If it wasn’t enough to have January being one of the coldest, if not dreariest, months of the year, they had to go and dub it the month more couples break up than any other month of the year.
Six out of ten couples will break up this month. Sounds awful, doesn’t it?
I never cared much for ... Views: 6923
One of the most interesting, yet baffling, things about life is that out of all the people in the world, a few fortunate ones will touch our lives in a special way and leave lasting impressions. One such person is your karmic soul mate.
While other soul mates come into your life for intimate ... Views: 9783
The Three Stages of Mending a Broken Heart
You've been dumped. Short of throwing yourself off the nearest bridge, you resort to hiding in your bed for days, comforted only by the fact that at least you have a year's supply of Moonpies by your bedside and your answering machine is on the alert in ... Views: 4311
I’m always dumbfounded when someone walks up to me and declares that they either have not found their soul mate or says, “There are no soul mates out there for me.”
Obviously, they don’t know how to look for the signs or how to read them once they do find them. There are millions, maybe even ... Views: 1087
It’s Saturday night and you’re sitting in front of the television watching “I Love Lucy” reruns. Ricky is berating Lucy for meddling in his business and Lucy is crying bucketfuls. Even as low as Lucy is, she still has Ricky’s love, not like you who is sitting there drowning in pity because ... Views: 1961
One of the most important things you can do for your well-being and happiness is to indulge in the practice of self-love. By saying that you respect yourself more than anyone in the world is a form of self-love and an important aspect in fulfilling your life’s goals of happiness, prosperity and ... Views: 2918