Do you, like many people, suffer from the occasional bout of constipation? It is not much fun, is it? You cannot discuss the problem with friends and family and unless it is really chronic, you don’t want to visit your Doctor. So, where can you turn for help?
In this article we'll look at how ... Views: 833
Of all our emotions, faith is probably the strongest. It is a state of mind that most effects the subconscious. This is important when it comes to putting your thoughts into action in everyday life. If you set yourself a task but are lacking the faith in yourself to complete it then ... Views: 2543
During last year's Beijing Olympic Games in China I don't think any Gold Medals were won by people who turned up hoping for the best. The people who won the Gold Medals were different; they had a dominating dream of their life, to be the best! They had a Dream of Winning; a Desire to be the ... Views: 7670