Blessings and Love to each of you!
Sanat Kumara and Friends
through Athene Raefiel
It appears on a world scale that the immediate changes are not happening fast enough. There is still a great need for balance and sustenance.
The Governing Bodies of the World have dedicated themselves to a ... Views: 1547
Important note: I am not an Astrologer
It is very important to take interest in, and learn about, the solar system and the Universe as a whole. Of course Astronomers and Astrologers have been saying this forever and a day, but it all seems so complex sometimes. I have decided to try and make ... Views: 1736
Some of you have heard of me and others have met with me. My name is Maitreya and I am often referred to as Ascended Master. Please understand that I title myself only as Maitreya.
I have been here since the inception of humankind as a guide and a teacher. So many of the souls now inhabiting ... Views: 1647
Each of you is made up of many different levels of energetic light and vibrations. In order to understand and participate within all levels of self and consciousness you must allow yourself to be free of physical thought.
If you do not control it, physical thought will dictate who you are and ... Views: 1278
It is time for action and movement as there has been a melancholic energy that has affected many who are currently ready to move forward. Ask of the Higher Realms that they assist you in this movement. Recognize where you have been, where you are at and where you believe yourself ready to move ... Views: 1441
This day in age many people are finding themselves single through a chasm of ages. Many are in their forties, fifties and sixties. As we get a little older and hopefully wiser we begin to realize that we need different things in a relationship than what we originally had thought. Love of course ... Views: 1264
Being a Metaphysician I sometimes feel as if I am living in the world of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Often I feel that I ride in my spaceship that I call my life, and am in communication with many otherworldly beings from different dimensions and galaxies, which are my advisors and my ... Views: 2535
2010 The Beginning of A New Cycle
On December 31 2009, we experienced a Full Moon. This particular moon was also a blue Moon, (second full moon in same month), and was also a Partial Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Cancer. Blue moon eclipses are a rarity and the next one will not arrive until ... Views: 1254
My dearest Raphael, I ask these questions on behalf of all who need your insight and love.
When now President Barack Obama won the election in November 2008, I felt a major shift in consciousness happen, not just that day but all through the process of his inauguration. I know that when many ... Views: 1433
My dearest Raphael, I ask these questions on behalf of all who need your insight and love.
When now President Barack Obama won the election in November 2008, I felt a major shift in consciousness happen, not just that day but all through the process of his inauguration. I know that when many ... Views: 1347
Once we embark into the vivid world of dreaming we begin noticing that we really do see many differences in what we are experiencing and learning from our dreams. Like all other Metaphysical tools, when we practice and pay attention to dreaming we begin to see a wide variety of changes in our ... Views: 1381
Using dreams and their interpretations is an art that can easily be developed to assist in our spiritual development. Using our dreams can aid us in understanding different elements of our lives and ourselves. With the world around us continuing to rev up its pace, requiring more and more of our ... Views: 1218
Letting Go
We have been taught to believe, that letting go means to push away or suppress. However, true letting go is a process of integration and healing.
Letting go can be a misleading statement because it gives the impression of separation. By integrating a situation that involves you, ... Views: 891
In September 2006 there was a partial Eclipse of the Moon September 7th in Pisces as well as an Annular Eclipse of the Sun, September 22, in Virgo. On the same day of this September 22nd Solar Eclipse, the Sun also entered the sign of Libra on the 2006 Autumnal Equinox.
After the end of this ... Views: 1178
Spirituality is the only thing that brings lasting purpose into life. Spiritual beings are aware of themselves as soul and spirit beings, therefore their eternal essence. Each physical incarnation is a short experience in the framework of soul existence. When we seek to find purpose in our life, ... Views: 1032
Numbers are the only exact science of the Universe that we have. To work with numbers and discover how they have the ability to trigger memories within the soul consciousness has been documented by many a metaphysician. Numbers help up to understand energy and vibration. They assist us in using ... Views: 2078
Depression is one of those things that nobody really understands. Every person being unique in how they experience depression also varies from individual to individual. Basically most people who have chronic depression feel paranoid and sad. They often feel that there is something wrong with ... Views: 945
Numbers are the only exact science of the Universe that we have. To work with numbers and discover how they have the ability to trigger memories within the soul consciousness has been documented by many a metaphysician. Numbers help up to understand energy and vibration. They assist us in using ... Views: 1075
Chronic pain is something that is hard to explain to someone who does not experience it. Chronic pain may be physical, emotional, mental, or all of these. When we have pain, and we cannot stop it no matter what we do, it is chronic. All chronic pain is similar to a ... Views: 1247
The emanation of the Seven Rays is the same as the Seven Heavens created by the mind of God. From each ray, emanates another light and then another and so on ad-infinitum. These emanations make up all life upon our planet, including our solar system, cosmos and divine heavens.
The Seven Rays ... Views: 1111
Great transformational energies and much personal activation is being experienced by all since The Harmonic Convergence in 1987 and the Harmonic Concordance in November 2003. Many new gateways of energy opened up to assist the lightworkers on Earth to process through past soul memories and open ... Views: 1514
What happens when you listen in the silence? Listening in the silence is an art. When you first begin all you hear are your own thoughts. They become so loud that most people simply want to block them out. Those who meditate and use relaxation techniques learn to quiet ... Views: 1336
Excerpt from "Getting to the Heart: Journey of Transformation and Spiritual Enlightenment" Trafford Publishing by Athene Raefiel
In your search for understanding meditation is the stage where you begin to move from the outer realms of consciousness to the inner realms. Remember everything you ... Views: 1499
Excerpt from "Getting to the Heart: Journey of Transformation and Spiritual Enlightenment" Trafford Publishing by Athene Raefiel
We process to help us to let go of old emotional, physical and mental baggage. With processing we can learn to change existing patterns and implement others. We ... Views: 1256
It is true that everyone is psychic. Our psychic and intuitive perception is god given. These things are natural to us when we are born of body. They reside within the lower three chakras of the etheric consciousness, emotional consciousness and astral consciousness.
Often called instinct ... Views: 1832
Becoming aware of spirit is easy, accepting their presence and role in life is more difficult. To begin the process of seeing and hearing spirit for yourself, I recommend that you make it a priority. Communicating with spirit means spending time in the silence of daily life. It is there in the ... Views: 1622
Many people believe that they can leave the past behind simply by not thinking about it. The past, the present and the future are all interconnected and one part cannot exist without the others. When we push the past away we begin to stuff our feelings. We become disconnected and fragmented. We ... Views: 4281