One of the most powerful resources for improving all areas of your life is as simple as a good night's sleep. Yes, you have much to do, and miles to go before you...well, you get the joke.
But in order to raise your level of accomplishment in any arena, you must increase your energy. ... Views: 1005
I recently came across an internet thread in which a lady of much intelligence and perception observed that many women are "simply trying to deal with the pain that has been directly inflicted upon them time and time again."
This is very true, but must NOT be mistaken for the statement "and ... Views: 772
Yesterday I watched an absolute master. Bill Cosby performed at Georgia Tech
university, and I was in the front row, not eight feet away from him, as he
held an audience of thousands spellbound, just sitting in a chair
telling stories. He had us howling, crying, nodding, laughing, ... Views: 978
Welcome! The intent of this daily writing tip column is,
largely, to share with all of you the approach to craft
and art that has made my career as satisfying as it
has been…and at this point in my life, for all of its ups
and downs, it feels just fine.
“Lifewriting,” the technique ... Views: 1126
"Introduction to Screenwriting"
Week Four
Hi, there, and Welcome back!
You've probably noticed by now that this is pretty high-level material. In fact, you could probably take the information in any one week and stretch it out into an ordinary 10-week class.
Hell with it. I'm making ... Views: 2024
"Introduction to Screenwriting"
Week Three
Welcome back!
Although the basic structure of: SITUATION, CHARACTER, OBJECTIVE, OPPONENT, DISASTER remains the method of choice for diagramming basic plot structure (insuring that all basic elements are in place), and GOAL, CONFLICT, ... Views: 1371
"Introduction to Screenwriting"
Week Two
Welcome back!
One of the things most important to me is the integration of art and life. After all, if you succeed, but don't get to enjoy your success, or destroy your health or family in the process, where is the sense in that?
This is ... Views: 1437
"Introduction to Screenwriting"
Week One
Although this class is entitled "Intro to Screenwriting", it's my belief that, in general, writing is writing. In fact, in order to understand how to write for the screen--large or small--one must first have an intimate understanding of the ... Views: 1179
We're building a seventeen-part structure for self-coaching and self-exploration, with an end toward becoming responsible, awakened adult human beings. The first ten steps of this structure originate in Joseph Campbell's famed "Hero's Journey" The second part of the Hero's Journey is called the ... Views: 1530
What is an adult? While we may argue about what a "Man" or "Woman" is, there is remarkable agreement around the world on the subject of Human Adulthood. An adult takes responsibility for his or her actions and emotions. While we can argue about many qualities and attributes, I think we can all ... Views: 1525