Anybody who has invested in trading course knows the dogma: Discipline, discipline, discipline.
Discipline is hailed as the very thing that ensures your success as a trader and investor.
Not only do I beg to differ but I would go as far as to say that this premise is incorrect since it is ... Views: 2304
Everyone has an opinion when it comes to investing. The area of investing attracts wishful thinking, over exuberance and self delusion. If you have ha any cognitive training you will agree that reading or watching financial news engenders strong emotions and hysteria.
Things are put into ... Views: 1345
The Essence Of Happiness
whether we are rich or poor,
educated or uneducated,
whatever our nationality, color,
social status or ideology may be,
the purpose of our lives is to be happy
His Holiness The Dalai Lama
This simple and beautiful statement sums up ... Views: 6080
Finding your true purpose is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. It will bring you freedom, happiness and dissolve your fears of the unknown. Unfortunately, too many of us spend a lifetime never finding the elusive holy grail.
Once you get the real truth about your ... Views: 1544
Love is one of the most misunderstood energies of our time. Most people look at the lore of love predominantly from a romantic viewpoint. However, viewing love through this narrow lens filters out the larger picture and misses the deeper meaning of love energies.
The love you have learned to ... Views: 1405
If I told you that happiness and sadness are the same things in the deepest, final analysis you would probably declare me nuts. After all, everyone strives to be happy; we know that happiness feels better than sadness. There are studies that prove that we are healthier when we are happy and get ... Views: 1339
This simple and profound saying by Carl Jung is a phrase every trader, investor and wannabe should have firmly programmed into their minds, for our shadows are stalking us day and night, mostly without our conscious knowledge.
And this is precicely where the big danger is lurking, because ... Views: 1466
You are probably totally unaware how much lack of self awareness affects your life and the outcomes you are creating.
For most of us life unfolds lacking direction, since we have not yet learned to control and direct our inner world, or thoughts consciously and purposefully.
Success in ... Views: 1710
If you have been a subscriber to my newsletter for awhile you will know that I place great importance on the subject of financial freedom. My personal tool of choice to accomplish this is trading, since in my reality it is the fastest and most fascinating way to create the financial independence ... Views: 3523
Yes, it is true, ask and it will be given. The trouble though is this: Most of us do not know how to ask correctly.
Let me explain why this is so. Your mind is a wonderful tool. It will get you everything you want if you use it correctly. The reason why most of us have trouble achieving our ... Views: 2328
Over the last 20 years I have done a lot of research into geopathic stress and electro magnetic fields. What started out initially as solely geopathic stress research merged into research into electro magnetic radiation and the evidence of dangers to our physical and emotional health which I ... Views: 1621
It is a fact that we will do more for other people than for ourselves. This really is quite a lopsided state of affairs when you consider that you are with you 24 hours every day through your entire life. We would drop friends who treated us in the same way that we treat ourselves.
You are ... Views: 1106
The true nature of personal growth is seldom spoken about. In this article I want to share with you what it is like going through the different stages of growth and the meaning of spirituality as I have come to experience it after many years of working on myself.
If you are committed to ... Views: 1488
By now a blind man with a stick can see it, the world as we know it is changing. Yet there are still those who believe that the worst of the stock market crash is over. However, when you look at the fundamentals there is little evidence to support this view other than wishful thinking.
Of ... Views: 1000
Naturally, everyone wants to feel good. When our lives are not working we tend to turn to personal development in search for answers. Nothing wrong with this concept, however very few realise what is involved of you are serious about accelerating your personal growth.
Working on your personal ... Views: 894
If you are an experienced trader or investor you will know that mastery is a mind game. In fact, trading and investing are about understanding crowd psychology and your own psychology, because when you fully understand how you react to events deemed to be outside of your control you are taking ... Views: 1957
It is a known fact when times get difficult and we experience challenges in our lives we tend o go back into the past in the search for answers.
Cycle analysis looks to forecast the future by looking at the past. There is the belief that what has worked in the past will work again in the ... Views: 1157
Yes, Happiness does have to do with money, because in order to live you have to have money. Money is the means of exchange that makes your dreams come true. There is no getting away from this fact.
Without money you will starve or at best live off the government on the bred line. This is ... Views: 1398
The financial world is upside down and by now even a blind man with a stick should be able to see it. I have been involved with trading the markets for many years and am well versed with the psychology of trading and investing. It is a fact that there are still an amazing number of people who ... Views: 931
At first glance there seem to be few parallels between Buddhism and your trading and investing strategies, but is that really so? If you look beneath the surface a very different picture starts to evolve.
At first glance there seem to be few parallels between Buddhism and your trading and ... Views: 2408
At first glance there seem to be few parallels between Buddhism and your trading and investing strategies, but is that really so? If you look beneath the surface a very different picture starts to evolve.
Traditionally we go through life viewing events, like market action as something that ... Views: 1478
Happiness is high up on everyone's wish list, because when you are happy things go your way. Yet happiness is a rare commodity and the much lauded ideal of "the art of happiness in all circumstances" an even rarer reality which eludes most of us.So, the theory sounds great, but just how do you ... Views: 1232
Well, that is pretty obvious, I guess. For everyone knows that in order to get to the top of the mountain you will have to either walk, climb, or have a helicopter drop you off. In other words, some form of action will be required from you. No action, no results. That's all there is to it. ... Views: 8152
Procrastination and worry are a curse that befall many of us. You may not even be aware that you have fallen into this trap because procrastination comes in many guises. I am a very pro-active person. If I told you that I used to procrastinate you would laugh at the idea, if you knew me. You ... Views: 750
When you get out of bed with that uneasy feeling in your stomach and your inner talk is negative you are guaranteed to have just such a day.
I don't care how much self development work you do, you will always have some days when things are not going your way and the world seems on top of you. ... Views: 1317
If you are sceptical about bold claims like the above I don’t blame you. You are probably wondering how anyone can get themselves out of a financial mess which probably took many years to get into? Your scepticism is justified, but wrong.
Let me explain: When you do not make headway with ... Views: 875
One of my favourite meditations is tonglen. Those of you who are familiar with it will know that tonglen is a compassion meditation. Briefly, this meditation consists of breathing in suffering and then transmuting it to light on the exhale.
Those of you who practice Buddhist teachings will ... Views: 1509
Much has been talked about the power of saying yes and your ability to be open to new thinking. This is all well and good, but the universe acts like a bourse of exchange. In order to receive you must also be able to let go. Letting go is a challenge and very few of us rise to it.
Particularly ... Views: 3125
When we look at well known successful people, like Bill Harris, James Ray or Anthony Robbins, to name but a few one just sees the icing of the success cake. These people, like many others have arrived at the pinnacle of their careers through two things: Working with solid determination towards ... Views: 908
The Buddha said: Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared"
Happiness increases 10 fold when it is shared. If you are familiar with Dr. David Hawkin's work you will know that when our ... Views: 1309
So, your partner or spouse is difficult, and you are more aware than ever that your love life is lacking, you feel unappreciated and are getting desperate for those loving touches that make all the difference. You crave nurturing, a little romance and emotional security with a partner who is ... Views: 884
The road to self mastery can be challenging. The path to wisdom is littered with failed attempts, frustration before the new insights and snippets of enlightenment take hold.There are compelling reasons though why you should make the effort.
Just like anything in life personal development and ... Views: 888
It is easy to be swept away with panic and fear in the face of the recent happenings. Just watching the news every day feels like being mauled. The energies are frantic and you hardly have time to catch your breath.
Of course those of you who are fifty or older will remember quite a number of ... Views: 900
Finding your true purpose is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. Some of us spend a lifetime never finding it.
Once you get the real truth about you though, you will have found the thing that gives you inner peace, balance and purpose. It is the sweet spot from which ... Views: 945
When I first came across geopathic stress almost twenty years ago, after moving house I moved house I experienced sudden unexplainable health problems, which would not go away. I also felt uneasy and depressed in the property, for no obvious reason. There were unexplainable damp spots in the ... Views: 1884
The road to self mastery is not always an easy one, nor does it go in a straight line. The path to wisdom is littered with failed attempts, occasional frustration and many give up along the way. I know all about failing on the way to success, believe me.
Just like anything in life personal ... Views: 1152
We are at the end of yet another year, which has been particularly challenging for many of us. As usual we have learned many ways of how not to do things and naturally intend to do better next year. As we know, when we do the things we have always done we will get what we always got. Simple, ... Views: 973
The Buddha said: Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared"
But happiness increases 10 fold when it is shared. Those of you who are familiar with Dr. David Hawkin's work will know that ... Views: 1006
It is this time of year again, emotional pressures run high and we have wholly unreasonable expectations of ourselves and others. Coping with Christmas is a challenge for many of us, but you can make it easier on yourself using the law of attraction to your advantage.
So, you probably feel ... Views: 1017
You have probably heard that true abundance and success are your birthright.
This statement, on the face of it, seems somewhat outrageous and I would not blame your for dismissing it, particularly if you believe that true success comes through hard work and that you are helpless in the face of ... Views: 1043