Belief in God: (Or not?)
A friend of mine told me he was an Atheist. I asked him what that meant. He said: "It means I don't believe in God."
I asked him: "What do you mean by God?"
He said: "A divine being who created the world and who judges us."
I responded: "I don't believe in that god ... Views: 1085
I feel naked. As I am writing this I am actually wearing clothes. It’s thirty degrees outside. I just published my first novel—Human Adulthood: A Spiritual Romance. I have written and published four non-fiction books. There certainly is a level of vulnerability with those, especially since I ... Views: 1300
Forgiveness is logical. It isn't something that you should do. It is a practice that makes sense. When you forgive you improve your well-being and influence others to improve theirs. When you forgive you empower yourself. Forgiveness is a gift that you give to yourself and to the world.
To ... Views: 1706
I think about God every day. For many years concepts like God and spirituality rested on the periphery of my life. They were scenery that I could admire now and then. I was not really on a spiritual path, a way home to my Source. I was a spiritual tourist, an interested sightseer, spending a ... Views: 1061
Mr. Obama and Mr. Boehner need a vision. I'm sure they both have ideas about where they want to lead, but there is no joint vision. Any organization, whether it is a small shop with three staff members, or a country of 300 million, must be vision-driven if it is to succeed. If we don't ask ... Views: 1450
To polarize is to divide into sharply opposing groups or sides. We sometimes see polarization as a problem, for example in politics. People have opposing views in the areas of gun control, abortion, gay marriage, and health care. The polarity that we see is not a problem once you understand that ... Views: 1146
To polarize is to divide into sharply opposing groups or sides. We sometimes see polarization as a problem, for example in politics. People have opposing views in the areas of gun control, abortion, gay marriage, and health care. The polarity that we see is not a problem once you understand that ... Views: 1431
I have read that baby elephants in captivity are chained by one leg to a post. They try hard to free themselves but are unable. After awhile they give up. When they grow up, they believe they still can't free themselves, even though they have the strength to break free at any time. If the story ... Views: 1246
Many people talk about changes occurring in late 2012. Call it a celestial speed-up, a shift in mass consciousness, awakening, or evolution in consciousness, but don't get too excited about it yet. If it is happening now, it's for adults only.
The Divine cannot change what you refuse to let ... Views: 1255
Have you ever felt that the people around you were acting like children and you were the only real adult in the room? It could be at work, or at a family gathering, a community meeting, or reading some blog. Maybe you listened to people gossip, share opinions as if they were facts, or watched as ... Views: 2598
Becoming an adult is a sorting out process. We put away the aspects of ego that no longer serve us, and we nurture those aspects that do serve us.
At one point in my life I put away sarcasm. I thought it was humorous and fun, but it was hurtful to other people. In the past, sarcastic ... Views: 1659
In human groups culture is always at work. Whether it is a workplace organization, school, spiritual center, community, club, or family, there is a structure that guides behavior. The structure is based on choices made over time by various leaders in the group. It becomes "The way we do things." ... Views: 1735
Recently I have begun a process to extend my work, to get it out to more people. Some of you have read my blogs. Some of you have read my books. I decided it was time to play bigger, to take more responsibility, and to shine the light that is within me.
I am not special. You have a light to ... Views: 1247
When you blame you are usually fearful, angry or hurt. Blaming robs you of your ability to think clearly. Emotional awareness is the key to freeing yourself from the restrictions made by blaming.
Emotion is energy. It can be both constructive and destructive. A passion for the possible drove ... Views: 1658
The one thing we seem so eager to give but don't enjoy receiving is blame. We are a culture rich in blame yet poor in accountability and responsibility. Blame puts us in the neighborhood of victimhood, a place of no choices. It becomes the justification for forceful action. What if we could just ... Views: 3090
Things happen. People become angry or upset. We can say and do unkind things to each other. In conflict, we want to be right. This is the human condition. There is always an answer. The answer is you. The question is: "Who will be the adult?" Who will be the one who is most sane and can bring a ... Views: 1024
Do you know what you want this year? You don't need to know how you will achieve it yet. "What" comes before "how". Most people can articulate what they don't want, but they have difficulty in being clear about what they do want. "Not this!" and "Something different" are not intentions. "Getting ... Views: 1473
At this time of year many of you give gifts. The definition of a gift is: "something given willingly to another person without payment." True giving is without expectation of a return. We give for the joy of giving. As you spend time searching online or in the malls for your gifts to give, I ask ... Views: 1352
Every professional relationship has a purpose, and often we don't really know what the purpose is. We may think different relationships have different purposes. The purpose of a relationship with a potential customer may seem to be to sell a product or service. The purpose of a manager-staff ... Views: 1529
Hope is the ability to see a brighter future. It inspires us to to keep on making the effort, to keep on living. Hope is the stuff that movies on the Hallmark Channel are made of. Throughout history people have been encouraged to have hope. There are seasons and reasons to have hope. Hope is ... Views: 1092
Every relationship has a goal, yet we often don’t know what that goal is. If the relationship is personal, we might think the goal is happiness. If it is professional, we might think the goal is to be profitable or to help each other (teamwork/cooperation). It seems that goals such as happiness ... Views: 1432
Who rules your mind? If you are like most people, it probably isn't you. That would require clarity. That would require discipline. Thoughts are powerful. They determine your experience, and they influence the experience of others. You can choose to be clear and to discipline your mind. The ... Views: 1717
It's true. If it weren't for gravity, you might not notice so much when you gain weight. During the past couple of months I noticed that I had gained about ten pounds this year. And ten pounds the year before! My waist size didn't increase in my pants--I just started wearing my pants a little ... Views: 1363
Changing our thoughts from a predominantly negative to a predominantly positive orientation has physical implications. According to brain research expert, Dr. Pat Wolfe in Brain Matters: Translating Research into Classroom Practice, the brain is the only organ that sculpts itself. Our ... Views: 1213
What is lack? Lack is you noticing that you don’t have what you want. It is the belief that you will be okay if and when you receive what you want. Lack is a focus on the absence of what you want. Affirming. praying, and visualizing are made less effective when we offer them from a place of ... Views: 1455
Ego is your self image. It is how you see yourself in relation to others and the world. Ego also includes the compulsion we feel to defend the image. The ego is not real. It is a concept, an idea. We have these thoughts and urges within us and we call it "ego". For something that is not real, ... Views: 7833
“Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are a good person is a little like expecting the bull not to attack you because you are a vegetarian.” Dennis Wholey
Everyone has expectations. We expect people to treat us a certain way. As leaders we expect people to perform well and ... Views: 2328
Great leadership is about power, yet it is not about power over others. The power of a great leader is to create an environment where others are empowered to offer their best. This is not working through people where others become extensions of you, the leader. This is dedicating yourself to the ... Views: 4425
Perhaps nothing is as dangerous as a leader who is certain he knows what he is doing. Often so-called leaders and experts believe they know all there is to know, and that their knowledge is so complete, that they cannot make mistakes. The ego is a know-it-all. It likes to be right. Yet there is ... Views: 1156
THIS IS THE PART where the hero (me) is unmasked. I play the role of leader. People see me as William or Bill. I'm the man with the answers.
I'm the man who is in control. I have it all together. People speak around the table and then they look at me. They look at me as if to say: "What do you ... Views: 1142
Think for a moment. How do you see yourself? What opinions do you have about yourself? If you are like most people, you have some critical opinions. These opinions have grown and been maintained over time.
Any negative opinions you have about yourself are opinions based on lack. The opinions ... Views: 4957
You cannot reduce dreams and goals to your size. If you dream of being a high level manager, yet your main goal is to please your boss, it is unlikely you will achieve your dream. If you dream of being wealthy, yet resent those who already have money, it is unlikely you will achieve wealth. ... Views: 1289
You are a center of influence. Every thought, emotion, word, and behavior that you offer has a ripple effect. The effect is reflected back to you in your life experience. The ripple effect impacts the lives of others.
As humans we forget or don't know that we have such influence. We are, ... Views: 2909
You are a center of influence. You are a nucleus. Everything you think, feel, say, and do has a ripple effect. Your effect ripples outward and affects the world. You affect the people in your life--in your family, in your workplace, in your community--you have an effect.
Unfortunately, most ... Views: 1105
I define an adult as someone who takes 100 % responsibility for his or her life and situation. This article and you tube series will explore what it means to be an adult. These times are calling for leaders to be adults. This is Part One, Moving Beyond Blaming.
Every blaming thought you hold ... Views: 1238
If you are reading this article you probably think you are an adult. You may very well be an adult, yet, the odds are you aren't. Yes, most of us are walking around in adult bodies, but that doesn't make us adults. Add to that the fact that it is very difficult to become an adult. The reason it ... Views: 1097
I think about God every day. For many years concepts like God and spirituality rested on the periphery of my life. They were scenery that I could admire now and then. I was a spiritual tourist, an interested sightseer, spending a little time here and there, but always returning to my "real" ... Views: 1070
Often people are moody, cranky, or critical and it can be distressing. When you find that people around you are acting in ways that are difficult keep in mind that it's not about you. I find this quote from The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz, to be most helpful: "Don't take anything ... Views: 945
We read about the Law of Attraction and it seems so simple. Change your thoughts and you change your life. What could be simpler? Most of us discover that it may be simple, but it isn't easy. We find it difficult because it is about more than just changing our thoughts. The Law of Attraction ... Views: 932
Two people work in a retail environment. It is small and employs about six people. Customers visit throughout the day. One of these people is the manager. The other person handles issues regarding credit and group sales. For the past three years they have not spoken to each other. The manager ... Views: 1345
"...the servant views any problem in the world as in here, inside one's self, not out there. And if a flaw in the world is to be remedied, to the servant, the process of change starts in here, in the servant, not out there."
from Servant Leadership by Robert K. Greenleaf
Every waking moment of ... Views: 1214
Many of us speed through the day without much awareness. The whole day is about doing and then doing more. For others of us, we feel lost in our day, directionless, not sure what to do next. By the time the day is finished we often feel frustrated. We didn’t get enough done. We didn’t meet our ... Views: 1728
Every aspect of your life is connected. Workplace and home. Professional and personal relationships. Spirituality and success. I write about leadership, because in every part of life, we are leaders. We make decisions. We affect others. We want to accomplish goals. There are people in every ... Views: 1086
Success for organizations takes single mindedness. Determine what you want and then take unwavering action toward it. Leaders in organizations who talk about treating people right, but in reality treat people with disrespect, create pain and resentment. People see the gap between what is said ... Views: 1082
One of our presidential candidates (Barack Obama) wrote a book entitled: The Audacity of Hope. If you are feeling down and things look bleak, hope tells you, “This, too, will pass.” Hope tells you that things can get better. Yet, when we hope that things will turn out for our best ... Views: 1115
It is a human tendency to categorize each other. We place labels on people and tell ourselves that is who they are. Once we create a label we look for evidence to continually prove that the label is correct. That comes from another tendency-- the need to be right. If you step back from your ... Views: 3263
Do you ask yourself this question: Am I better off now than I was then? By what criteria would you measure your response. You have more money? You have better health? You found the love of your life? You found a great job? I would suggest that these are not the ways you measure your life. I ... Views: 1068
What drives you? What do you want to come of your life? These are essential questions for each of us.
Many cannot answer them. Yet, if you want to have meaning in your life, you need to answer these questions for yourself. Consider creating a core idea.
A core idea is an idea that is central ... Views: 2202
Once, long ago, the Creator called for a gathering of all the angels at the center of the Universe. When all were gathered, a beautiful crystal globe was presented to the group. The Voice of the Creator spoke: "This globe is the Globe of Truth. A messenger is needed to carry the Globe of ... Views: 1191
Years ago I went horse back riding with a friend. I had never been horse back riding. I was nervous, but I seemed to be doing okay. Suddenly, my friend’s horse took off running and so mine followed. I was scared to death. All I could think was, “Get me off this horse!” I got my wish. I fell off ... Views: 1302