We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Peak Performance". If you have expertise in Peak Performance and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Almost two decades had passed since I last saw Leroy. So when we finally met to catch up no topic was off limits. We spoke about all kinds of things. Our conversation eventually steered itself towards the subject of perception and how it informs our beliefs and actions. I told Leroy about an ... Views: 1622
I have noticed over time that there are distinct differences in the mindset and my entire set of lifestyle practices (be it in business, socializing, or conducting my personal affairs such as learning or just living) that I had at times which were characterized by either struggle or success, and ... Views: 2587
Excellence – the quality of being outstanding or extremely good
What would excellence look like in your life? Would you have your dream job? Are you living in a new city? Could it involve spending more time with your family? Or is it simply having more money in your bank account? It’s ... Views: 2591
What does it mean to stand out in a crowd? Is it just a matter of looking or acting different? That could be one way to stand out but you’ll never be a seven-figure earner if you look or act like a buffoon. Standing out in a crowd will get you noticed but standing apart in a crowd will make you ... Views: 2150
Do you practice continuous improvement? If you are Peak Performer, you do! Peak Performers know that part of being on top of their game is working on always getting better. In fact, anyone who is a Peak Performer in their profession, sales or something else, knows that working to improve your ... Views: 1911
Have you found yourself irritable, overwhelmed, or unable to sleep? If so, its time to ask yourself, ‘Are you stressed out?’ Professionals in the Millennial Generation, ages 20-34, are dealing with the highest levels of stress, which can lead to burnout and other negative side effects. ... Views: 1700
When the sun crosses the equator, the hours of daylight equal the hours of night. This occurs only two times each year – during the spring and the fall equinoxes.
These equinoxes are special times of year. At these moments, we are poised on the brink of extremes: Cold winter and scorching ... Views: 1723
As the plot thickens in Game of Thrones season after season I wonder who the eventual victor will be. While there seemed to be obvious winners when I first started watching the series, they didn't turn out to be the victors. If anything they were unexpectedly slain never to return to the series ... Views: 1829
If you feel indispensable to your company and you need to be in contact all the time, then the chances are you will want to take your work phone, tablet or pc on holiday with you. Unfortunately, combining sun, sea and sangria with our beloved gadgets can often cause a whole host of problems.
If ... Views: 1770
It’s hard to go back to the rigor of work after the relaxed pace of summer. You have to give up junkie novels on the beach and barbecues for commuter traffic, power meetings and deadlines.
This shift requires you to get you’re A-game on, sharpen up your reflexes and perform at your best. It ... Views: 1868
An IRONMAN triathlon is one of the most intense physical competitions out there.
The race consists of a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bicycle ride, and a full marathon run (26.2 miles). Competitors range from professional athletes to housewives with diverse professional and personal backgrounds, ... Views: 2161
When I went into business for myself over a dozen years ago after spending decades as a corporate executive, I knew pretty quickly that I needed help building my business. I needed some "rules of the road." I also needed perspective and equanimity that I simply did not have. I knew how to do ... Views: 2026
Today I passed my driving test and felt a lot about how I did it. Irrespective to my knowledge of driving that my instructor has given me and the practice that is prerequisite to pass a driving test, we need something else to know. Especially the person who feels nervous and shaky on the test ... Views: 2199
What are your leadership responsibilities – engaging the workforce, hiring, acquisitions, financial planning, visioneering, innovation? Jack Welch, former chairman and CEO of General Electric, believed he had only three things to do as a leader: choose the right people, allocate the right funds ... Views: 1995
Distractions are rapidly becoming enemy No. 1 in the workplace. In fact, 45 percent of employees work only 15 minutes or less without getting interrupted, and 53 percent waste at least one hour a day due to all types of distractions according to recent research by harmon.ie, a provider of social ... Views: 1945
When working online being challenged is something every marketer MUST expect because to expect otherwise is merely foolish! The fact is many seeking success in whatever capacity, can be expected to quit due to feeling overwhelmed by the internet environment itself which is extremely dynamic all ... Views: 2095
We did it! It’s finally springtime, my favorite time of year!
Here in New Jersey we experience very distinct seasons and during the winter everything dies, or at least it looks like it does. Then spring comes and the earth magically comes back to life. The snow melts, the branches of the ... Views: 1667
Your creativity is something you need and use in all aspects of your life but it does require a high energy level to produce the best results! The fact is the more creative you are the easier it is to solve problems and the more competitive you therefore tend to be as well! Having said all that ... Views: 1799
Big Balls + Small Brains = Excellent conditions for…
I’d argue just about anything, but in this case we’re talking about surfing. My good friend and personal surf guru said that I’m well on my way to becoming a surfer as I have the necessary ingredients… big balls and a small brain!
Now ... Views: 1876
Successful entrepreneurs are typically more than willing to work to achieve the goals they set for themselves! Although putting forth the effort is always a great first step, achievements of any significance require that they believe in and stay focused on their goals! When working in the always ... Views: 1545
Mind maps are one of the best productivity tools you can use to help you record and categorize any thoughts you have that may prove useful to you in the future! Now how many of you have had ideas which seemed brilliant at the time but went unrecorded and therefore were rendered useless! Mind ... Views: 1405
Emilia was a jazz pianist who wanted to break into the Bay Area performing scene. Her roadblock was performance anxiety.
A small technical mistake would get her wondering whether anyone in the band, or the audience, noticed the mistake. The resulting physical tension made it harder to ... Views: 1882
There are many variables that can keep you from achieving your goals if you let them which is why your focus is absolutely needed! But all the focus you can muster will be of little good unless you have the motivation and direction you'll need to succeed when pursuing any aspirations or ... Views: 2136
Some of today’s ordinary activities were seen as “impossible” dreams just a few years ago. For example, 20 years ago decoding the human genome was viewed as being one of the world’s most difficult yet-to-be-accomplished projects. Yet today, an individual’s genome can be decoded in a few weeks ... Views: 1465
Ever notice how successful entrepreneurs seem to ALWAYS make the right choices in their businesses? Well although these people seem to experience more success than most others, they got that way by being willing to work and most importantly learning from mistakes they made! This should be good ... Views: 1735
I was walking in the Times Square area the other day when I spotted a person wearing a very graphic tee shirt. It read, “No such thing as off-season.” While I'm sure he was thinking NFL, NBA, or MLB, my wheels turned toward the workplace.
I can't tell you how many times people have told me, ... Views: 1985
In order to be more productive working online you must learn to manage your time better and approach each task with more focus! By doing so you'll soon discover how you can get more done in less time thus allowing you to set your sights on other aspects of your business! One of the best ways to ... Views: 1636
Regardless of ability and experience, most people wish they could accomplish more in doing whatever matters most to them. The struggling golfer dreams of breaking 100, a score that would be a nightmare for a good golfer. The solid B student fondly contemplates the satisfaction that a single A ... Views: 1668
Maximizing the productivity of workforce talent is the greatest leadership challenge in today’s marketplace. Increased efficiency and productivity means increasing razor-thin profitability. The answer lies in connecting the communication dots by tying workforce productivity to the company’s ... Views: 1925
Lately, I have been attending to more and more voice disorders of all types and kinds.
Majority of them have had similar symptoms, but, needless to say, not necessarily the similar causes.
The symptoms usually consist of hoarseness, sore throat, pain while talking and/or singing, burning ... Views: 1555
Fear of failure is unavoidable for those of us who take on risk because we deeply desire career success and fulfillment. Can I run a profitable business? Should I reach out for help and expand my network? What if I ask for a promotion? Do I quit my job without a new one lined up?
At some ... Views: 1327
I ask you to climb mountain A in two hours
You climb mountain B in 90 minutes
You are happy about being efficient, you did it quicker than I had estimated
However, are you effective?
Note, you climbed the wrong mountain.
Can you relate this to your workplace?
How many meetings would be ... Views: 1126
It’s officially summertime and vacation season.
Business owners often have a tough time traveling on two fronts. First, there is often a sense that they are responsible for so many things that there is no way that they can truly shut down. Then there’s the other side of the coin… the sense ... Views: 1643
I’m celebrating today, and I figuratively invite you to lift a glass of champagne with me. I just put the last nail into the project, El Nuevo Piense y Hágase Rico, the Spanish translation of The NEW Think And Grow Rich.
I dispatched the translated autoresponder series off to my webmasters ... Views: 1304
Beliefs are an interesting thing. They aren’t there from the day you are born. They are gradually passed on to you by your parents based on their lives and experiences. These beliefs are for them a way of thinking - a way of life. They take them for granted as fact for your safety.
Without ... Views: 1141
Generally, society works against us discovering and being ourselves. We are taught to be what society and our parents want us to be. There is little faith in the brilliance and miracle of who we are. Instead, there is typically a fear that we are not enough and we have to push to be the best we ... Views: 1926
At one point or another, most of us have experienced that feeling of wanting to be “discovered” for our area of expertise. We secretly hope that someday, someone is going to recognize our brilliance and tell the world about it.
I have felt that way too. For decades, I secretly waited for that ... Views: 1740
Good morning everyone….
I’m walking on sunshine today. What a beautiful day. A thought came to me this weekend when we were racing around trying to get it all done. I thought, “Just in the nick of time.” How many of us operate that way? “Just in the nick of time.”
We run from one ... Views: 1176
Your focus is one of the biggest assets you can have and something you'll need to succeed when working online! The internet environment is filled with distractions, changes and challenges any of which could easily keep you from achieving your goals! By staying focused not only do you increase ... Views: 1157
Instant gratification is a very common attitude that's prevalent in our society today! Now how that attitude can actually sabotage the success of entrepreneurs online today is the topic of our discussion below! The attitude of "I want what I want and I want it NOW' does not transition over well ... Views: 1167
In order to organize your life in the hectic internet environment you'll want something lightweight, effective and convenient! Now if you're an online affiliate trying to earn a buck this need becomes even a bigger concern due to the frequency of change affiliates must contend with to be ... Views: 1531
Do you ever feel like life is getting you nowhere – that there must be something else – if only? Perhaps you remember waking, wishing something was different, going to sleep, silently wanting something to change. Not much does change until you take hold and manage your mindset. Your state of ... Views: 1685
Blogging is something that requires a high level of energy and don't be fooled by the assumption that sitting at a keyboard is NOT tiresome! The fact is that the best bloggers got that way by continuing to produce interesting content and over an extended period of time which requires energy to ... Views: 1125
Your comfort zone is that 'safe' place where you can exist without challenges and/or change! Now as comfortable as this may be it is NOT an environment in which you can expect to experience growth either personally or professionally! For anybody trying to build an affiliate business online it ... Views: 996
When something comes up four times over the course of two days I know it's serious. Entrepreneurs are lousy at taking care of themselves.
* Entrepreneurs routinely work long hours.
* Entrepreneurs often beat themselves up for not doing enough or not doing it well enough.
* Entrepreneurs ... Views: 1563
There's a famous principle used in business; you've probably heard it. The Pareto principle (aka the 80–20 rule), named after Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, states: for many events, roughly 80% of effects come from 20% of causes.
In business, it means that 80% of your profits come from ... Views: 1896
I often ask Clients ‘how often do you take a lunch break in a typical week?’ The response, more often than not, is a wry laugh, surprise or polite invitation to take a reality check. For many people, lunch and breaks are rapidly disappearing from the working day, without much thought about the ... Views: 1294
It's like you're throwing a temper tantrum.
You know what you want to do. You know why you want to do it. You know how to do it. It's important. The growth of your business depends on it. But, no matter what you do the three-year old kid inside of you is stomping his or her feet ... Views: 1388
Organizational Environment
Today, large organizations are extremely complex and busier than ever. Because of their size, they face greater challenges, such as increasing competition and an increasingly global environment to operate in. To consistently produce outstanding results, ... Views: 1297
Research shows that a three second distraction doubles errors and a four-and-a-half second interruption triples errors. Are numerous daily distractions wreaking havoc on your productivity and efficiency?
When was the last time you placed a “do not disturb” sign on your door? If the answer ... Views: 1414