“The aborigines of Australia believe everything exists on the planet for a reason. Everything in Oneness has a purpose. There are no freaks, misfits, or accidents. There are only things that humans do not understand. There are only misunderstandings and mysteries not yet revealed to mortal ... Views: 1463
“So Certain Are You?”
By Keith Varnum
As you face your personal challenges in the New Year, is Yoda of Star Wars referring to you?
“So certain are you? Always with you it cannot be done.”
Do you find yourself agreeing with Luke Skywalker?
“Moving stones around is one thing. ... Views: 1281
In my life I’ve been fortunate to witness many healings and miracles. From this direct experience I’ve noticed seven essentials ingredients to allowing magic in one’s life:
1. Realize that there are no real “secrets” to magic
The keys to successful manifestation are apparent and obvious ... Views: 1298
“No, I can’t go. They’ll find out!”
And once again—as she had every summer since she left home 15
years ago—she cried.
Tammy missed just sitting on the big front porch of the
farmhouse with her grandmother, sipping homemade peppermint
tea, counting the five cars that would pass by on ... Views: 1096
“Each of you has already decided when you’re going to die?”
A few in the audience gasp with astonishment. Several others laugh with derision—and a little nervous apprehension that the speaker might be right. Many squirm uncomfortably in their seats. And several folks dramatically bolt from ... Views: 1289
How to Find Your Passion
By Keith Varnum
"Passion? Purpose? ... How 'bout just a reason to get out of bed in the morning?"
At one low point in my life I’m tired of just being a waiter and retail store clerk. (Gee, what a surprise!) I’m pushing 30 and still don't have a clue as to what ... Views: 1222
“Oh, my God! I can see perfectly!” … What a shock!
On a break in the workshop, I walk outside of the conference
room onto a high desert mesa near Sedona. I look out at a
surprisingly crisp, clear vision of Arizona’s famous purple
mountains at sunset. My eyesight hasn’t been this sharp ... Views: 1443
Why would someone want to get in trouble on purpose?
Well, if you were a masochist? Or an idiot? Or crazy? Or all
of the above?
No, it’s more like someone who’s decided to “play with
trouble” as a lifestyle choice!
I learned this edgy approach to life from my unusual parents.
As many ... Views: 2259
What the heck is the Matrix? The question alone invites
intrigue and wonder.
The Morphogenic Unified Field. The space-time continuum. The
Wave. Oneness. Grace. Home.
The Matrix goes by many names. Some scientific. Some
mystical. All magical!
Why? Because the mere mention of the word ... Views: 1420
After The Great Forgetting
By our own design, since birth most of us have kept ourselves in the dark about who we really are and what our true nature and destiny are as humans. The most significant omission has been the truth of our natural spiritual wisdom and power.
The Aborigines of ... Views: 1140
“Whoa! What’s goin’ on?” I shouted. “Feels like there’s a volcano erupting in me!”
Wide-eyed, Jerry stared at me with dropped jaw. He’d swear I was just kiddin’ ‘cept my body was starting to bounce erratically up and down in the booth. ... Views: 981
Does your life have heart?
Does your life have soul?
“Heart and soul I fell in love with you!” as the old song
Your Heroic Journey is something you can fall in love with!
If you want to truly have a good time this round on earth,
then discover the Epic Journey you are ... Views: 1024
“As a Man Thinketh is written for all those seeking wisdom and tranquility in a turbulent, complex world,” suggests its author James Allen.
This clear, concise book has been one of the world's best-selling and most widely loved inspirational works. Allen‘s words have helped millions for more ... Views: 1114
Every time we open our mouths, every time we write a line of an email or text message, we’re authoring our current story—and fashioning our future! Through the meaning and vibration of the words we use, we’re attracting the next events of our lives. We’re energizing our current reality—and ... Views: 968
Be realistic. Expect a miracle!
- Rajneesh
How much do our expectations have to do with what happens in our life? Everything! Way more than most people give themselves credit for!
The “Tao” means the Way of Nature, the Way of the Universe—the way things work. The Tao of Positive ... Views: 1051
I cringed at every loaded word in the title of Dale Carnegie’s celebrated book, How to Win Friends and Influence People! My mother—God bless her!—made me take the Dale Carnegie Training forty years ago when I was in junior high school. The idea that I had to change myself to “win” friends and ... Views: 909
“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve." - Napoleon Hill
Before the now famous CD The Secret came Napoleon Hill’s 1937 motivational revelation Think and Grow Rich. The classic began the explosion of personal empowerment that continues unabated to this day. Hill ... Views: 990
When’s the last time you had a good laugh? Take a moment to relive the good feelings that come with real laughter.
We pay money to laugh. At the movies and a comedy clubs. We stay up to catch the jokes on late night talk shows. We delight in finding something funny in our lives to laugh at. ... Views: 1233
Every time someone asks us a question, we have a choice to make, “How much truth shall I express?” “How much of my True Self should I reveal?”
Among our choices are the “convenient” truth, the “diplomatic” truth, the “socially accepted” truth, or the “absolute” truth—that is, “the whole truth ... Views: 891
“What Am I Doing Here?” It’s ironic that one of the questions people on this planet ask themselves most is also one of the questions that goes most unanswered. After a few years of fruitless inquiry, many people resign themselves to never knowing their own unique Soul Vision for this ... Views: 887
One of the most ancient forms of spiritual practice is to go into Nature to mark the changes in our life journey, clarify a situation, seek healing, or reclaim our true place in the natural order of things.
There often comes a time when you must leave family, friends and work to go off alone ... Views: 1007
Daily stress getting to you? Want more peace and joy in your life? With terrorism, layoffs and pollution, can you feel safe and happy? Yes, you can—by tapping into Divine Source. We each have our own personal portal to the security, love, money and health we desire.
During many years of ... Views: 897
It’s a little corny now to quote this old rag of Bob Dylan’s. However, as a teenager the lyrics and spirit of the song lit a spark of recognition in my heart when I listened to it over and over again. The song’s refrain was not a cliché then. To me, the song was a call to arms—a call to come ... Views: 891
Would you like to spend as much time as possible feeling good? Happy? Contented?
The ancient shamans have a secret practice that can help you maximize your pleasure in life—and minimize your pain. Interested?
The shamans advise: “Welcome discomfort!”
They’ve got to be kidding!
No, they’re ... Views: 987
Watch your thoughts. They become words.
Watch your words. They become actions.
Watch your actions. They become habits.
Watch your habits. They become character.
Watch your character. It becomes your destiny.
- Frank Outlaw
Do you sometimes feel that your life is totally out of your control? ... Views: 944
During many years of observing others and myself searching for fulfillment, I’ve noticed an essential ingredient is often missing. I call this ingredient sovereignty, self-sufficiency or total independence from outside sources. Without this quality in its authentic form, no one I know has been ... Views: 1197
With a leprechaun glint in his eye, my grandfather used to whisper in my ear, “If success were any closer to ya, it’d bite yer nose off!” Being an all-knowing teenager, I felt he was nuts. I couldn’t spot my fortune anywhere around me. I couldn’t see how I could accomplish any of the myriad of ... Views: 1148
“What’s it like being a spiritual person?” Joe persisted.
Pulling in more wind than the sailboat could balance, I purposely tipped over the catamaran to avoid the question. I was determined to dampen my friend’s insistence that I was somehow different from other people. Yet despite my avoidance ... Views: 1090
An ingenious spiritual teacher, Lester Levenson, shifts people out of old, crippling emotional patterns with the simple suggestion: “That was Then. This is Now.”
This statement of truth reminds us that our pain and suffering occurred in the past—and brings us into the present to see if the ... Views: 946
In my experience, every event in our lives carries a message. Of course, some occurrences are more significant than others. These significant events are considered signs or messages from Spirit, or Higher Self. The purpose of all signs is to get our attention. For what reason? To get us to ... Views: 1047
To look is one thing.
To see what you look at is another.
To understand what you see is a third.
To learn from what you understand is still something else.
But to act on what you learn is all that really matters!
- Native American Wisdom
Your spirit has great plans for you this lifetime! Want ... Views: 997
When I was nineteen, I read my first self-improvement book. Wow, I could make my living doing something I loved to do? Amazingly good news? … Not!
When I encountered this exciting proposition, I got really depressed. Depressed? The message of these books was supposed to be uplifting and ... Views: 949
Amazing Powers of the New Children
In increasing numbers every year, "New Children" are being born around the world who have "x-ray" vision, move objects through the air with their minds, and know the future. And these abilities are just the tip of the iceberg!
"The New Kids on the Block" are ... Views: 1413
“If you work for money, you are no better than a slave. If you do anything you don’t enjoy in life, you are no better than a slave!”
Wow! Strong words from my first spiritual teacher. Michio Kushi was my adopted second father, so his pronouncement hit home. When he first expressed his view, I ... Views: 1029
To pursue happiness is an inalienable right. To experience happiness is not. No one owes you happiness. No one can ensure your happiness. Happiness is a choice—your choice.
The key to experiencing happiness is to put joy on your life agenda along with completing tasks and goals. Joy is a direct ... Views: 944
10 Tips to Make Life More Fun
Contrary to the opinion of many parents, it’s OK to want to have fun in everything you do in life. It’s not selfish, insensitive or self-centered. Wanting life to be fun is natural, normal and healthy.
Every aspect of life goes better with fun. Fun can lubricate ... Views: 931
1. Act whimsically at least once a day.
Do something that is outrageous or totally out of character, out of the box, not the “usual” you. Invite spontaneity. Do something meaningless, without any purpose or value—just because you feel like it, just because it’s fun! Surprise yourself!
Don’t ... Views: 961
Many people living on the planet right now have volunteered to accept the opportunity to play teaching, healing, inspirational and leadership roles during this current planetary transformation. These assignments have been accepted by the individual’s soul prior to birth. Most folks have a kind ... Views: 1059
What’s missing? I don’t get it! I chant and pray. I meditate, exercise and do yoga every day. I go to a godzillion workshops. Why don’t I feel better? Why don’t I have the love, money and health I want? Where is the direct connection with Spirit I crave?
Sound familiar? If so, help is on the ... Views: 1420
Grandma has a scrumptious, old-family recipe for chocolate pecan pie that melts in your mouth. Uncle Bert whips up a killer BBQ sauce for ribs (or grilled tofu). I’ve discovered a more direct route to happiness—a tantalizing recipe for alchemy!
According to Webster’s dictionary, alchemy is not ... Views: 1243
Riding a rush, being juiced, flying high—this is the feeling we strive for every day.
What’s the huge attraction to this heightened state? Many medical authorities would have us believe that the desire for a constant high is an addiction—and an unhealthy and unrealistic one at that.
A ... Views: 963
Surf the Wave of Abundance
By Keith Varnum
Bank account bare? Bedroom barren? Body running on empty? Buddha not showing up? Why?
Maybe because your beat is off! You’re out of step with the AbunDance. It’s a dance that requires flexibility, fluidity and, above all, the willingness to flow with ... Views: 1107
There is an art and a science to prosperity. The art is playing with the magic of prosperity. The science is aligning with the physics of prosperity.
Play at Life!
Why does the money run out? Why doesn't passion stay around? Why doesn’t health last?
Perhaps because we’re not playing. ... Views: 1044
Love focuses attention. When you really love something, you are naturally pouring your interest and appreciation toward the object of your love. The driving core of this concern and care, on an electro-magnetic level, is creative life force. As our love flows toward the object of our love, the ... Views: 1239
What's your dream? Want to give your vision a jumpstart? Write down your goals and use these questions to speed up delivery of your dream.
1. What's your highest priority this lifetime?
What's most important for you to experience, explore or embrace this time around? Until you answer this ... Views: 1278
Switch to a Better Channel!
Peril, catastrophe and disaster.
These are our friends, allies and mentors.
Appearing as enemies on the surface, these seeming threats are our most helpful teachers on our Earth adventure. These apparent foes repeatedly demonstrate how we humans have awesome power ... Views: 881
Switch to a Better Channel!
Peril, catastrophe and disaster.
These are our friends, allies and mentors.
Appearing as enemies on the surface, these seeming threats are our most helpful teachers on our Earth adventure. These apparent foes repeatedly demonstrate how we humans have awesome power ... Views: 1047
Switch to a Better Channel!
Peril, catastrophe and disaster.
These are our friends, allies and mentors.
Appearing as enemies on the surface, these seeming threats are our most helpful teachers on our Earth adventure. These apparent foes repeatedly demonstrate how we humans have awesome power ... Views: 781
Switch to a Better Channel!
Peril, catastrophe and disaster.
These are our friends, allies and mentors.
Appearing as enemies on the surface, these seeming threats are our most helpful teachers on our Earth adventure. These apparent foes repeatedly demonstrate how we humans have awesome power ... Views: 911
I can see the cops coming! They're a good thousand feet away. I can clearly make out their uniforms and swinging nightsticks. How can I be seeing this?
I didn't dare mention it to my fellow underage drinking mates lounging with me on the grassy knoll in the park. Am I making this up? Projecting ... Views: 1203