The Shaman’s Journey
The Value of Emotional Control
The power of emotion is a subject that few have talked about yet it is a gift given to us of immense value. A Shaman not only realizes the value of emotion but learns to control that power to effect healing and manifestation of all good ... Views: 2062
Aho! I am using an analogy this morning to explain this teaching to you. We are walking through a forest. We created this forest with our beliefs. It is unique to us and not like anyone else's forest. No one else can walk in our own forest, only us. Everything that is beautiful here we created ... Views: 1311
One day long ago, I was walking by a rice paddy farm and I noticed that there were no people working in the fields. I was hungry and looking for work and so I went to the farmhouse to ask if I could work in the fields for food and housing. The owner of the farm came out and shook my hand and ... Views: 1836
We gather tools as we walk the road of life. So many we just put away and let dust gather on them as though they are bits of intellectual knowledge that have no bearing on our reality here and now. But the Shaman recognizes that every piece of knowledge, even every experience has a direct ... Views: 4662
Walking in gratitude is not a hard thing to do yet it is the basis of a happy life and your own personal power. Native Americans give thanks to Mother Earth for everything they have. Christians give thanks before they eat. Shamans give thanks to the universe for all that they are.
When we walk ... Views: 1978
Welcome to the river of life!
You have an inner tube to float along in. It is yours and will never be taken away from you. Float with me down this river of life. We can't see where the river is going, we can't see around the next bend, but look there over you head, grab that fruit off the ... Views: 1123
What you think does matter!
What you are thinking about is what you are attracting to you this very moment! What you are intending for yourself or for someone or something else around you is going to happen. And do you know why bad things happen more often than good things? Because we walk ... Views: 2015
If you ever visit the island of Grenada, you will see that it is a poor but very beautiful country. There is not much to buy as a souvenir there. But while you are lounging on the black sand beaches a man will come along with palm fronds in his arms and he will sit down beside you and make a hat ... Views: 2513
Part One: The Shaman and Intent
Intent + Emotion + Knowledge = Shaman
There are 3 elements to being a Shaman: intent, emotional control and impeccable skills. Here we will look at intent.
"Intent is not a thought, or an object, or a wish. Intent is what can make a man succeed when his thoughts ... Views: 1140
Scientists who study the brain tell us that we only use 5% of our actual brain in our daily lives. Ever wonder what the other 95% is for? Shamans know that what we see in this physical world is only 5% of everything that is here. What of the 95% that is not manifested on the physical plane? Is ... Views: 1301
My two trips to Africa were not only a cultural shock but also the scope of disease and death that I witnessed was hard to talk about when I returned home. If people did not have AIDS then they had cancer. As I walked through the Masaba Hospital in Niarobi, Kenya and looked in the eyes of the ... Views: 1269
Have you ever walked into a store or business and felt uncomfortable there for no apparent reason? Have you ever walked into a store all happy and left quite frustrated? Have you ever wished your house could feel happier? The process called energetic clearing can make a significant improvement ... Views: 2447