You ALWAYS get what you want
You ALWAYS get what you want
The role of the subconscious in secretly shaping your
If you’re like me, you’re probably thinking “I definitely don’t always get
what I want!” I hear you, but hang in there a minute, open ... Views: 1300
I was watching Gladiator - you know the blockbuster where the Roman General Maximus goes through hell when he doesn't accept the position of Emporer of Rome. His family is murdered, he is sold as a slave and forced to be a gladiator. He becomes an unwilling paid assasin. Watching the sunset with ... Views: 2465
Imagine never again getting upset when someone disagrees with you, tells you you're wrong, or contradicts you. Imagine enjoying and growing from this experience. Before we get started though, let me clear something up. Not arguing doesn't mean being weak or accepting whatever anyone else says. ... Views: 1435
“The heavens themselves, the planets and this center,
Observe degree, priority and place
Office and custom, in all line of order “
– Shakespeare, Troilus and Cressida, Act I, sc. 3, 1.85
“There are no accidents.”
- Alan Walter
Everything you did today, everything you have ... Views: 1169
When Martin Luther King stood on the steps and proclaimed "I have a dream!" he did more than give a speech.
When John F Kennedy told America that he saw a man on the moon, he was not just giving a speech.
When these great men communicated, they did more than speak. They projected their vision ... Views: 1015