Many people turn to self help because of the fact that their lives are not what they want it to be…and they are oftentimes experiencing some form of suffering. In fact this is the reason why Buddhism is one of the most popular and prosperous religions today (not that this is going to be a ... Views: 1436
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On Individuality and "Group Think" - by Brian Krall - Personal Development Specialist - True Life Development -
Humans are sociological beings. We are social animals. If you have checked out my “True Life Relationships” main page you will know that that is exactly why I started True Life Relationships, so that I could offer not just the Psychologically based aspects of Personal Development, but the ... Views: 2410
I have noticed over time that there are distinct differences in the mindset and my entire set of lifestyle practices (be it in business, socializing, or conducting my personal affairs such as learning or just living) that I had at times which were characterized by either struggle or success, and ... Views: 2587
Natural medicines are a great alternative to modern western synthetic toxic chemical "medicines", as many people in this medical crises are realizing. And one should always try every natural remedy (and treatment of root causes) possible for any of their ailments before resorting to the former ... Views: 1549
Now you may have just read that title and been all like “What? Seven Logical Levels of Thought Processing? What the hell does that even mean?” And I’m glad you asked (If you did), because obviously that is what this post is for! haha.
So I will start by defining what exactly having “Seven ... Views: 4647
So having come to this website, you are probably wondering what personal development is exactly? What does personal development mean and how does it work?
Because “personal development” is a very abstract and general phrase…If we are going to develop ourselves and our lives…where do we ... Views: 2496
This is a post on relationships and compatibility, because I have seen so many people dating and interviewing their prospective partners on things such as their interests, hobbies, job, and the things they like to “do for fun”, in order to delineate whether or not they are a good match, the ... Views: 2363
A lot of what I do here in True Life Development (and not only that but what most all self help guru’s do) deals with psychology and more specifically mental patterns, negative and positive. So I thought I would dedicate a short article to that topic.
Now I know what your probably thinking, ... Views: 1156
Now I know what your probably thinking…what an obvious answer to this question it is that “Honesty is the best policy”…Right?
But if the answer was that obvious why would I write a whole blog on it?
Obviously this is still a necessary topic, as so many people in relationships still lie to ... Views: 4422
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Law Of Attraction Blueprint - by Brian Krall - Personal Development Specialist - True Life Development -
The Law of Attraction Philosophy is a Secret of Success for many people these days, and a big popular trend among many people from business people to new age spiritualists. However there are still many people who do not know what it is, and many of the people who have gotten into the philosophy ... Views: 2021
Many people have heard the term pH but do not know what it means. Still others have never even heard of it before…this is not good, because your pH is the foundation of your health! It is the balance between the acidity and alkalinity in your body. If your body is too much of either you it ... Views: 1367
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The Truth About Tobacco - by Brian Krall - Personal Development Specialist - True Life Development -
Many people in the world are having adverse health effects because of tobacco use. This is very unfortunate because in actuality tobacco is a medicinal plant that has been misused and this causes misconceptions about it. When studies are done about tobacco by health professionals who wish to ... Views: 1219
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Yin & Yang Theory of Existence - by Brian Krall - Personal Development Specialist - True Life Development -
On Yin and Yang Theory
An excerpt from “Spirit Metamorphosis” by Isantis Tao (Brian Krall)
Brought to you by True Life Development
One of the most important things in finding your personal enlightenment, is understanding the nature of reality. And one of the fundamental principles ... Views: 2066
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Entrepreneurship Vs. Employment - by Brian Krall - Personal Development Specialist - True Life Development -
Most people these days are taught to “Go to school, Get a job, then retire”…But unfortunately that is just not viable anymore. People who are going to college are more often than not unable to get a job in their field for most degrees, and are left working entry level jobs with massive student ... Views: 1398
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Cleansing!!! - by Brian Krall - True Life Development -
Cleansing is a very important part of a healthy lifestyle, and can greatly increase your lifespan as well as your energy level on a day to day basis, and not only reduces the risk of colon cancer and other leading causes of death, but it increases your digestive systems ability to process food ... Views: 1456
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Aromatherapy - by Brian Krall - True Life Development -
Essential Oils and Aromatherapy
Essential oils are a great natural medicine with a wide variety of holistic benefits which are an important and integral part of a good healthy holistic lifestyle.
Essential oils can be used in the following ways:
-Applied to the throat
-Infused in ... Views: 1762
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Raw Recipes for Nutritional Healing - by Brian Kral - Personal Development Specialistl - True Life Development -
Everyone knows that “you are what you eat”. And the foods that you eat form both the basis of your physical health for you to stand upon in your life, but also your physical energy level for living life with. So this is why your diet is the first and foremost important thing to take into ... Views: 1210