I am going to date myself here so don't laugh but, when I was growing up my parents taught me to get an education and get a job. Well I was still in the era that I should get a high school education, find a man and have a family plus get a job. This was in the 70's so some of your understand. ... Views: 713
I talk about Golf because that's what I am but golf relates so much to lots of life. To get better you must be better. It doesn't just happen by itself. You have to know your goal and turn your life in the direction that will achieve that goal. Golf takes practice & positive thinking. Life ... Views: 875
I talk about Golf because that's what I am but golf relates so much to lots of life. To get better you must be better. It doesn't just happen by itself. You have to know your goal and turn your life in the direction that will achieve that goal. Golf takes practice & positive thinking. Life ... Views: 1228