2008 Olympic teams makes it clear that age and family responsibilities are not the barriers to participation in the Games they used to be. Stories from Beijing highlight the courage and resolve of the mothers of the world - as they demonstrate their ... Views: 883
These past few weeks, billions of fans watched athletes from around the world compete in the London Olympics. These diverse games reflect the delicate balance between reality and entertainment; the Olympics can satisfy the yearning for distraction from your immediate concerns about economic ... Views: 2909
This summer, billions of fans are watching athletes from around the world compete in the Beijing Olympics. With political controversy and global tensions currently running rampant, these diverse games reflect the delicate balance between reality and entertainment. If you're a Sandwiched Boomer, ... Views: 991
With the high price of gasoline, are you thinking of canceling your vacation trip? This summer more and more Sandwiched Boomers are reducing their carbon footprint by taking "staycations" with their families. Why drive to a resort when there are community swimming pools around the corner? Why ... Views: 998
Sending flowers, candy and greeting cards are de rigueur for mom on Mother's Day but, as members of the Sandwich Generation, you recognize that what your aging mother really wants on her special day is to feel nurtured.
Ellie's mother, who had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, no ... Views: 1771
No need to look up "self-fullness" in the dictionary - you won't find it. And it's also not likely to be in the vocabulary of women who are pulled between their careers, children, parents, spouse or even grandchildren. No matter what age women have attained, many still act the part of the 'good ... Views: 948
As Baby Boomers continue to age, the rise in incidence of serious illness affects nearly every family - especially if you're a member of the Sandwich Generation. When you or your spouse develops cancer, heart disease, stroke or another chronic illness, it can change every aspect of your lives ... Views: 840
As the average age of men and women in the Armed Forces rises, many are a part of the Sandwich Generation, concerned about caring for family members at home as they continue their service to the country. Their burden becomes especially apparent on Veterans Day, a time for all of us to pay ... Views: 1109
Baby Boomers have jumped into the grandparent role in the same way that they engaged in other phases of their lives – with enthusiasm and active commitment. They have redefined what it means to be grandparents. But how can you form and maintain a connection with your young grandchildren when ... Views: 1120
The "Sandwich Generation" is a term that has now made it into the dictionary. It fits an increasing number of Boomer women whose reality includes being squeezed between the demands of growing children and the needs of aging parents.
A study by AARP and the National Alliance for Care-giving ... Views: 975
As a Sandwiched Boomer, perhaps you have already had talks with your aging parents about their wills, beneficiaries, and advanced medical directives for hospital care. But have you discussed an ethical will or the legacy of meaning they wish to leave behind? As parents grow older, it becomes ... Views: 955
When a crisis hits - the end of a marriage, the loss of a job, or the death of a loved one - it throws you into a complete tailspin. Suddenly your world is no longer safe and secure. What can you, already a Sandwiched Boomer, do to pick up the pieces and take the first steps toward living a ... Views: 822
Now that your son has popped the question, the congratulations from your friends include some advice about the wedding: "smile, shut up and wear beige."
But it doesn't have to be like this. You have the right stuff to rewrite the rules without becoming the Mother-in-Law from Hell. You came ... Views: 1252
Tricia was feeling the full impact of being a member of the Sandwich Generation as her father declined in his 80’s. “Dad and I shared such fun times together when I was young – he taught me how to ride a horse, shoot a BB gun, ice skate, stand on my head. He was always so active. Last year, I ... Views: 1004
Have you ever noticed how, at this time of year, there are lists and lists circulating? You can find a list of the 20 best films of 2007, the 10 worst dressed people, the 50 most interesting books. In addition to spending some of your spare time reading through these lists, how about taking ... Views: 1109
Parents of Baby Boomers look toward their sixties, seventies and eighties as golden years, with the chance to enjoy the fruits of their labors. But what happens when those days become tarnished gold? What if nothing you or your parents do can restore the shine you all were expecting? This is ... Views: 1345