In the movie, "A League of Their Own," the baseball coach talked to his dispirited team, saying, "Of course it's hard. If it wasn't hard, everybody would do it!"
That's the way it is with success. It can be hard. But there are four sure-fire ways to achieve success at almost anything every ... Views: 775
When it comes to customer loyalty, nothing is more important than the trust you develop with your customers. Research from Texas A & M University says if customers see you as being trustworthy and reliable ... and if customers see you fulfilling your promises … then they will become ... Views: 688
The great violinist Paganini was performing before a most distinguished audience. Suddenly, one of his violin strings snapped. The audience gasped. But the master musician continued unruffled to play on the three remaining strings.
Snap! A second string broke.
Then, with a sharp crack, a ... Views: 798
If you’re a manager, you can’t afford to have negative, non-performing employees on your payroll. 3M discovered that. When management laid off the bottom 10% (their poorest performers) at one facility -- their productivity skyrocketed up 18%. When they laid off another 10% (the next poorest set ... Views: 972