It’s bad, really bad. You know that this job or career isn’t for you. It could be a nagging feeling, blatantly obvious circumstances, or negatively affecting your health. Maybe it’s so bad that all of your friends and family members know. Even though the writing is on the wall, you still ... Views: 1214
How bad do you want it? That new career, more income, or business you’ve been dreaming about for years. Most people will talk all day about things they say that they want, but not actually do anything about it. There are two main reasons why: the person doesn’t actually know how to accomplish ... Views: 1110
We’ve all been there. You had a great idea, plan, or goal and were so enthusiastic about it. But as time went on fear and doubt started to creep into your mind. ‘Am I smart enough to do this?’ ‘Can I really succeed and pull this off?’ Once these types of thoughts form, external challenges ... Views: 1217
When you wake up in the morning and get ready for work, how do you feel? Are you excited about the new day ahead? Do you feel fulfilled, knowing that you’re passionate about your career and making the income you want? Unfortunately, a lot of people I’ve spoken with recently are feeling stuck. ... Views: 1192
Do you find yourself wanting to do things but stopping and thinking, ‘I can’t do that.’ Or may be you wonder, ‘What will other people think?’ A lot of professionals believe that they aren’t smart, attractive, rich, or lucky enough to have the life they want. So they don’t pursue a promotion ... Views: 1031
How do you feel when saying “no” to someone? Do you feel anxious, uncomfortable, or confident? Many people avoid saying no and end up feeling used or stressed out with all of the things they have on their plate. I let my clients know that to create success in your life and career, you will ... Views: 1583
We’ve all been there. You’re sailing through your day feeling great and then out of nowhere, you are hit with an email, phone call, or conversation that knocks you off balance. Or maybe, you go through the workday with a constant weight on your shoulders. You could be stressed out at a job ... Views: 1456
Do you know it’s time for a change? Maybe you know its time to start making more money, but you don’t know how. Or you are at a job you know is draining your energy and sucking the life out of you. It’s even possible that there are two great opportunities in front of you, and you just don’t ... Views: 1099
How do you feel after chatting with your co-workers on the job? Are you upbeat, motivated, and inspired? Or are you tired, drained, and feeling unbalanced? Most people are not aware of how the interactions they have with others affects their energy, mood, and job performance. They wonder why ... Views: 1456
Are you feeling stuck? Maybe you’re in a job you hate, in relationships that aren’t serving you, or in a cycle of unhealthy behavior. If this sounds like what you’re experiencing, know that you are not alone! Many people have reached out to me looking for a career coach, because they feel ... Views: 1913
Have you ever wished you had someone to work with to achieve your career goals? It can be frustrating, time consuming, and lonely when you have big plans and no one to talk to about them. Maybe you want to find a new job, get a promotion, or effectively navigate office politics. Working with ... Views: 1136
Do you have a hard time communicating with your boss or supervisor? Having a difficult boss is a reality for many professionals and can be extremely stressful for those in a job they hate. Dealing with others who have a lack of concern, offer poor instruction, are hostile or manipulative can ... Views: 1210
How has your career affected the rest of your life? Are you happy when you go home and ready to connect with your family? The answers to those questions usually lie in your personal, work-life balance. The ability to manage your job duties with other aspects of your life such as health, ... Views: 1669
Do you want to make more money? If so, you are like most Americans today. The latest surveys show that money is the most common concern for people. They report that finances have a huge effect on their levels of stress. Instead of constantly worrying about your lack of funds, think about how ... Views: 1337
What’s holding you back from having the life or career you want? The answer for over 50% of my clients is overcoming fear. This can show up in a variety of ways from doubt, worry, and anxiety. Maybe you’ve been told negative, put-downs over and over again by other people. Or perhaps you’ve ... Views: 1474
Are you ready to achieve success in your life or career but constantly feel drained or overwhelmed? That’s natural because we are consistently bombarded with tasks, emails, phone calls, text messages, and social media. You might have the greatest intentions, but still find obstacles getting in ... Views: 1325
What comes up when you think about the beginning of a new year? Perhaps it’s fear, optimism, stress, or creation. These are all very natural thoughts to have when considering the unknown. Many people end one year thinking about all of the changes they want to make and form resolutions to ... Views: 1407
Recent surveys show that 70% of people hate their jobs and most are actively looking for another one! Putting aside all of the specific reasons and circumstances, that’s a whole lot of unhappy people. It’s natural for professionals to feel that way because many people are wrapped up in their ... Views: 1219
Excellence – the quality of being outstanding or extremely good
What would excellence look like in your life? Would you have your dream job? Are you living in a new city? Could it involve spending more time with your family? Or is it simply having more money in your bank account? It’s ... Views: 2591
Have you found yourself irritable, overwhelmed, or unable to sleep? If so, its time to ask yourself, ‘Are you stressed out?’ Professionals in the Millennial Generation, ages 20-34, are dealing with the highest levels of stress, which can lead to burnout and other negative side effects. ... Views: 1700
Risk- exposure to the chance of injury or loss.
How do you feel when you hear the word risk? Do you get butterflies in your stomach, start sweating and feeling uneasy? Or are you calm and composed when thinking about taking risks? It’s natural to have a mental and/or physical response ... Views: 1655
You are in the midst of a transition! Some event has caused a major shift in your life and you are moving from the past to an unknown future. It’s natural to feel a sense of fear or disillusionment in these instances. A common question my clients ask is, “Where do I go from here?” After some ... Views: 1085
What is the number one reason people give for NOT doing something? I don’t have enough time! You have big ideas and made plans to start a meaningful project, but you can never find the time to get it done. Days, weeks, and months fly by but there hasn’t been any action taken to move you closer ... Views: 1377
What does your typical day look like? Maybe you’re up at 7am, in the office by 9am, and work all day until you can take a break and leave for the night. If that sounds like how you spend your days, how satisfied are you with your career and relationships? Have you seriously thought about the ... Views: 1480
Are you struggling to get things done? Have you constantly been feeling exhausted or stressed during the day? Has anyone told you that you’ve dropped the ball recently? We all know the feeling of overwhelm, having too many things to deal with. This feeling can have a large impact on ... Views: 1245
What lights you up inside? What can you spend hours doing that doesn’t feel like work? Now, how do you feel about your current job? If its easier for you, use a satisfaction scale of 1 (least satisfied) - 10 (most satisfied). Really think about it and decide if that number is how you want to ... Views: 1194
Are you lacking the energy to complete your projects? Have you been feeling unfocused when you sit down to work? Do you feel like you are unable to get things done? Find the source of your motivation and you can solve these challenges! Everyone has their own particular set motivators, so tap ... Views: 1515
Congratulations! You are interested in making changes in your life and serious about getting results. This involved deciding that you are ready to invest in yourself, your dreams, and goals. Or perhaps you’ve heard a little bit about life coaching and think it could be a good fit for you. ... Views: 1767
You have a great idea, you might have a plan, but you have no idea how to get there. Or perhaps, you have a clear goal and a clear plan, but no unbiased, non-judgmental support. Some people ask, “Do I need a life coach?” Let’s face it, we live in a competitive world. There are a lot of ideas ... Views: 1212
Congratulations! You’ve done it all. You graduated from college, got the job, are establishing yourself and then…BAM! The judgment starts. How much money do you make in a year? What is the long-term outlook for your career field? Where do you live? Can anyone have it all: a balanced work, ... Views: 1242
Change often comes whether you want it, pursue it, or ask for it. Major events can seem like pivotal moments in your growth and development. It’s natural to feel some disillusionment and wonder, ‘Where do I go from here?’ Change can simply be defined as a difference between two things. A ... Views: 1255