This article represents a series of e-mails I had with a person about their personal power. - Frederick Zappone
Comment: No matter what I do, I can't make my dreams come true. The harder I work at making my dreams come true, the less results I achieve. My dream is to be a master salesman on ... Views: 1142
We are brought up in a STUFF IT society. In other words, it is more important to be politically correct and look good than it is to tell 'our truth' even if our truth is upsetting. Because we are brought up in a STUFF IT society there are things that people stew about for years then one day ... Views: 1319
Whether many of us will admit it or not, we are deeply ungrateful for what we have. It is a habit we acquired during the time the attitude 'more is better' was the dominate attitude of modern civilization. Becoming a Gratitude MASTER has not been easy for me... It has taken me years of ... Views: 2139
Every time I have given money to someone coming from the FEELING GOOD space inside of me, it has come back to me, in a short period of time, from sources unexpected, multiplied a minimum of 10 times and as much as a 100 times....
All I have to do is wait for the FEEL GOOD feeling to come over ... Views: 1099
Attracting WEALTH, effortlessly, by Living in the Moment...
Living in the moment has everything to do with whether or not you will live your life with money in abundance or experience a lack of money...
All of life happens in the moment.... Anything you are thinking in regards to the past or ... Views: 967
The nine (9) most important things I learned about money that allowed me to go from being a failure around money to a master of it are listed below.
1. Money problems wake us up to our unconscious "self-defeating" beliefs about money.
2. Most people are in denial that they even have a ... Views: 1181
Question: You have such a refreshing set of attitudes about the subject of money. How did you develop your attitudes?
Answer: I learned to be happy without money and in the process I became a Money Master. I must admit, you do not have to learn to be happy without money in order to become a ... Views: 1069
(An Interview with the Money Master.)
Gary: Everybody wants more money, right???
Money Master : Not everyone, only those people who experience a sense of lack or limitation around money want more of it. If you knew you could create the money you needed, ... Views: 2649