-Contributed by Eben Pagan
Over the past 15 years, I've built more than a dozen online businesses, all of which used digital products (ebooks, DVDs, MP3s, online Membership Sites, etc.) to deliver my teaching.
In the process of building these products, I've discovered a set of critical ... Views: 1490
There's no question that online communities are vital tools for supporting your own learning and for growing your business.
Through these communities on platforms such as Facebook, Wordpress, and Twitter, your students and clients can experience invaluable support from one another as they ... Views: 1491
Testimonials and case studies attesting to the power of your work are great ways to prove your credibility, so that your ideal clients feel confident about investing in themselves through working with you.
But what if you’re just starting out in a new field or niche and you don’t have that ... Views: 1708
There is no question that, without my mentors, I would not be where I am today, operating a home-based business that has done more than $30 million in sales, while helping people around the world. I feel truly blessed.
You have to have people in your life who can see your blind spots...AND ... Views: 1080
When it comes to presentations, be they in front of live audiences or virtually via powerful tools like teleseminars or webinars, people often worry the most about the last 15 minutes, when it's time to make an Irresistible Offer or invitation to work with you or come in for a consult. But if ... Views: 1725
Several years ago when I launched my business, I had a newborn and a three year old at home. I was the breadwinner of my family, and I was constantly struggling to keep all the balls in the air that I was juggling.
Today, my kids are quite a bit older, I'm still the breadwinner and I'm still ... Views: 1398
Everybody’s talking about the need to be leveraged, but most people aren’t making the distinction between leveraged selling and leveraged delivery. Therefore, they’re missing half of the picture.
Leveraged selling means you’re selling to more than one person at a time. You do that when you ... Views: 2339
People ask me a lot of questions, so I thought it would be useful to gather a few of the most important ones together and answer them here in one place.
These questions are important because their answers can save you from making costly missteps as well as dramatically boost your sales and ... Views: 1900
“It’s fine to celebrate success, but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.”
—Bill Gates
We took seriously what Bill Gates said, when, at our last Sales, Authenticity & Success (Sassy) Mastermind retreat, we created our first-ever Failure Festival.
You read that correctly. ... Views: 1261
It almost goes without saying that, as entrepreneurs, we want to put our best foot forward. However, in our quest for excellence, it's very easy to get stuck in a cycle of perfecting and perfecting - our logo, our copy, our offer, our talk - to the point where, six months later, we still haven't ... Views: 1901
If you're an expert who is wanting to get out there and coach with your work and help people, it's a smart strategy to put what you know into a book.
However, since my blessing is to give everything a look through a sales conversion perspective, I'm going to give you some advice that you ... Views: 1598
I always knew in my heart that I had an awesome gift - just as you do. Just as we all do.
For years I secretly hoped that someone would recognize it and discover me. Maybe they would offer me a chance to speak on a big stage or, better yet, a TV show; something that would allow me to get my ... Views: 1840
Very early on, as a busy mommy with two toddlers, I learned that all of my business promotion activities—the marketing; lead generation; getting a book out there; nowadays, podcasts—would be disheartening, expensive and time consuming if I didn’t have a sales conversion machine in place.
By ... Views: 1344
One of the beauties of hosting a live or virtual event is the opportunity to raise money for causes you care about while making money and a difference with your great work.
I started doing this myself several years ago, and what began as an experiment has become a cherished business ... Views: 1976
As you gear up for the new year, you may be looking to expand and bring on new members to your team.
Of course, when you do so, you’re going to have to ask certain questions in order to discover which applicant is the best fit.
It can be challenging to get the information you require, so to ... Views: 1635
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The Niche Test - by sales, business development, digital products, entrepreneur
Contributed by Eben Pagan
Over the past 15 years, I've built more than a dozen online businesses, all of which used digital products (ebooks, DVDs, MP3s, online Membership Sites, etc.) to deliver my teaching.
In the process of building these products, I've discovered a set of critical ... Views: 2081
Recently, a member of my Sales Authenticity and Success Mastermind asked me about my planning process. How do I decide what my business priorities will be? What mindset do I employ?
Since fall is the perfect time for you to start planning your own six- or seven-figure business for the coming ... Views: 1349
Today I’m going to give you a taste of the secret sauce of our Speak-to-Sell Formula, and that is seeding.
Like the best sauces, seeding is evenly spread throughout our formula, and, when it comes to speaking and/or selling, it’s one of the things that sets our formula apart from anything ... Views: 1252
During a presentation a long-time client of mine felt inspired to share more of her personal story than she ever had before—and significantly longer than I recommend in my Speak-to-Sell Signature Talk Formula.
Although it felt right to her at the time, and she got her best conversion ever, ... Views: 1182
Telesummits are a great way to build your list and your mojo, but a lot of people forget that they should also lead to committed customers.
That’s why, when we created our own telesummit formula, we made sure that it was built around you providing great value, building your list, getting you ... Views: 1280
A telesummit is primarily a list-building event, where a host interviews a collection of experts on a specific topic over a designated period of time, while a virtual audience tunes in for free.
While most telesummits end up being a huge win-win-win for the listeners, the guest experts and ... Views: 2178
When it comes to presentations, be they in front of live audiences or virtually via powerful tools like teleseminars or webinars, people often worry the most about the last 15 minutes, when it's time to make an Irresistible Offer or invitation to work with you or come in for a consult. But if ... Views: 1346
If you’ve always thought that teleseminars and webinars are great for business coaches, but wouldn’t work in your industry, I encourage you to think again.
Here are four entrepreneurs from three very different industries, who are using teleseminars and webinars not only to expand their own ... Views: 994
I have a special treat, as I’m pulling today’s article directly out of my 12-point Speak-to-Sell Signature Talk Formula.
This is #10, which is addressing the top three objections your ideal clients are likely to have to investing in your product, program or service. You can also call these ... Views: 1825
As an entrepreneur—and a busy Mommy—any time that I can do one thing and get a lot of results out of it, I’m happy. In fact, it’s my favorite thing to do and to teach my clients to do.
I hate to see people not leveraging their time, and it’s just so unnecessary, because the opportunities for ... Views: 1552
When my mother died abruptly of cancer when I was only 19, I learned that life is not a dress rehearsal. It really matters that you live your life to the fullest. It matters that you “show up.”
For me “showing up” has included everything from being there for my Mom during her final days; ... Views: 1244
Wouldn’t it be amazing to be able to make money and a difference all around the world, 24/7, regardless of time zone, while you were awake, asleep, working, playing or doing whatever you wanted to do?
Of course it would! That’s why so many heart-centered entrepreneurs are adding information ... Views: 1626
At one point or another, most of us have experienced that feeling of wanting to be “discovered” for our area of expertise. We secretly hope that someday, someone is going to recognize our brilliance and tell the world about it.
I have felt that way too. For decades, I secretly waited for that ... Views: 1740
People often ask me, “Lisa, how is it that you create this amazing three-day event, you give, give, give; you teach, teach, teach and so many of the people who attend want to stay on and work with you further? How do you do it?”
One of our secrets is that we create an experience at our live ... Views: 1599
Your clients are in different places geographically, financially, and in their mindset. So when you’re looking for ways to meet them where they’re at, you have to be thinking about all three.
For example, we know that not everyone is going to be able to show up in Las Vegas next Thursday for ... Views: 1768
Have you ever thought or maybe even said out loud:
"I feel like I'm sitting on a gold mine."
But then you second-guessed yourself. Or resigned yourself to the assumption that you'd have no idea how to access it even if you were.
Well, let me tell you, it is possible to know. These three ... Views: 1946
Last summer, I took a dozen of my Diamond-level Sales, Authenticity and Success (SASSY) Mastermind members on a surprise hot air balloon ride.
We flew over Rancho Santa Fe and San Diego where you can look down over $40-million-dollar homes. Let me tell you, it expanded our minds about what’s ... Views: 1435
Recently I’ve shown you how to get comformation product, mentorship, etc.
Today I’m going share with you three principles for a powerful close so that you can inspire on-the-spot action in your ideal clients—those people who are perfectly matched to you—without being salesy. You can give them ... Views: 2476
So many people tell me that they feel “yucky” when attempting to close a sale. They don’t want to feel that way and they don’t want their prospects to feel yucky either!
The key to erasing that concern is what you do before you make your irresistible offer. And this is: Give them a ton of ... Views: 2449
Far too often we entrepreneurs haven't quite moved beyond the corporate mode for success. We get sucked up into that desire to climb "the ladder." We want to get to the top.
But in a recent experience with my Sales, Authenticity & Success (Sassy) Diamond Mastermind members, I discovered that ... Views: 3702
Three years to seven figures was my own path, and I've seen the same over and over with my Sassy Mastermind members, some now in their third year with me.
So, yes, it really is possible to break a million in three years -- if you follow something like my leveraged progression plan below.
I ... Views: 1608
There's just nothing better than when a third party--who has nothing to gain--shares from the heart about the benefits they got from your work.
Whether it's in written form or live at an event, a testimonial is social proof. It shows people that you have something great to teach.
But too ... Views: 1384
The other day, my amazing copywriting director, Michele PW, shared something that really got me thinking.
She told me that the tide has turned and that beauty has finally come into its own.
The reason? Women.
Ugly Used to Sell
In the old days, copywriters, like Michele PW, who ... Views: 2506
Before I get started, let me say that you don't have to be a world-renowned expert before attracting people to work with you in a deep, lasting and meaningful way. If you feel inspired to offer a six-month or year-long mastermind, mentorship or group coaching program, consider doing it.
And ... Views: 4057
I want you to imagine having a group of clients — whether it’s 5, 15 or 50 people. In this group are your ideal clients, and you get to work with them deeply.
These are clients who have invested in themselves at a high-level, which generally goes hand-in-hand with people who are going to do ... Views: 3465
I'm a big believer in the power of tithing as taught by Edwene Gaines in The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity.
In her model you tithe 10% of your income to those people, places or institutions who have fed you spiritually.
They've inspired you, helped you to remember who you are.
By ... Views: 1694
Many of you are playing the follow-up game.
You have people who say, "Oh, I really want to coach with you," but they haven't made the investment yet. Or somebody's been looking at doing a VIP day with you, but they haven't gotten back to you. Or you're having a live training and 20 people ... Views: 1698
When you're structuring your Irresistible Offer you want to think about dinner. That meal generally includes a main dish, a couple of side dishes and dessert.
Here's what I mean:
The Main Dish
The main dish of your Irresistible Offer is the primary product or service that provides the ... Views: 1128
We are here to love; we’re here to serve. We’re here to give, and we also came to receive. You’ve got this wealth to give and that wealth should bring you riches in return.
Yet, so many people don’t know how to monetize their mission. And they fail to structure their offers and their talk in a ... Views: 1495
A few years ago, I was telling my colleague, Dianne Legro that I was going to be the only female speaker at an upcoming multi-speaker event, and that the male speakers I knew would be jumping up on chairs in the middle of their presentation, throwing things at the audience and pounding walls. I ... Views: 1684
People are always asking me—how do you decide which level of product or service to offer when you’re speaking from the stage or teleseminar?
In other words, when should you offer a free gift OR an entry-level item, such as a $197 product, OR that high-ticket item worth $3,000, $5,000, or ... Views: 1392
There are two types of introductions—the one where you introduce yourself toward the beginning of your talk and the one that your promoter reads to introduce you to the audience before you get up on stage. Now, that second introduction may seem like a minor concern, but it’s not; it plays a huge ... Views: 1430
What’s the number one thing that stops people from making an on-the-spot decision?
Generally, they have a question, concern or objection that you don’t know about.
If you don’t address those concerns proactively, the on-the-spot sale probably won’t happen. The person will leave with their ... Views: 1365