What happens when you're the only one listening?
Twenty years ago, when we were moving into a new place, a young man helped us out. The son of one of my wife’s friends, he was 14 or 15 years old and just out of a residential drug rehab program.
He and I sat in our rented moving truck ... Views: 1232
I was looking at an online news story where someone made some kind of blunder, and it was referred to as a "Teachable Moment."
As I read it, I gave a little smile inward. Aren't they all teachable moments?
Of course they are! And those who choose to approach the consequences of their ... Views: 1246
One of my favorite movies is The Shawshank Redemption. It's about a man who is falsely imprisoned for murdering his wife.
Andy, the main character did everything he could over the twenty years of time in which the movie took place to keep his dignity and sanity. He carved chess pieces out of ... Views: 1264
One morning I was making Sunday breakfast for my two daughters. Eggs, toast, juice and children’s nutritional shakes were the order of the day. They saw the bounty in front of them and started chowing down.
About halfway into their plates they each asked for more, even though their pace ... Views: 2588
I was having a telephone coaching session with one of my clients the other day. She wants to build a networking business. Pretty common.
This particular individual is one of the most gracious, warm, generous people you'll ever meet. And her self-confidence is growing everyday.
The one piece ... Views: 1452
A few years ago there was a person on one of the social network sites I play around on and contribute to. She asked for my help on a personal issue, and I gave her some guidance that seemed to be really helpful.
It felt good. I was in flow. I was providing this wonderful service to someone ... Views: 1195
Originally written October 29, 2007. I'm dusting it off in anticipation of what's to come in 2008 - and perhaps beyond!
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"Dad, will you help me with my pumpkin?"
The thing I've been trying to avoid has just happen. How do you say no to your 11 year old who needs help getting the "guts" ... Views: 1204
This is a true story about becoming the person you see yourself to be, and how you can change your identity if you'd like.
It's about a woman - we'll call her Cindy, but I have no memory of what her name actually was - who bought nutrition and weight loss products from us years ago at the ... Views: 1234
As we've seen time and time again, people kill themselves when fortunes are lost. Like The Great Depression.
And as we've also seen people kill others when fortunes are lost, often their own families. It's something that happens with animals when their offspring get sick or when the parent ... Views: 1271
I went to the Abraham Hicks Art of Allowing Workshop on Sunday October 5 in Tarrytown, NY. It was my third workshop, so I knew what to expect. I wasn't disappointed - it was a transforming experience.
Perhaps one of the most fascinating parts of it was when I went to purchase the CD recording ... Views: 1438
So there's, Sarah, my "Little Girl," now 12, hopping around like a lunatic. She's inside a large cardboard box that, three hours ago had a new vacuum cleaner in it.
I suppose it's like moths to the light for kids, even those on the verge of being teenagers. The lure of hopping around in a big ... Views: 1050
I'm driving down Farmington Avenue, the main drag in Bristol, Connecticut this morning. I'm already in a good mood, as one of the primary intentions I set out for myself yesterday has already manifested. As I head west toward the high school I looked up at the sky.
I see something ... Views: 1227
It's 10:00 am on a Sunday morning. I'm sitting at my laptop typing these words out. Next to me is a gorgeous peanut butter and jelly tortilla.
That's right, I said peanut butter and jelly tortilla. Not sandwich. Not muffin. Not bagel. Tortilla.
The peanut butter is store brand chunky. A few ... Views: 4295
I was all excited. I upgraded my gym membership to "Black Card" status. Ten dollars a month more, which was a small price to pay for the enhanced benefits.
No, it wasn't the tanning beds.
No, it wasn't half price on the cooler drinks.
No, it wasn't the privilege of bringing a guest for free ... Views: 1037
A chilly Friday morning. I go out to start the car.
I see a deer in the front yard, not the backyard, where I'm accustomed to seeing them.
This guys is BIG. A full rack of antlers. Looks very much like the alpha male of his group.
There are only about fifty feet between him and me. The ... Views: 935
It's 9:00 am on Saturday. I'm taking a few minutes and putting fingers to keyboard and eyes on the screen. Then I'm going out and enjoying a marvelous combination of beautiful weather and material abundance. The weather was created by nature. The abundance was created by all of us (with nature ... Views: 1153
A funny thing happened at the end of Abraham's Art of Allowing Workshop I recently attended in Burlington, Massachusetts.
I headed over to the restroom along with half of the rest of the crowd. As usual the men had a short wait while the women were piled up in a line outside the restroom ... Views: 1061
Picture this: a McDonalds restaurant in Southern Florida on a Saturday afternoon.
One of the crew members, a typical young male teenager is on his break. He sits down at the dining room table getting ready to dig into his fast food meal. He takes out his Whopper and starts chomping.
... Views: 1033
I drove into Saratoga County New York to present my Juggle to Success Program at a business conference organized by my friend Melissa. She introduced me to Christine, the Master (Mistress?) of Ceremonies.
"Oh, you're the guru."
My first thought was to decline the honor, a vestige of a ... Views: 1229
(This was written in 2002. Sarah is now a happy, healthy 11 year old.)
I received a very important lesson from my five year old daughter Sarah this morning.
In a moment of good humor and affection I decided to smother Sarah with kisses and love. So I called her from upstairs in a stern ... Views: 1112
So I'm sitting in a local coffee joint with my new friend Ben. He's young, excited, a talented photographer and just waiting to see what the world will bring him next.
And like most 18 year olds, his view of the world is limited to what he's already seen.
He knows he wants something more ... Views: 1058
So I'm at the gym last Saturday doing a set of upper body exercises. It was a good session. In fact I felt like I was "maxing out" some of the exercises with the amount of weight I was using, particularly biceps and shoulders. I figured it was time to add on some more weight.
I certainly could ... Views: 1090
Much as I like his music, Tom Petty had it wrong when he wrote “The Waiting Is The Hardest Part.”
It’s 12:10 am on Tuesday. I’m leaving for Scottsdale, Arizona in six hours and nine minutes. Sitting in my living room now typing these words. I unpacked the laptop, since I gave up on the idea of ... Views: 938
I work with a number of coaching clients who are building other aspects of their lives besides the ones they're used to. The usual stuff: network marketing businesses, coaching practices, traditional businesses, etc.
Some of these amazing people have figured out they're in the wrong line of ... Views: 1003
Before I started writing, coaching and performing my juggling gig, I ran in the home business/MLM world. It was great. Exciting. Loved it. Did pretty well too. I still get my residual check years after walking away from the business.
There were lots of dead bodies on the side of that ... Views: 1225
I'm getting ready to go to the gym. And I'm wearing them...my usual sneakers.
They work. Plenty comfortable enough. They're dirty though. There the same sneakers that stepped in many puddles and climbed the hills at Red Rock Canyon last summer, not to mention many other dirty places.
As I'm ... Views: 924
Influence. We all want it. Some for different purposes than others.
Some want to attract customers or clients. Some want to get people to do things that serve their own interests, or that of someone else they regard.
Some want to attract a partner, spouse, child, big sack o' money, ... Views: 1027
Influence. We all want it. Some for different purposes than others.
Some want to attract customers or clients. Some want to get people to do things that serve their own interests, or that of someone else they regard.
Some want to attract a partner, spouse, child, big sack o' money, ... Views: 895
So I'm sitting in a local coffee joint with my new friend Ben. He's young, excited, a talented photographer and just waiting to see what the world will bring him next.
And like most 18 year olds, his view of the world is limited to what he's already seen.
He knows he wants something more ... Views: 968
We just got finished with a birthday weekend for my older daughter. My wife and I noticed something really cool that was happening with her...something that has everything to do with expereincing abundance.
Here's the story: there was a time in our lives when we were watching every dime. We ... Views: 1057
Temper tantrums. They're a great way of putting a problem off until a later time.
They feel good, they're just plain fun to have sometimes. Give you a sense of power, don't they?
Did you know that most of the time, when you have a real temper tantrum you have given up just about all your ... Views: 1047
I got a vision today of the concept of clairvoyance, or clear vision. Most people see this as someone who peers into the future, tells you the winning lottery numbers, and predicts the date and time of your death.
No doubt there are some people who have this kind of talent (gift may not be the ... Views: 1178
I found a wonderful little trick to change the way I see other people. Along the way, I found the person it had changed the most was myself.
Here's how it started: My wife and I were talking about how everyone has a spark of the Divine in them, no matter what path they may have chosen in ... Views: 1357
"Dad, do you know the story about Lucky the Dog?"
"Yes, Jill. I do."
"No, not that one. The other one."
My two girls had just come back from several days with my parents and had been regaled with stories from the past. So naturally they wanted to share them with me.
I'd grown up with ... Views: 1079
I found a wonderful little trick to change the way I see other people. Along the way, I found the person it had changed the most was myself.
Here's how it started: My wife and I were talking about how everyone has a spark of the Divine in them, no matter what path they may have chosen in ... Views: 1176
Imagine a very muscular guy, surrounded by lots of weaker people. He's just finished lifting his weights. He's feeling strong and confident, ready to take on the world.
On his way out of the gym he finds a giant boulder in his path. He must get past it. It's in his way. He's got places to go, ... Views: 1361
It's a simple act...one that doesn't get a lot of attention.
On T.V. they compete to see who can be seen and heard the most.
Same thing on the playground.
And in the meeting room.
And in the Friday night watering hole.
And in Congress.
And in the P.T.A. meeting.
Guess ... Views: 2060