What does it mean to stand out in a crowd? Is it just a matter of looking or acting different? That could be one way to stand out but you’ll never be a seven-figure earner if you look or act like a buffoon. Standing out in a crowd will get you noticed but standing apart in a crowd will make you ... Views: 2150
What is balance? What is balance in life? We often hear people talk about being out of balance in life or complaining about their life being lopsided. Usually, these complaints involve work and the fact that it can sometimes seem to consume your waking periods. One of the first things that I ... Views: 1230
Do you practice continuous improvement? If you are Peak Performer, you do! Peak Performers know that part of being on top of their game is working on always getting better. In fact, anyone who is a Peak Performer in their profession, sales or something else, knows that working to improve your ... Views: 1911
Sow? What the heck does that mean? The definition of sow means to scatter seed over (land, earth, etc.) for the purpose of growth. The Roman philosopher, politician, lawyer, orator, and political theorist, Marcus T. Cicero, said, “As you have sown so shall you reap.” And in the New Testament we ... Views: 1699
So how do Peak Performers accomplish extraordinary things? The answer is simple. The process is simple. But you have to be dedicated to commit to it. Peak Performers practice self-development techniques or activities EVERYDAY. That’s right. They do it every day. Everyday might seem like a lot. ... Views: 1485