We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Happiness". If you have expertise in Happiness and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
You've got a lot to store in that brain of yours. Sometimes you need to remind yourself to remember something. The most effective way to remember is to choose your triggers wisely.
Post-its work great, but I'm all for simplifying things even further. By choosing to make a certain behavior a ... Views: 1298
About Your Success. Copyright 2004 by Patric Chan
What is success?
That’s such a big word.
Success has a different meaning to each individual.But I’ll tell you what success is by my definition.
Some people say, rich people are successful. Notnecessarily. Money will only amplify your ... Views: 1186
“Fashionably late” is no longer in fashion. In today’s heavily scheduled world, it is the punctual who are respected and admired. Even though most of us know this, some people are always late, no matter how much time they have to get ready. You may be one of them. Do any of the following ... Views: 17221
Excerpt from "Getting to the Heart: Journey of Transformation and Spiritual Enlightenment" Trafford Publishing by Athene Raefiel
We process to help us to let go of old emotional, physical and mental baggage. With processing we can learn to change existing patterns and implement others. We ... Views: 1256
Did you know that there are gifts that will multiply your happiness when you give them away? Here are seven of those gifts. Giving these gifts will allow you to share with others your most unique treasure: your authentic self. Each gift will return to you many times.As you read about each of ... Views: 1040
Feel that rising tide of anger? Surf's up! Start paddling.
Whenever we feel angry or frustrated, we get a blast of adrenalin coursing through our bloodstream. In the fight or flight response to stress, our bodies rely on our appendages. We need to hit, kick, jump or run away, and our ... Views: 1540
Jane and Anthony have differing ways of viewing the world. Jane is a pessimist (the glass is half-empty), while Anthony is an optimist (the glass is half-full).
These outlooks influence how they experience similar ... Views: 2864
Could 2003 be your lucky year - the one in which you fulfill a dream, improve your health, increase prosperity and feel happier?
Absolutely, says bestselling author Wayne Dyer, whose latest book is 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace (Hay ... Views: 4212
Throw open the curtains and spread good cheer. Spring has arrived!
Here are thirty ways to celebrate.
1. Borrow a convertible.
2. Take the kids to the zoo.
3. Bring a rocking chair onto your front porch.
4. Make strawberry shortcake with real whipped cream.
5. Hook up the ... Views: 1357
Emotional Baggage is the “Stuff” hidden in the closets of your mind
We all have some kind of “Stuff” cluttering our lives. It is so easy for the psychological “Stuff” to accumulate. It can come from childhood disasters, broken relationships, etc. We store this “Stuff” in closets, attics, ... Views: 1199
HUMILITY - Here's an emotion I'm striving to embrace more fully, because I haven't gotten it all figured out. Humility is a beautiful and powerful emotion, but perhaps misunderstood, overlooked or even avoided by the masses. It is viewed as "weak" by some. Those that practice humility know its ... Views: 2526
The most happy and successful people on earth have a personal Shift List. They probably don't call it by that name, but they have one. How do I know? Because these folks are enjoying their journey on our challenging planet!
A Shift List is simply a list of activities and attitudes that have the ... Views: 1016
"How'd they do that?" I asked myself time and time again in my youth.
As a journalist and documentary filmmaker, I witnessed ordinary people performing extraordinary feats on countless occasions. I documented individuals in moments of crisis and emergency going beyond the limits they and ... Views: 1085
One day in the 1960s, a little girl named Ginny was playing outside her apartment in Stamford, Connecticut. She said something to her 4-year-old playmate just before the girl launched a fist-sized rock at her. Ginny cried out and ran home, her forehead bleeding. Her mother rushed her to the ... Views: 1562
You’re feeling more tired than you used to. Your get-up-and-go got up and went, and you can’t put your finger on how to get it back. You hardly have the energy to try.
Author and educator Dr. Linda Page (“Stress and Energy”) recognizes that low energy has a significant impact on health. Low ... Views: 995
Twenty-four percent of women and 17 percent of men say they would give up more than three years of life to be thinner. That’s according to a poll conducted by Psychology Today magazine.
At the same time, studies show that half of American women overestimate the size of their ... Views: 1281
If it were easy, everyone would do it; everyone would have it. That "IT" is prosperity and we're all trying to achieve that stage in our lives where wealth, health, success are a daily part of our lives. So what's the problem? Why aren't some of us living a prosperous life? Read on, my ... Views: 8854
Watching television’s “sitcom’s”, I can’t help but notice that most of the plots revolve around the same theme – someone being afraid to tell someone else the truth. We saw it in the years that Ross loved Rachel, that Niles loved Daphne, or that George hated Susan. We saw it in virtually every ... Views: 4614
It's a simple act...one that doesn't get a lot of attention.
On T.V. they compete to see who can be seen and heard the most.
Same thing on the playground.
And in the meeting room.
And in the Friday night watering hole.
And in Congress.
And in the P.T.A. meeting.
Guess ... Views: 2060
I’ll get right to the point. Life is not necessarily what we think it is. And no, I’m not going to extrapolate this to the extreme to try to convince you that we really exist on some obscure planet in a distant spiral galaxy and that all of this we’re experiencing as “Life” is only a dream. ... Views: 1282
Feeling stuck in a never-ending winter? Declare an early spring with these quick ideas.
1. Bust a friend's blahs. Take her out for coffee or a glass of wine, or offer to take her kids while she enjoys an hour or two alone. Such a simple gesture will brighten your own day as well.
2. Indulge ... Views: 1876
Last Friday was National Wear Red Day, an intentional opportunity to wear a red dress as a symbol of awareness of the fact that heart disease is the number one killer of women in America.
I didn't wear a red dress, but I did get my very first electrocardiogram.
I wish I could say that I had ... Views: 1207
Copyright 2004
We all expect ourselves to act on what we believe is right and avoid those actions that we deem as wrong. Sometimes, though, we don't live up to these expectations. Why? The primary reason is the failure to carefully examine our beliefs about right and wrong – or what I will call ... Views: 1213
We all get frazzled. We all get overwhelmed and snappy.
And we all need to re-center before we share that feeling with
the rest of the world.
Here are a few one-minute "wake-ups" that will help you to re-focus
on what's important.
- What are you thankful for? List as many "gratitudes" as ... Views: 1284
Have you ever walked into a store or business and felt uncomfortable there for no apparent reason? Have you ever walked into a store all happy and left quite frustrated? Have you ever wished your house could feel happier? The process called energetic clearing can make a significant improvement ... Views: 2447
True happiness is such a rare commodity that the whole of the world is continuously seeking it and failing to find it. All the people, who we consider to be the best in their fields, are seeking it too and failing to acquire it. The most brilliant of the scientists, the most gifted of artists, ... Views: 22620
Take a few seconds to close your eyes and imagine that you are putting a slice of lemon into your mouth and chewing on it. Did your mouth water? This is just one example of how the mind can affect the body - simply thinking about something can trigger a physical reaction.
If your body reacts ... Views: 1124
Everyone has a life purpose; a unique and special something each of us is supposed to do in LIFE. A life purpose is not a specific job or career, it is much deeper and much more fulfilling. Now, you can uncover your own life purpose. You can do it the easy, fast, modern way, using a modestly ... Views: 1133
It’s impossible to ignore any longer. Your hair is beginning its transition to “sophisticated silver.” Your face is taking on the look of a “wise” woman. And your kids, friends, parents, neighbors – and mysteriously, your husband – all seem to be “changing” before your very eyes, (the ones ... Views: 4392
No Happiness Without PatienceInstant gratification is not the recipe for happinessBy David LeonhardtI'm searching for modern happiness. The old-fashioned kind takes just too long. That happiness requires patience and I don't want to wait. I want upgraded happiness. I want release 4.02, the ... Views: 1343
Most of us spend our lives searching for that one spark that will ignite and motivate, then propel us to succeed. We buy any number of books, inspirational “self help” tapes, and attend seminars and workshops believing that somewhere in the mist of all these activities will evolve that magical ... Views: 5655
I was watching Gladiator - you know the blockbuster where the Roman General Maximus goes through hell when he doesn't accept the position of Emporer of Rome. His family is murdered, he is sold as a slave and forced to be a gladiator. He becomes an unwilling paid assasin. Watching the sunset with ... Views: 2465
Did you ever wonder why we went from the kid who couldn’t sit still, to the adult who can’t get moving?
I asked myself this when I recently took my 3-year-old daughter to the playground at a fast food restaurant. She loves to play on those things and I love nothing better than to watch her. ... Views: 1214
The following three inspirations were adapted from A Daily Dose of Happiness, and they represent three key ways to increase our happiness.1. FORGIVING FOR HAPPINESSWe like to think we are better than our friends below us in the food chain, such as the octopus and the snail. After all, we have ... Views: 1829
Yuck! It’s all yuck! The sky is falling, the earth is splitting apart, a giant asteroid is headed our way and we’re all going to hell!
Don’t believe me? Just check today’s headlines or catch the six o’clock news. We’re slogging our way through the cesspool of existence. We’re all just ... Views: 1306
"Think happy thoughts and you can fly." -- Peter Pan
As the title of the book by John S. J. Powell says, "Happiness Is an Inside Job" [ISBN 0883473240]. You can be happy, regardless of what's going on around you. All you have to do is change the thoughts you are currently having.
Yes, I ... Views: 852
Have you every watched children and their emotions? I mean really watched their emotions. They are wonderful at living in the present! They don’t worry about the cake they couldn’t have yesterday, or the toy they may not get next month. They simply care about what is going on right now.
In ... Views: 1116
Question: You have such a refreshing set of attitudes about the subject of money. How did you develop your attitudes?
Answer: I learned to be happy without money and in the process I became a Money Master. I must admit, you do not have to learn to be happy without money in order to become a ... Views: 1069
I have decided to declare 2004 as the YEAR OF HAPPINESS for me. What about you? Yes, you can also do so! Anyone living in any part of the world has the right to be happy and enjoy every moment of his/her life. There is no harm in declaring the year 2004 as the Year of Happiness for All Mankind. ... Views: 1060
One of the most important things you can do for your well-being and happiness is to indulge in the practice of self-love. By saying that you respect yourself more than anyone in the world is a form of self-love and an important aspect in fulfilling your life’s goals of happiness, prosperity and ... Views: 2918
1. Know your purpose
Are you wandering through life with little direction – hoping that you’ll find happiness, health and prosperity? Identify your life purpose or mission statement and you will have your own unique compass that will lead you to your truth north every time.
2. Know your ... Views: 1248
Feeling cranky about air travel? Get a grip.
Not on the arm of your passenger seat--on reality, history, and the incredible accomplishment of human flight.
We've just celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Wright brothers' historic flight at Kitty Hawk, North
Carolina. Although there ... Views: 1316
Am I emotionally Intelligent? There are so many different definitions, descriptions and interpretations of what emotional intelligence is - it would be difficult for me to answer this question. Whose definition are we using? Is that a personal, or a corporate definition of EQ? Which school of ... Views: 2726
On the fateful night of April 19, 1989, a young woman known as the Central Park Jogger was raped, beaten, and left to die. After a 14-year silence, she finally revealed her identity as Trisha Meili. She has appeared at Larry King Live and other talk shows. She also tells her story in her book ... Views: 1476
Find harmony in the pleasure of giving time to yourself. A part of giving is cleansing yourself of any person, place or thing that does not contribute to your new state of serenity and replenishment. Sometimes we need to make room for the new by letting go of the old. Sometimes we need to say ... Views: 1328
Imagine never again getting upset when someone disagrees with you, tells you you're wrong, or contradicts you. Imagine enjoying and growing from this experience. Before we get started though, let me clear something up. Not arguing doesn't mean being weak or accepting whatever anyone else says. ... Views: 1435
Every year around December we all start thinking about the New Year’s Resolutions we will be making on January 1st. At the top of the list are dieting, exercising, quitting smoking and organizing. Then we also remember the resolutions we didn’t keep: Dieting, exercising, quitting smoking and ... Views: 1510
Another winter holiday season is upon us, and the theme seems to be universal. You may call your holiday Christmas, Kwanza, Hanukkah, Ramadan, or Winter Solstice. It is a turning point, a time of celebrating light and the hope for new life. The common element is that we all consider it a time ... Views: 1170
You have had a long day. All you feel like doing when you get home is crashing on the couch. After all, this may be a common occurrence. But then someone like me comes along and says it doesn’t have to be this way. I ask you if you would like to have more energy in the evening. You say “yes”. I ... Views: 1326
In this fast-paced society that we now find ourselves, the overwhelming activities of the holidays come upon us earlier and earlier each year. We no more get the “back to school” rush over, than it is time to make all the preparations for the next big event, even though it seems to be months ... Views: 1100