Our ultimate mission in life is to achieve happiness. People seek it, but it eludes many of us. Perhaps it is because we cannot decide on what the definition of true happiness actually is!
I guess that happiness is essentially the absence of pain and sorrow. But that description only elevates ... Views: 10419
Many of us are familiar with the process of formulating and writing down our goals. But how many of us actually achieve these? Besides setting goals, what are the crucial elements to ensure that we achieve what we set out to do?
We have heard, learned and studied all about SMART goals, and ... Views: 1349
Are you a thinker or a doer? To be successful, you really do have to take action to achieve what you want in life. Many people find this easier said than done, so here are some very important steps for you to take to ensure that you accomplish what you set out to do!
1) What do you want to ... Views: 1285
Setting goals and achieving them is one of the most satisfying feelings that you will ever experience. If the feeling is so wonderful, then why doesn't everyone in the World achieve great things in their lives?
Unfortunately, there are people who simply don't and won't set goals and will ... Views: 1625
Dreamers are thinkers. Achievers are thinkers and doers. If you want to accomplish great things in your life, then you must decide what you want, and then take action.
Here are 7 tips to help you achieve what you want in life, and to convert your dreams into reality.
1) To begin the ... Views: 1271
There are many people who try to achieve what they desire in life. Unfortunately, many people don't accomplish what they set out to do.
Here are some of the top mistakes that people make, and ways in which these can be avoided.
1) Setting timescales that are impossible to reach. Often, ... Views: 1262
No matter what you achieve in life, you will have gained at least 2 positive outcomes. The first is that you will have accomplished the desired result, and secondly, you will feel such a wonderful sense of achievement!
So what are the benefits of the feel good factor?
1) This is such a ... Views: 1972
Why do some people continually achieve great things, while others merely dream of bettering themselves?
Are people born with some sort of "achievement gene", or can you learn to be an achiever?
I believe that anyone can accomplish what they desire in life. By being aware of the ... Views: 1958