As “Individuals” we all have goals; whether they are work related or personal. You may want to have an incredibly productive year in sales, you may want to get some stuff done around the house, or it could be anywhere in between these two goals. Any way you look at it, the F.O.C.U.S.E.D. program ... Views: 1111
In the past I have written about replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts and ideas on how to get what you really want. Today I am going to write about Goal setting and how to use this tool to help you get what you want. Realize that it takes 21 days to make or break a habit, so if ... Views: 1249
What is the Law of Attraction? Simply put, we attract to our lives whatever we give our emotional energy to...whether it is positive emotional energy or negative emotional energy. It is like a magnet and whatever we point the magnet to, we draw into our life. This may sound hokey to you, but do ... Views: 868
What exactly is energy? How many forms of energy are there? What does coaching have to do with energy?
Energy – There are many definitions of energy, but here I will define it as an exertion of force or a healthy capacity for vigorous activity (Merriam-Webster).
How many forms? Technically ... Views: 1277
Everyone has gone through Life Transitions: a move, a new job, a new baby, a new partner, divorce, etc. The question is...How do you deal with it? A change in your daily lifestyle can sometimes be overwhelming; even if the change is something you wanted and initiated. People deal with these ... Views: 3711
Do you have a dream you want to realize or a goal you want to accomplish, but you keep getting stuck? Do you feel stuck with an unsatisfactory personal or professional life? A Life Coach will help you get "unstuck". Imagine having someone in your corner to always be supportive of you. Imagine ... Views: 873