I don’t know about you but there is only so much doom and gloom talk that I can take before I start thinking… Arghhhh! The media is obsessed with inundating us with bad news – and right now (for good reason) the economy is the flavor of the month.
I am currently reading (for the second time) ... Views: 1441
Conflict can be defined as “a perceived divergence of interest, or a belief that the parties’ current goals (needs) cannot be achieved simultaneously.” Does that mean conflict is a bad thing? Not necessarily! Conflict has many benefits. It produces change. It builds collaboration. And, it ... Views: 1329
I want to introduce you to a concept that will help you engage the Law of Attraction in a more tangible way. John Assaraf calls it "The Law of Gender" - I call it, "The Law of Seed and Harvest".
The law of seed and harvest is something that I have taught and embraced for many years, but within ... Views: 3593
Sleep these days seems to be overrated. Do you remember that famous sitcom episode in which a member of the ensemble cast decides he can get so much more done if he only takes a few short naps throughout the day rather than sleeping a full night? As it always happens in sitcoms, chaos ensues. ... Views: 1637
This just in from ScienceDaily (Dec. 5, 2007) — Most high school seniors drink because they want to experiment with alcohol, some drink for the thrill of it, and others because it helps them relax. A new study finds that a fourth group of high school students share all those reasons for ... Views: 2004
Moms and Dads – you know better than anyone how your kids can be sweet as honey one minute, and then driving you to the edge of insanity in the next. It is vital for parents to remember that their responsibility is to raise their kids to be productive, contributing members of society. So, when ... Views: 1448
Call me old-fashioned, but I truly believe that when you marry, it should be with the intention of being with that partner for life. Sometimes I feel like my husband and I are a dying breed of dinosoars who can only stand by as our contemporaries drop like flies. In the year that I got married ... Views: 1790
When you think about stress management, what do you think of? Do you picture white sandy beaches and azure blue oceans? Do you think of soothing music, candles, and a warm tub? Or perhaps you are picturing yourself laying on a plush leather couch while you free-associate about your childhood. ... Views: 1529
I just read an intersting article in the Epoch Times (www.theepochtimes.ca) that stated that in a recent survey it was found that over 90% of workplace bullies were promoted or in some other way rewarded despite their inappropriate behaviour in the workplace. Indeed, throughout my 15 year career ... Views: 4534
Anger it seems, is on a roll. A recent survey by the Traffic Injury Research Foundation found there are 12 per cent of young men aged 16 to 24 said they were more likely to honk their horn in annoyance, while the vast majority of older drivers -- 95 per cent -- didn't use the horn when ... Views: 1393
Common stereotypes dictate that women in the workplace struggle with issues of work-life balance resulting in higher incidences of stress-related absences and lower productivity in the female workplace. New research from the Shepell.fgi Research Group reveals that in fact, more men are seeking ... Views: 1045
Anger Solutions™ at Work:
How do you cope with Conflict?
Conflict is a part of everyday life, and is ever present in a working environment. Contrary to popular belief, conflict is not always a bad thing – and often leads to great ideas, strategies, and business enhancing products ... Views: 1383
Anger Solutions™ at Work: Can Your Team Survive?
The process of elimination is everywhere in our cultural psyche these days. With elimination game shows (under the guise of “reality television”) proliferating our prime time entertainment, it is not implausible to think that the tactics we see ... Views: 1284