According to modern technology and medicine, there are several ‘mistakes’ in the divine design we call humans.
Ever since man began worshiping one God giving himself the prerogative of being the chosen one, or calling himself the son of this god, man began also believing in his own ... Views: 1461
In my book Painless Childbirth, I have an entire chapter dedicated to the art of letting go. The Nine Basic Human Rights cover the first nine months of pregnancy, but we all know that babies do not come after nine months, but after 40 weeks, and most after 41 to 42 weeks of gestation.
Waiting ... Views: 1719
In my years of practice I have always made sure to let every mom-to-be know about the phenomenon called the “baby blues.” My training taught me that the subject should not only be discussed but that I should be prepared with informational materials on postpartum depression, and that I should ... Views: 1557
The day you found out your wife was pregnant was exciting, but then new considerations arose. All of a sudden people were coming forth sharing their personal horror stories. You heard about potential mood swings, the horrors of labor and delivery, and even how most pregnant women and new ... Views: 1313
Labor is upon you. When the time finally comes and you’ll have been laboring at home for quite some time, you will “know” when it is the right time to go to the hospital if that is where you have decided to birth your baby. The doula who works with you will be able to assess whether you want to ... Views: 4078
Remember the adagio, it takes a village to raise a child? Well, only one hundred years ago new moms were surrounded by a village that not only helped with the new baby, but that was a very effective baby-care school. Just by living in your village you learned about parenting, breastfeeding, ... Views: 1399
Giuditta Tornetta
Your question:
I'd love to have a natural homebirth, but I feel safer in the hospital. What do you suggest I do to create a homebirth environment at the hospital? Will a doula help me at the hospital?
Many people believe that doulas work with homebirths more then ... Views: 1549
Q. At my baby shower I heard so many horror stories about labor that I am truly sacred and confused. What is the best way to go about preparing for labor and delivery?
A. Get a group of women together at a baby shower and without a doubt the conversation will lead to sharing their own birthing ... Views: 10924
In order to achieve our goals, we need to empower ourselves and be ready to change some aspects of our being to make room for another expression of G-d, or our individual notion of a power greater than ourselves. Your comfort with your role as a mother often depends on what others have told ... Views: 1460
A fortunate group of people get to the moment in their life where they consciously decide to procreate, go at it and the miracle happens. Many of us get pregnant first and then consider the consequences. While some couples prefer to take a completely relaxed approach ... Views: 1581
Postpartum Doula, do you need one?
Remember the adagio, it takes a village to raise a child? Well, only one hundred years ago new moms were surrounded by a village that not only helped with the new ... Views: 1291
Would you like to utilize an ancient secret to obtain more peace in your life, confidence and a painless childbirth? This is a simple but almost magical method for manifesting your heart desires.
Most of us have been programmed to believe that getting what we want involves struggle and effort. ... Views: 1233
Would you like to utilize an ancient secret to solve prblems and obtain more peace in your life? This is a simple but almost magical method for manifesting your heart desires. You've probably already used it and are quite familiar with it, but at times you forget how powerful,effective and easy ... Views: 1163
It’s Saturday night… Are you home alone again? How long has it been since you have been kissed? Loved? How long since you have felt those butterflies in your heart?
We know you don’t need a relationship to feel whole, or complete. You simply would love to share the joy and sorrows of your ... Views: 5340
What is PMS? For thousands of years women have cherished the moment when they bled. Girls looked forward to that passageway between childhood and womanhood. Our ancestors gathered in red tents and cared for each other during this magical period, we were held precious, for we owned the magic of ... Views: 1577
If you are really determined to manage your weight, I know you are willing to do anything to make it happen. Dieting alone will not do it, exercising alone will not do it; seeking the truth about the relationship you have with your body, with food, and with the messages you have heard from ... Views: 1193
Congratulation you are pregnant. You want to shout it to the world, but you are not sure how they are going to react at work, afterall you are such an important member of the "team!" Don't tell you employer about you pregnancy until you need to. When you need to will depend on your medical ... Views: 1213
from her book “Joy In Birthing: Daily Inspiration for a Natural and Painless Childbirth”
I confess -- I am bizarre! I look for places where I can feel that love is in the air. Sometimes I go to the airport arrival gate just to bask and be in the presence of love. Looking at people’s ... Views: 1201
Find harmony in the pleasure of giving time to yourself. A part of giving is cleansing yourself of any person, place or thing that does not contribute to your new state of serenity and replenishment. Sometimes we need to make room for the new by letting go of the old. Sometimes we need to say ... Views: 1328
“Sadness flies away on the wings of time.” Percy Bysshe Shelely
Dear God, take my fear of abandonment and mold it into a stone so that I may toss it into the river Petra. Transform my fear of loneliness into a cuddly teddy bear I can hold at night; ... Views: 1448
As I let go of all damaging beliefs about myself and others, I feel free.
Today, I visited my mind. It hosted many people in one big mansion. You know what I am talking about -- the committee up there. A judge, a worrier, a complainer, my mom and dad, my brother and even the nun ... Views: 1281
If you have not heard the term Doula yet, you are bound to soon. Doulas are sprouting up all over the country and many mothers refer to them as the women who have made their birthing experience a ‘dreamy’ one. What is a Doula, anyway? A Doula is a trained birth coach -- a surrogate mother ... Views: 2140