If it were easy, everyone would do it; everyone would have it. That "IT" is prosperity and we're all trying to achieve that stage in our lives where wealth, health, success are a daily part of our lives. So what's the problem? Why aren't some of us living a prosperous life? Read on, my friends...


Many people don't know what they truly want in life. They have not clarified exactly what they desire and where they want to be within a year, 5 years even 3 months. Because they don't know where they are going they drift along with the daily grind, totally forgetting that they want to attain true prosperity.


They are some that have a goal for their life, yet they do not know how to attain it. They go through the motions daily and never actually make a conscious decision to attain their goal.


Many are desperately trying to live a life of happiness, wealth and success. They are focused on achieving true prosperity but yet constantly find themselves struggling to attain it. It is this struggle that actually prevent them from being truly prosperous.


-False Evidence Appearing Real. This one 4-letter word prevents us from going forward to achieve all that we desire. What will our family think? Will our friends still like us? A very high percentage of persons fear success because of how it will affect us and our relationship with others.


As children and young adults our environment affects a great deal of our 'conditioning' and has a profound effect on the way we think, act and live. Our environment here could include our parents, our friends, television, politics, religion, school courses and our job. For example, the TV may constantly bombard us with images of prosperous persons as unhappy, as crooks or gangsters or as lonely or selfish. If we really believe this, who would want a lead a prosperous, successful life?


"I can't be bothered. This is too much work. It's too hard". Some persons simply cannot be bothered to achieve prosperity. They live each day in a trance, in a numb existence, going along with the status-quo and have no desire to change their lives for the better.


Some people don't want change. You may be hesitant to achieve your dreams, goals, you vision because once you do achieve true prosperity it may reduce your inventory of what is actually possible for you. It may mean that you grow beyond your partner, your friends and your family. What will that mean for you?


Our lives are stuck by the negativity we are drawn to in our daily lives. A large percentage of persons want to out do their co-workers or friends with the amount and magnitude of problems that they have. Most of us live our lives in total lack and shortage and that prevents us from achieving true prosperity.


It takes courage to be prosperous. It takes courage to make that decision and that change! We need to focus our thoughts towards our vision of true prosperity and hold to that vision. Once we have the courage and the beliefs, there is nothing we cannot achieve.


"It can't happen to us. Prosperity is for other people. They were born with a silver spoon in their mouth". We are programmed to think that being poor equals happiness. Our belief system totally affects how we live our lives. Its is these beliefs that hold us back from our true potential and our true prosperity.

Author's Bio: 

Sandra Baptist helps independent women take charge, effortlessly attract what they desire and live an outrageously prosperous life. The Prosperity Coaching Gym is now open. Please call Sandra at 1-800-666-4754 or visit her at http://www.EliteCoachingGroup.com for free consultations.