To get it right? To be perfect? To win? To do what you think you should do, so that things work out they way you think they should?
This was the month you were going to finally make those changes, throw out the old, bring in the new, attract more money into your life, a new job, quit toxic ... Views: 2643
I’ve never dieted in my life, I don’t believe in detoxes!
This was me up until 4 days ago. A whole new world has opened up since. I was the brekkie at noon kinda girl (and I still may well be after the detox, but in a healthier, more aware of what I’m eating kinda way).
I've learned that ... Views: 852
You already know how important it is to let go of any sort of neediness, desperation or attachment to manifesting your desires once you've set an Intention to attract them. Right? You do know that.
But sometimes as you ALSO probably well know, it's hard! When you really want that vacation, a ... Views: 2392
When You Want Something So Much...
...that every fibre of your being knows only that which you want, is there a power strong enough to stop you from getting it? What miracles occur to manifest that which you so strongly desire?
I finally watched Slumdog Millionaire (I know, what took me so ... Views: 1366
Those of you who practice the Law of Attraction know by now that it's not just your thoughts that are important to watch, it's your vibe (energy you bring to what you are creating) where it all starts.
So what can you do to bring up your vibe / energy to high levels and maintain them? Here are ... Views: 759
1) Find out what you really want (xyz income a year, romance)
2) And who you want to be (loving, successful, happy)
3) Know WHY you want the above (more time, less stress)
4) State them as specific Intentions (I am / I have vs I will)
5) Start being that person (How would a happy person ... Views: 702
Did you wake up today and ask "what am I doing with my life"?
Or perhaps you find yourself wondering if there's more to life than the daily grind of work, home, activities, day in and day out .. the same old thing. Samo-Samo.
Are you happy, like your job but feel there's got to be something ... Views: 689
There are days when everything seems perfect. When life seems to be flowing smoothly you get a new client, make a big sale, your boss loves you, people rave about you, your partner is happy and loving, the kids are being angels, and progress is effortless.
And then there are the days mired in ... Views: 6439
Did you wake up today and ask “what am I doing with my life”?
Or perhaps you find yourself wondering if there’s more to life than the daily grind of work, home, activities, day in and day out .. the same old thing. Samo-Samo.
Are you happy, like your job but feel there’s got to be something ... Views: 910