The Resume
Who are you? No, I don’t mean the job you have. Share with me your dreams, desires and values. Are you trusted, honest, respect others, loyal to family, and friends?
How old are you? No, not your age, but your thoughts and acts; are you cast in cement or taking a journey where you ... Views: 1438
The Pain of Love
A poet’s love poem takes us to the heavens,
with memories of sharing beauty and joy.
With the skill of an artist the poet paints,
a word picture of hearts that embrace,
dreams of futures that will never end.
Those lonely years, finally the one that makes my soul sing.
But at ... Views: 1407
Men are forcing themselves to suppress pain and by doing so, are also suppressing love. Humans cannot filter or suppress one set of emotions without impacting all emotions. He now appears to be insensitive, hardened, unfeeling, callous, thick skinned, numb, and sometimes dead.
Try cutting a ... Views: 1396
• Fear that he is not lovable.
• Fear of failure.
• Fear of not being in control.
• Fear of not knowing.
• Fear of rejection.
• Fear that if you find out who he really is you will not want him.
• Fear of ... Views: 8247
Your love for me has wilted away and died
My favorite flower is the rose.
Just looking at its beauty takes my breath away.
You have been my rose through all these years.
As often as possible I would bring you a rose to share your exceptional beauty with.
Soon we will part and the tradition ... Views: 1492
How an abuser can become accountable to friends and family – Most important is that both parties achieve “Emotional Maturity” in their adult life. This one giant step may be the magic pill that you have needed all your life.
... Views: 3002
Abusive Behavior Part 3
By Wayne L. Misner
18. Were you abusive with your children?
The breakdown of the 94.71% who answered:
Male Female
... Views: 1547
Abusive Behavior Part 2
By Wayne L. Misner
12. Do you physically force or emotionally coerce your partner to have sex?
The breakdown of the 98.43% who answered:
... Views: 1744
It's very possible the questionnaire can be skewed in various ways. For a number of reasons more women have filled out the form. It’s possible that men who have been abused may be too embarrassed to admit it. Mirroring the old joke of men not asking for directions, it seems they ... Views: 1724
I would like to thank the men and women who took the time to share their personal stories and complete the survey questions for us. This was not a scientific survey. However the candid answers may help the reader who is going through the same type of emotions. (The questions and a small sampling ... Views: 1822
You have heard it said, “Caught hook, line and sinker”. However, it is a pleasant caught. A mutual decision most of the time. You both start out in life your own color. Maybe you are red, they are yellow and as a couple when you are both mixed together you become a pair that is ... Views: 1347
“It is not necessary to understand
things in order to argue about them.”
Caron de Beaumarchais
This proverb encouraged me to write “Fighting Rules.”
Next time you are upset with one ... Views: 1066
A number of years ago, one of the well-known women’s magazines surveyed divorced women. One question asked was, “Why did you get a divorce?” The answers were--he was lazy, would not work, an alcoholic, on drugs, cheated, was abusive (emotional, physical, sexual, mental, verbal), and many other ... Views: 1104
The Garage Sale
Look at where you are in life. Look at each other. Each of us is a composite of our experiences--the good, the bad, and the ugly. When someone comes into our life they accept us for who we are, baggage and all.
Imagine we are in a “Garage Sale,” sitting in a driveway on ... Views: 1029
One of the most confusing areas of the divorce procedure is the parent who not only divorces the spouse but the children as well. When some men and women leave the marriage and get divorced, regardless who made the decision to quit the marriage, they ... Views: 1144
KIDS (Rules & Consequences)
The combinations of the mixed family unit come in many varieties: her kid(s), his kid(s), and their kid(s) together. The ages of the kids and the stages they are going though also create ... Views: 1310
Anger & The Cycle Theory
The cycle theory, consisting of some form of tension building stage, then the explosion stage, then the honeymoon stage, is just one of many theories around today. It does seem that when anyone holds in all of their emotions and tries to control them, the tension ... Views: 1145
I had a male friend who would have breakfast with me on Sunday mornings every once in a while. On one of these occasions, we were eating breakfast and he seemed preoccupied and in his own little world. I asked him if there was anything wrong, and he started to explain that his ... Views: 1175
Since Paul Anka wrote Frank Sinatra’s great hit song, My Way, everyone now has done it “My Way”. I attend wedding receptions, karaoke nights, birthday parties, anniversary parties, and the never ending list gets bigger. What do I find but someone singing, My Way. I hate it! I hate the people ... Views: 1264
My heart is a big wheel of Swiss cheese. It has large holes representing traumas from life events that have felt as harsh as death itself. As devastating as gun shot wounds, these holes have scarred me forever. Deaths--suicides--divorce--broken relationships--my failures--my mistakes and one ... Views: 1386
Emotional Baggage is the “Stuff” hidden in the closets of your mind
We all have some kind of “Stuff” cluttering our lives. It is so easy for the psychological “Stuff” to accumulate. It can come from childhood disasters, broken relationships, etc. We store this “Stuff” in closets, attics, ... Views: 1199
I had a male friend who would have breakfast with me on Sunday mornings every once in a while. On one of these occasions, we were eating breakfast and he seemed preoccupied and in his own little world. I asked him if there was anything wrong, and he started to explain that his dog had died ... Views: 1428