I am sure you have heard someone say: Well, I tried.
To TRY is a cop-out. It's an escape hatch. Try is one word that I would like you to remove from your vocabulary, unless you are talking about a legal trial.
When we promise to do something by saying that we'll try, we're setting ... Views: 3698
If I said that everyone lies and deceives a bit, would you agree? Well, it’s true, believe me! There are five ways to detect that people are lying.
1. How you feel.
Firstly, trust your gut feelings. All of us are hard-wired to detect danger and deceit. This survival mechanism is largely ... Views: 4976
A friend of mine is a construction contractor specializing in tiles. During a recent conversation, he was complaining that his previous job was problematic because it was a renovation rather than new construction. When he removed old walls and plumbing, he uncovered many examples of shoddy work ... Views: 1659
There are nine basic processes for taking in information. Let's briefly explore each one to determine the advantages and disadvantages of each.
1. Reading has the advantages of being portable, and to some degree, self-paced. Review and repetition are effortless. Disadvantages include ... Views: 1806
Guiding your child to behave in a positive manner can be as easy as 1-2-3. Here’s a way to adapt a business practice for family use, and it’s compelling in its simplicity.
1. Set a Goal
The first step is to meet with your children, and have them "buy in" to a mutually-developed goal. ... Views: 1410
Here is a simple formula used by successful speakers and self-help writers. Parents can also employ this innovative approach.
1. Make a Point
Successful parents, teachers, and mentors are great at being clear about what they want to teach, and why it's important to the learner.
2. Tell ... Views: 1551
Effective leaders see more in other people than people see in themselves, and one of your objectives as a leader is to bring their talents to the surface.
Understanding the three fundamental elements that affect performance will build team loyalty and cohesiveness. These elements are ... Views: 3076
How would you describe a self-confident person? Generally, many people consider a self-confident person to be a perfect know-it-all, who is the center of attention, and never shows weakness.
Some folks confuse the terms self-confidence with self-esteem. The former is cosmetic, and may not be ... Views: 2179
Remembering is the storing and recalling of memories. It’s a biological process that involves dedicated brain structures. When a memory is encoded, it is dismembered and handed off to different parts of the brain for storage. Getting all these pieces back together is an inaccurate process. Hence ... Views: 1586
Over the past few weeks, I have spoken to many friends and acquaintances who have been having bouts of classic sadness. I won’t call it depression, although I am sure some of them might be inclined to use that label. I’ve always been wary in using that word with my clients since it can easily be ... Views: 1403
I am probably the only author who has used a quote from "Chicken Run", a very funny movie that's set in a chicken farm that oddly resembles a World War II concentration camp.
Many of us spend our lives, or at least parts of them, in self-imposed prisons. If this is our own doing, why do we ... Views: 2118
Clear thinking is crucial for carrying on a conversation, making decisions, and practically everything we do. Thinking can be clouded by a host of conditions including stress, dehydration, and poor nutrition. Now, studies reveal that rejection and criticism have a significant influence on how ... Views: 1221
There is a biorhythm operating 24/7 in our body known as the Basic Rest-Activity Cycle (BRAC). While some biological cycles last for many days, the BRAC oscillates consistently at between 90 and 120 minutes.
Rest portion: During this healing response portion of the cycle, there is more right ... Views: 2882
Parents can more effectively support the healthy development of their children with knowledge of when and why their children seem to act so strangely at certain ages.
What are the most frustrating years of being a parent? An overwhelming consensus of parents believe it is when children are ... Views: 1358
It is important to hand-write your goals on paper, the action of writing them helping to imprint them on your brain. However, before writing them - be they material, emotional, or spiritual goals - identify what price you are willing to pay to achieve them. At some point, expose to yourself your ... Views: 1764
The human brain seems to hum along quite nicely, without effort or complaint, motivated by varying established patterns and routine. New research however, suggests that the brain can build neuronal connections, and easily performs much better, by adding novelty and random activity. In school we ... Views: 4799