No doubt, a job is always stressful. The more you are in a responsible position, the more stress you are supposed to take. Accepting new challenges, meeting tight deadlines, working for long hours and day to day hassles, make the body vulnerable to serious ailments. Stress badly disrupts the ... Views: 1524
If you cannot love, you can’t live because love is the soul of life. Can you imagine of living without soul? Of course not!
What love really is?
Love is much more than the romantic feelings, physical attraction, or sexual desires between a man and woman. Love is the divine force within you ... Views: 824
Do nothing! Yes I mean it. But only for five to seven minutes a day during working hours.
You are born to work and working is a fun activity for the successful people of the world. I am giving you the “do nothing” advice in order to keep you working and working at your full potential without ... Views: 771
Do you think 2006 is “YOUR” year or just “another” year in your life similar to the previous ones? What does 2006 mean to you? What is your slogan for 2006?
2006 is My Year of Happiness
2006 is My Year of Success
2006 is My Year of Achievement
2006 is My Year of Marriage
2006 is My Year of ... Views: 795
So you have decided to lose weight. Great!
Why do you want to lose weight?
- to live a healthy and disease-free life
- to look younger and more attractive
- to feel more confident about yourself
- to gain popularity in social circles
- to be able to wear the clothes of your choice
- to ... Views: 953
What do you think about yourself?
Are you an average person with average education, average skills, average job, average income, average dreams, average goals, average outlook of life, average thinking, average living standard, average .....?
Being an average person is no sin but it’s a ... Views: 941
Smile brings beauty to your face, charm to your personality and money to your pocket; apart from being your recognition as a cheerful, friendly, loveable person.
When you smile you also bring smile to the faces of other people around you. And that is a great service to the mankind. Smile, even ... Views: 830
The joy of living is in loving. No doubt, only lovers enjoy life!
Live every moment of your life as a love-live affair and create a win-win situation for yourself. The love-live relationship leads to a world of great joy, excitement, success and happiness. Love your life and let it flourish in ... Views: 884
Yes, it is true, you are beautiful beyond any doubt.
Do you know that you are a unique person with a special kind of God gifted beauty which no other person possess. That beauty is something very personal and individual. You must acknowledge that “hidden” beauty within you to know your own ... Views: 1343
Time is wealth;
Time is health;
Time is power;
Time is strength.
Time is the essence of life
Time is everything
But time is nothing,
without proper planning.
Its just the wastage of time
And God never forgive those who waste their time
All influential people,
All important people,
All ... Views: 815
Suppose you have everything; a good job, good health, good reputation, good relationships and lot of money to spend. But still there is something missing from your life. Guess what? The LOVE. It is not something which you should ignore. Life without love is just like body without soul. ... Views: 1051
Did you ever think that you are not playing the role which you should play in your life?
Don’t you think that you are born to play a leading role, a much bigger role in the real drama of your life? What is holding you back then? Your own short sightedness!
In order to play a bigger role in ... Views: 1081
Is there any adventure or fun in smoking? Absolutely not! Don’t be fooled by the fun packed advertisements of the cigarette making companies. There is no “taste”, no “fun” and no “adventure” in smoking cigarettes. These are just the slogans of the cigarette making companies which are multiplying ... Views: 1019
I am not going to tell you the story of an extraordinary person, who did remarkable things in life. Why should I?
Are you not an extraordinary person? What do you think about yourself? You possess all the assets of an extraordinary person but, unfortunately, you are not an extraordinary person ... Views: 1414
Let us talk about beauty from a different angle!
We have our own criteria for judging the beauty of a woman. We look the beauty of a lady from a certain angle and then pass the remarks whether she is beautiful or not. It’s not fair. Let me tell every woman that she is unique and beautiful. ... Views: 973
Let us talk about beauty from a different angle!
We have our own criteria for judging the beauty of a woman. We look the beauty of a lady from a certain angle and then pass the remarks whether she is beautiful or not. It’s not fair. Let me tell every woman that she is unique and beautiful. ... Views: 778
Let us talk about beauty from a different angle!
We have our own criteria for judging the beauty of a woman. We look the beauty of a lady from a certain angle and then pass the remarks whether she is beautiful or not. It’s not fair. Let me tell every woman that she is unique and beautiful. ... Views: 961
Let us talk about beauty from a different angle!
We have our own criteria for judging the beauty of a woman. We look the beauty of a lady from a certain angle and then pass the remarks whether she is beautiful or not. It’s not fair. Let me tell every woman that she is unique and beautiful. ... Views: 987
Let us talk about beauty from a different angle!
We have our own criteria for judging the beauty of a woman. We look the beauty of a lady from a certain angle and then pass the remarks whether she is beautiful or not. It’s not fair. Let me tell every woman that she is unique and beautiful. ... Views: 1069
Are you facing problems in your life and don’t know how to solve them?
Are you passing through a difficult time of your life and don’t know how to get out of it?
Are you in the grip of unfavorable circumstances and don’t know how to mould them in your favor?
Relax! There is nothing to worry ... Views: 1059
I have decided to declare 2004 as the YEAR OF HAPPINESS for me. What about you? Yes, you can also do so! Anyone living in any part of the world has the right to be happy and enjoy every moment of his/her life. There is no harm in declaring the year 2004 as the Year of Happiness for All Mankind. ... Views: 1060
Do you want to know your poverty graph? You are poor if you:
- do not have a firm commitment with yourself to succeed
- do no set goals and follow them through
- do not put your best efforts at work
- do not keep yourself updated on new information and technologies
- do not adopt a ... Views: 1109
What do you think about happiness? A philosophical approach to life; an intellectual activity or an academical pursuit. No, not at all, nothing of the sort.
Happy living is nothing more than living a normal life free from undue pressures, problems and tensions. The Art of Happy Living is not ... Views: 995
Do you want to know the magical words which can change your life? No kidding, you already know, the words are “thank you”.
The magical and powerful words “thank you” open the hearts and minds of other people for us and thus pave the way for our prosperity and popularity. Don’t say thank you in ... Views: 1125
Yes, it is possible for the people of all ages to keep themselves healthy, physically fit and young looking throughout their whole lives. Just take the following three steps and enjoy a healthy, happy and a long life.
1. Eat Balanced Food
It's OK to eat for taste or for fun and eat whatever ... Views: 1298
Are you living your life, the way you want to live?
If your reply is in affirmative then you must be a very successful and powerful person in full command of your life and the circumstances. However, if your reply is in negative, then I am sorry to say that you are like millions of other ... Views: 1240
Believe me, today is the most wonderful day of your life! You live in today; drink, dine, walk, talk, work and play today. Living today is not enough, make it a wonderful day for you.
In order to make your today a wonderful day, get up from the bed early in the morning. While brushing your ... Views: 1306