As a student of people and ideas I had to admit that what two guys are doing in a Northeast Florida Starbucks is absolutely genius.
The other day as I tried to pay for my green tea at my local Starbucks the cashier said, “Don’t worry about it sir. Those guys over there are paying for it ... Views: 1467
I’ll never forgot the time I called my father from the restaurant I owned to tell him that I found my calling and was going to pursue a career as an author and speaker. His response was less than enthusiastic. “What the he_ _ are you going to do that for,” he said. “That will never amount to ... Views: 1761
"90% of the game is half mental." -Yogi Berra
Here’s a question I bet you’ve never been asked before. At what mile do most people quit a marathon? If you are like me you would probably say the 26th mile. After all that’s when runners should be the most physically drained and exhausted. But like ... Views: 3424
Positive Energy….It’s a term being talked about a lot more frequently in classrooms, board rooms and locker rooms. After all, when business legend Jack Welch says that great leaders have loads and loads of positive energy and Pete Carroll, coach of USC football credits positive energy as a key ... Views: 1932
I have a friend who takes inner city children to watch skyscrapers being built. He does this so they can see, first hand, that before even one ounce of steel can be erected; workers and machines must first dig, dig and dig. The children learn a valuable lesson; before a building can soar through ... Views: 4004
I call it the "Disney Test" and it goes something like this. No matter how much you meditate, breathe, pray and practice emotional mastery the real test of whether you are the master of your emotional domain is how you respond when its 100 degrees in the middle of July and your kids are ... Views: 3073
Six years ago I looked out into the Atlantic Ocean on New Years Day with fear in my heart and uncertainty in my life. I had been fired from a "" company two weeks earlier with only two weeks of severance, no insurance for my two young children and only two months of savings in the bank. ... Views: 1424
There are those who say life is like a sprint or a marathon. I say it often feels like a sprint combined with a boxing match because we are not only running but we are getting hit along the way. Every day we face challenges and obstacles that feel like we are getting hit with left jabs and right ... Views: 1773
Where are you when you get your best ideas? This was a question posed by Michael Gelb, author of "How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci". Most people say the shower, bed, garden, the walking path or treadmill. Hardly anyone says great ideas come at work. In fact Robert Frost once joked "The brain ... Views: 2175
What does your personal energy meter read? On a scale of 1-10, with 10 representing “completely energized” and 1 indicating “It’s a miracle you can get out of bed”, think about what your energy level is right now? Now, think about what your meter reads most of the time? When I ask these ... Views: 1710
It’s big but you can’t see it. So great that if you could see it you wouldn’t believe it. It’s your destiny and it’s calling you. If you don’t believe me just remember Albert Einstein. He could not speak until he was four years old. He did not read until he was 7. His parents thought he was ... Views: 1968
I have a white cat named Frankie that thinks he's a dog. He walks around the block with me like a dog. He eats dog food. And when I clap my hands and say, "come on boy" he comes running. Amazingly when dogs come up to him he doesn't run away. And strangely enough dogs never chase him. While I ... Views: 1443
You have had a long day. All you feel like doing when you get home is crashing on the couch. After all, this may be a common occurrence. But then someone like me comes along and says it doesn’t have to be this way. I ask you if you would like to have more energy in the evening. You say “yes”. I ... Views: 1326
There was a time in most of our lives when we had no fear—that feeling when we jumped from the jungle gym and slammed our little bodies to the ground. Perhaps it was when we went on our first roller coaster, or when we were in high school or college and felt that there was nothing we couldn’t ... Views: 1243
The holidays are right around the corner. With presents to buy, gifts to wrap, parties to attend, dinners to make, family to visit, it’s no wonder that the holidays bring on the flu and cold season. Our bodies are worn out, our minds are mentally exhausted, and with the added stress of the ... Views: 2732
"Power is the faculty or capacity to act, the strength and potency to accomplish something. It is the vital energy to make choices and decisions. It also includes the capacity to overcome deeply embedded habits and to cultivate higher, more effective ones."
--Steven R. Covey
Life is a ... Views: 1251
Beware of Energy Vampires
They lurk in our businesses, our families and our social organizations. They are real. They are everywhere. And they will suck the life out of you if you let them.
If you’re like most people, it has happened to you. You were talking to someone and before you knew it, ... Views: 3407