In a culture that embraces Adderall, paying attention has become the most sought-after skill for those looking for a competitive edge. From blurry-eyed college applicants to top executives, the ability to focus on what matters most is the key to coping—and competing—despite the stresses of ... Views: 1154
A few years ago, I was the national outreach coordinator for theNorthwest Earth Institute in Portland,Oregon.
It was a very cool job. All day long,I talked to people across the countrywho were interested in gathering oncea week with a few friends, neighbors or co-workers in order to discover ... Views: 1178
No matter how enthusiastically we embrace theconcept of simplifying our lives, things have a way of getting complicated.
Perfect example: My family sold nearly everything and moved to Mazatlan, Mexico to explore living with less stuff and more fun. And it's been working beautifully. It's ... Views: 1020
My husband and I went to see a production of "Forever Tango!" presented at the Angela Peralta Theater just two blocks from our home here in Mazatlan.
After all, since we're moving to Argentina in July, we need to learn more about tango, which was born in Buenos Aires back in the late 1800s. ... Views: 1962
What triggers stress for you?
Most people think they know exactly what pushes their buttons, but they're going for the low-hanging fruit. It's the stuff that's hanging in the hard-to-reach branches that tends to multiply our feelings of frustration, exhaustion and disconnection.
One ... Views: 1093
There's been a lot of talk about navels in our house lately. You see, my youngest daughter is asking to get hers pierced, and we are saying no--for now. So, naturally, I have been noticing navels more than usual.
The term "navel-gazing" means indulgent contemplation, and that's an interesting ... Views: 1090
As we watch the news about the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina, it is easy to become much more caught up in the horror and anguish part of the disaster instead of the opportunity to deepen our own ability to feel empathy and act purposefully.
Ironically, just prior to the hurricane ... Views: 994
Have you ever been called a flirt?
Good for you!
You see, flirting is an excellent indication that you are Paying Attention.
In fact, it is impossible to flirt without being mindful. You can’t be all wrapped up in your thoughts, or distracted by worries about tomorrow. You are Right ... Views: 1916
Are you stuck eating lunch at your desk again?
Lucky you.
You see, staying put can be surprisingly soothing compared to making a mad dash to the cafe for a sandwich and running back to your office, all the while worried that you’ll miss an important call.
If you feel chained to your ... Views: 1358
“It’s a free country,” they say. “Celebrate our independence,” I hear.
Well, I’m all for having a party, but it strikes me that you don’t have to be an American to appreciate freedom, and doing what I’m told isn’t the best way to exercise independence.
So, let’s expand that notion of freedom ... Views: 1160
Diane is one of my favorite clients.
A warm and engaging woman, she is a
loving grandmother and a talented painter. We worked—I think of it as playing, really—together a while back to help her reignite her creative energy after a major move.
Diane was scheduled for hip replacement surgery ... Views: 1065
As a mindfulness trainer, I’m a big fan of promoting greater mindfulness in the classroom. However, it’s interesting to me that those who seem to be the most thoughtful and passionate proponents of mindfulness in education are the ones most likely to be trapped by their limited thinking.
Now, ... Views: 1254
Everyone's a poet.
Of course, everyone's a critic, too! This means that there are plenty of opportunities to heighten our awareness of words and how we use them.
Words create pictures, and just as a painter uses a combination of colors and strokes to express a concept, we offer an artistic ... Views: 1337
Shhh…can you hear it?
One of the most powerful forms of mindfulness is awareness of sound. We tend to tune out the noise of our lives in order to concentrate on the tasks at hand.
In fact, we may get so used to a particular sound that we don’t notice it until it’s gone—like a television ... Views: 2747
We love mysteries.
We enjoy using our minds to gather clues and solve problems of all kinds. Whether it's the latest crime show on television, a news story, your company's top-secret product launch, or where you left your glasses, you are captivated by questions that have significance for you. ... Views: 1108
I often meet people who say things like, "I've been working with mindfulness for over twenty years."
My response is always this: "Oh, you poor thing! Have you tried *playing* with mindfulness? It's very effective, and much more fun!"
They tend to look at me like I'm some kind of kook, and ... Views: 1084
It's back-to-school time once again, and purple is IN.
I'm not talking about fashion trends--though the September issues of most
magazines are singing the praises of plum and berry shades. No, I'm referring to the hottest item at Office Depot, Staples, and other school supply meccas.
Purple ... Views: 1284
Can you hear your compassion? It's time to crank it up.
One of the most difficult challenges we face in our quest to be compassionate is dealing with conflict. Those we love most tend to be the ones most likely to engage us in sparring that cuts the deepest.
Why do we allow ourselves to use ... Views: 1268
We all eat. But how mindful are we of every bite we take?
Your mother always told you to slow down and taste your food. That’s great advice, especially when we find ourselves grabbing a quick snack on the run or eating a meal while driving. How we eat says as much about us as what we choose to ... Views: 1215
Surfing is mindfulness in action. Riding the biggest waves is an all-out, fully-present-or-die-trying proposition.
Thanks to a persistent case of aquaphobia, I've never tried surfing. However, I've done my share of snowboarding, and I am trying to imagine what it would be like to carve the ... Views: 1185
Mindfulness is all about paying attention. It's amazing what can be accomplished when mindfulness is applied to systems that need all the attention they can get. If there's an industry that needs some CPR and TLC, it's healthcare.
Cindy Jimmerson is a 30-year trauma nurse who is passionate ... Views: 2727
I don't take notes anymore. Instead, I create one wildly colorful, creative and inspiring page whenever I need to make a decision, prepare a presentation, or plan an event. That whole two-column plus and minus approach? Gone.
Bring on the Mind Maps!
I read Tony Buzan's first book on Mind ... Views: 1507
The problem with meditation is attachment. We get inthe habit of needing our altar, favorite cushion,incense, CD, certain time of day, necessary length oftime, or particular style of sitting. If we can’t doit the “right” way, we tend to skip it altogether. Weget so attached to the trappings ... Views: 1704
Back in the seventies, we watched "The Six Million Dollar Man", a popular television show about a trained agent who was critically injured and given the gift of technology--bionic legs and super vision.
Lee Majors portrayed a man capable of leaping tall buildings and scanning the landscape at ... Views: 1295
Perhaps I should ask my doctor if there is a drug to take to combat frustration from seeing so many drug ads. You know the ones I'm talking about. They always start out with a list of questions. Then they tell you that a new drug might be just the thing for you--all you have to do is ask your ... Views: 856
Perhaps I should ask my doctor if there is a drug to take to combat frustration from seeing so many drug ads. You know the ones I'm talking about. They always start out with a list of questions. Then they tell you that a new drug might be just the thing for you--all you have to do is ask your ... Views: 1046
Perhaps I should ask my doctor if there is a drug to take to combat frustration from seeing so many drug ads. You know the ones I'm talking about. They always start out with a list of questions. Then they tell you that a new drug might be just the thing for you--all you have to do is ask your ... Views: 876
Perhaps I should ask my doctor if there is a drug to take to combat frustration from seeing so many drug ads. You know the ones I'm talking about. They always start out with a list of questions. Then they tell you that a new drug might be just the thing for you--all you have to do is ask your ... Views: 750
We don't need to understand quantum physicsentirely in order to appreciate it. Even those who have devoted their lives to thestudy of the universe and its atomic structurewill admit that many mysteries remain. Well, I love mysteries, so let's set the scene for this one...
There's a Big Bang. ... Views: 1227
We don't need to understand quantum physicsentirely in order to appreciate it. Even those who have devoted their lives to thestudy of the universe and its atomic structurewill admit that many mysteries remain. Well, I love mysteries, so let's set the scene for this one...
There's a Big Bang. ... Views: 1297
We don't need to understand quantum physicsentirely in order to appreciate it. Even those who have devoted their lives to thestudy of the universe and its atomic structurewill admit that many mysteries remain. Well, I love mysteries, so let's set the scene for this one...
There's a Big Bang. ... Views: 1040
This one goes out to all you administrative professionals out there. That’s right. YOU. Not your boss. Not the guy down the hall who demands everyone’s attention. No. This is YOUR thing.
You work hard, and all of your energy goes into making things run smoothly and helping your employer ... Views: 1537
You've got a lot to store in that brain of yours. Sometimes you need to remind yourself to remember something. The most effective way to remember is to choose your triggers wisely.
Post-its work great, but I'm all for simplifying things even further. By choosing to make a certain behavior a ... Views: 1298
Feel that rising tide of anger? Surf's up! Start paddling.
Whenever we feel angry or frustrated, we get a blast of adrenalin coursing through our bloodstream. In the fight or flight response to stress, our bodies rely on our appendages. We need to hit, kick, jump or run away, and our ... Views: 1540
What's the difference between science and magic? It's our understanding of what makes something happen.
If magic is hocus-pocus, science is simply wellunderstood hocus-pocus. Fire? Solar eclipse? Volcanic eruption? Earthquake? Once we can explain it, it becomes science. But sometimes ... Views: 1433
"Hoy-day! What a sweep of vanity comes this way!" William Shakespeare, "The Life of Timon of Athens"
If there's one characteristic we hope we don't have, it's vanity. We'd rather be considered aggressive, driven, petty, even mean than have others feel that we think too much of ourselves. ... Views: 1136
It's the beginning of spring break, and we're heading south. That's all we know.
Our family is greatly anticipating what may be our last road trip for a long, long time. There's a lot of excitement in our house right now as we are shifting into a whole new phase for each of us.
My husband is ... Views: 1326
My goal in life is to have no goals. They get in the way
of true progress.
Plenty of successful people swear by goal setting.
They're praising the wrong behavior. Brain research
tells us that the goals don't matter--it's the intention
that gets us where we want to go.
Intentions and ... Views: 1065
Michael Shermer speaks with the energy and passion of an evangelist, so it's not too surprising to learn that he used to be one. What is surprising is that he has made a 180-degree turn in his approach to belief. As a college student at Pepperdine University, he knocked on doors to spread the ... Views: 1313
This week, I attended a reading by Christopher Phillips. He is the author of Socrates Café: A Fresh Taste of Philosophy, and has been described as the "Johnny Appleseed of philosophy" because of his penchant for starting meaningful dialogues with groups around the world.
He was there to ... Views: 1227
I'm lucky.
When I was fifteen, I was the sole survivor in one of those horrific car accidents involving a bunch of teens, lots of alcohol, and late-night fast driving. While the driver and other passengers were killed instantly when our car hit a tree on a drizzly summer night, I had the most ... Views: 1542
You've seen the ads.
"Transform yourself!" "Get motivated while you sleep!" "Revolutionary sound techniques will power up your mind!"
But under the profit-motivated copy is a whole lot of fascinating science. Can you change your subconscious thoughts by changing what you're listening to? ... Views: 12662
Last Friday was National Wear Red Day, an intentional opportunity to wear a red dress as a symbol of awareness of the fact that heart disease is the number one killer of women in America.
I didn't wear a red dress, but I did get my very first electrocardiogram.
I wish I could say that I had ... Views: 1207
My grandmother used to say that the secret to living a good life is maintaining a flexible spine and a flexible mind. Whether we’re talking about joints or brains, there’s just no room for rigidity.
Mark Twain once made a comment that illustrates my grandmother’s idea perfectly. He said: ... Views: 2279
Do you believe in the power of your convictions?
It's time to lighten up.
People love attaching themselves to ideas. We can get pretty feisty when one of our beloved beliefs is challenged. We're too busy defending to spend our time analyzing.
Truth has a tendency to get in the way of ... Views: 1236
Can you draw?
Your answer to that question reveals a surprising
amount about your brain and the way you integrate
your right and left hemispheres. (In this article, the
left side will be referred to as the dominant one, which
is by far the most likely scenario.)
You see, the left ... Views: 2972
Thinkers know better than to be racist. It's generallyunderstood that racists are, well, not thinkers. It'snot that racists are necessarily stupid--it's that theyare ignorant.
We like to think that racists are choosing to hang onto their bias because they don't know any better. Thoseof us who ... Views: 2257
Are you a right-brainer or a left-brainer?
The greatest thinkers are at a loss when it comes to answering that question.
Just as we admire athletes who are able to hit a tennis ball or throw a javelin with either arm, we should emulate thinkers who engage fully in all kinds of activities ... Views: 1298
We all know there are ways to become a better thinker. We should read more books. We ought to go to lectures and concerts. We need to visit exhibits and appreciate art. We can take classes and expand our horizons through travel.
Blah, blah, blah. Those are the easy answers.
If we ... Views: 4595
I love slow living. It's peaceful, meaningful and downright radical in a go-go world.
According to a recent article in (appropriately enough)Time magazine, groups of harried parents across the
USA are joining a wave of slow living advocates by doing something really revolutionary--having ... Views: 1298