It’s green . . . it’s nutritious . . . it’s very old . . . and it keeps you feeling young – but do you really know what chlorella is?
Two and a half billion years ago – long before dinosaurs roamed the planet – chlorella and its algae cousins ruled the world. These tiny single-celled ... Views: 1189
You've heard that an apple a day can keep the doctor away . . . But is that true anymore?
These days, the beautiful, whole fruit has been tossed to the side. And the complex nutrition in the apple has been reduced, extracted and isolated, put into pills and capsules.
Instead of turning ... Views: 1304
If you breathe, you need your lungs.
That may seem obvious. But many of us don't think to much about these two hardworking air sacs that keep us breathing.
Lungs don't only serve us the oxygen we need . . . they work hand in hand with the heart. They are part of our immune system. And they ... Views: 1473
Women's risk for heart attacks continues to be high.
And the heart attack is just the beginning . . .
According to new data presented at the American College of Cardiology, women tend to die more often at the hospital following a heart attack.[1] And the American Heart Association reports ... Views: 1195
Every parent wants their children to be healthy . . . but making that happen can be a challenge.
With all the sweet temptations on one side . . . and children's finicky taste buds on the other, it's hard to get your kids to eat the food their body needs to grow.
But supplements, on the ... Views: 4414
Want to tap into the benefits of healthy living? There’s no better time to do so than spring . . .
Spring is a time of new beginnings . . . the time to plant seeds for growth, both figuratively and literally. As the sun starts to warm the earth, energizing the world around you, it’s easier to ... Views: 1530
There's a healing power right under our noses.If given the right stimulus and environment, the body can heal itself.
In fact, after practicing medicine for over 3 decades, I've come to understand that this may be one of humankind's most powerful ally in fighting illness. Your body is designed ... Views: 1130
Don't get stuck thinking spring cleaning stops with cleaning your house. Spring is the time to clean out the junk that's built up in your body . . . your mind . . . and your overall life.
If you take advantage of this season of renewal, clean out thoroughly! Make space for all the new and ... Views: 1720
Are you taking your eyes for granted despite all they do for you?
Your eyes allow you to relate to people, live your life independently and enjoy many of the beauties of the world. But it's easy to take them for granted until it's too late to do much to help them . . .
Velva didn't. In her ... Views: 1735
How often do you reach for caffeine or sugar when you're dying for some energy?
And then you end up with shaky hands and lower energy after a few hours!
No need to go through that energy roller coaster!
Instead put these natural, healthy alternatives to work for you. These 3 nutritional ... Views: 2443
An estimated 30 million Americans have inside of them something growing out of control that's robbing them of health and energy. And most of us have no clue that it's there . . .
A common yeast called Candida albicans lives inside of most of us. Ordinarily your immune system and decent ... Views: 1209
You can't fix a broken heart - even with the best medicine. It just won't get it back to pumping like a healthy one.
While you can help rebuild a traumatized heart to some extent with exercise and good nutrition, the key to heart health is prevention. And when it comes to B vitamins, ... Views: 1253
Humans are pretty inventive. Our creativity has changed our quality of life infinitesimally over the centuries.
But nature still outdoes us in many areas. We have yet to best the sophistication, flexibility, and precise responsiveness of our immune system when it comes to warding off illness ... Views: 1631
Raw foods enthusiasts report benefits like more energy, clearer skin, less brain fog and looser jeans.Excited about the benefits, more and more people are turning to raw foods to revitalize their bodies.
But here's the question - do raw foods make you healthier?
While there has yet to be ... Views: 1254
If the winter cold and darkness are getting you down, here's an uplifting tip. Eat yourself back to merriment.
Yes, food is the best medicine - even when it comes to mental health. Increasingly, doctors are shifting from prescribing drugs to recommending nutritional strategies and exercise to ... Views: 1285
Usually you have to do a dozen things to stay healthy. Staying healthy often means following a long list of do's and don't's.
Well, what about doing one healthy move and getting 7 health benefits from it? Wouldn't that strike you as a deal worth taking advantage of?
Of course, you would! ... Views: 1244
In 1972, a group of Stanford University researchers did an experiment that highlighted a critical tool for fast weight loss. If you want to lose the pounds, this discovery makes all the difference . . .
The researchers placed an enticing marshmallow treat in front of each child participating ... Views: 4029
Losing weight can be a challenge at any age. But when you get to 40, it can be particularly tough. It requires checking your old habits and developing some new ones. And at this time in life, the old habits can be even harder to break!
However, if you have the right approach, you can still ... Views: 1115
Unique among organisms, green plants contain the pigment chlorophyll which gives them the power to turn the sun’s energy into stored biochemical energy.
Chlorella has a higher concentration of chlorophyll than any green plant on the planet. Because of this - combined with its powerful ... Views: 1365
Every year millions of people around the world celebrate during the holiday season. But too often, many people experience adverse health problems that taint the joy of the season.
Why? Because of stress, lack of energy, poor eating or overeating, and more.
Recent studies show that heart ... Views: 1240
Getting old has many effects on the body from vision loss, loss of mental agility, to more serious health conditions like diabetes, heart and circulatory ailments.
But sugar is a culprit that can wreak havoc on your body and accelerate the aging process.
If you're looking for a powerful ... Views: 1276
Flu seasons around the corner . . . and even worse epidemics seem to be poised to spread through the country.
Is our medical system prepared for these threats? We worry and question our doctors anxiously, hoping for some answers.
But while conventional medical interventions can make a ... Views: 1573
You may have heard about her . . .
Just a freshman in college, Lauren Hill is doing incredible things . . .
She just played in her first NCAA basketball game, scoring 4 points with two uncontested layups . . .
She’s now gracing the front of a Wheaties box . . .
And she’s been ... Views: 1357
Toxins are everywhere robbing people of vitality and energy. Discover simple yet effective steps to finally get toxins out of your body and life.
Toxins are perhaps the greatest threat to people’s health. Modern living has introduced toxins into the food chain, the air and water. Even ... Views: 1180
Toxins can sneak into your body through the water you drink . . . the food you eat . . . the air you breathe . . . even the medicines you take!
Toxins are everywhere. It’s impossible to avoid them. They’re an integral part of modern life.
However, that doesn’t mean you have to drown in this ... Views: 1577
You’re at your wit’s end . . .
You’ve gone to doctor after doctor . . . You’ve tried prescription drugs . . . But you still feel sick – perhaps even worse than before!
The truth is, conventional medicine largely ignores one of the biggest health threats we face . . . The root cause of ... Views: 1376
Our imaginations run wild when we listen to ghost stories . . . or watch scary movies . . .
The unknown – the invisible – gets the skin on the back of our necks prickling!
But while ghouls and goblins may make you shiver, there’s another unseen danger lurking about. And whether or not you ... Views: 1253
Have you eaten your greens today? How about your SUPER greens?
Yes, green veggies are good for you . . . but there’s a whole other class of green foods that are even better. And these greens are considered one of the superfood groups because of their incredible nutrition.
What are these ... Views: 1584
Did you know that much of your body is really in its teenage years? Or even toddlerhood?
You may have been counting your birthdays diligently. But your body is on a different schedule. Cells are reborn and tissue is renewed frequently during your lifetime.
By applying his revolutionary ... Views: 1520
Squeamish about needles?
What if those needles could heal safely and . . . painlessly? You may have heard about acupuncture, a form of alternative medicine developed in China that uses very fine needles to resolve health problems.
But you may not have heard how effective and ... Views: 1930
When Dara Torres won her 12th Olympic gold medal in swimming in 2008, her age fueled rumors of performance-enhancing drugs. At age 41, she was more than twice the age of her competitors.
But regular blood tests proved drugs didn’t get Dara to the finish line before the rest of the pack. ... Views: 1417
When the sun crosses the equator, the hours of daylight equal the hours of night. This occurs only two times each year – during the spring and the fall equinoxes.
These equinoxes are special times of year. At these moments, we are poised on the brink of extremes: Cold winter and scorching ... Views: 1723
How often do you feel on the edge? Frustrated . . . anxious . . . tense . . . angry . . .
Whether it’s from arguing with your teenager or getting stuck in traffic, stress is an inevitable part of life. With so much on our schedules and so little time to get things done, we feel stretched to ... Views: 1237
How many times have you spent your lunchtime scarfing down a sandwich while checking social media or squeezing in some work?
Lunch is typically an afterthought. It’s probably the least-enjoyed meal of the day. It’s mostly filled with fast-food, dull sandwiches or – worst of all – a few ... Views: 1211
Either you have it or you know someone who does . . .
Diabetes is a growing health problem globally and nationally. The Centers For Disease Control report 29 million Americans have it and a third of Americans (86 million) with pre-diabetes are close to getting it.[1]
If it’s in your ... Views: 1160
It’s hard to go back to the rigor of work after the relaxed pace of summer. You have to give up junkie novels on the beach and barbecues for commuter traffic, power meetings and deadlines.
This shift requires you to get you’re A-game on, sharpen up your reflexes and perform at your best. It ... Views: 1868
You’ve been robbed! If you’re eating food that’s been processed and refined, you’ve been swindled out of all the good stuff in food.
It’s a terrible development, but it’s true. We took out the nourishing things in food, leaving our shelves filled with food that’s empty of nutrition.
As ... Views: 1238
Getting old is a frightening prospect. Most of us worry we’ll no longer be able to enjoy life and instead face one frustration after another. But it doesn’t have to be that way. As many spunky and vital seniors testify, with the right attitude and a strategic approach to healthy living, your ... Views: 1518
Love smoothies but feel like you’re ready for a new twist on your old favorites? There’s nothing like an unusual (and healthy) ingredient to add some new life to your smoothie-making. It’s great to find new smoothie recipes . . . but even better to become a creative smoothie maestro.
So with ... Views: 1498
Is your local cornucopia exploding? Do you walk away from the farmers’ market with more produce than you know what to do with?
Time to make smoothies galore! There is nothing like a smoothie for turning fresh fruits into a flavorful, beautiful, refreshing snack in a glass!
But while fresh ... Views: 1389
Is your pet’s misery making you miserable too? Your dog won’t stop scratching. She whines and wiggles when you’re trying to relax on the couch.
Or maybe it’s your cat . . . he paws at his ears, looking irritated. And you find telltale signs of digestive upset around the house.
If you’re ... Views: 1375
Nothing revolutionizes your health like the power of green. The way I see it, the more green goodness you get in your diet, the better.
Better yet, mix it up! Each plant on this planet has its own particular flavor and aesthetics. Not to mention its unique nutritional value.
So while the ... Views: 1456
Nothing revolutionizes your health like the power of green. The way I see it, the more green goodness you get in your diet, the better.
Better yet, mix it up! Each plant on this planet has its own particular flavor and aesthetics. Not to mention its unique nutritional value.
So while the ... Views: 1486
Don’t you long for the basics when it comes to nutrition?
With all the nutritional information that’s out there, you can easily get overwhelmed. It can get so bad you may even become paralyzed with ambivalence when picking up your fork . . . or stopped cold with worry when filling up your ... Views: 1311
When summer hits, there’s nothing better than moving the kitchen outside. Not only does it keep the house cooler, dinner tastes so much more delicious off the grill. Nothing beats that touch of fire.
However, there’s a hidden danger to this summer treat that often gets overlooked. It’s not ... Views: 1627
Simon Donato was having doubts.
“I’m not sure I’m going to make it!” he muttered, using his whole body to leverage the pedals on his bike. His legs throbbed and a sense of utter exhaustion was slowly creeping into his body. He wasn’t sure he had enough stamina to keep going.
Host for the ... Views: 1696
Usually we think of a green smoothie recipe as just a recipe . . . nothing more. It’s good for our health, but that’s about where the impact stops.
Not so with the Green Machine smoothie. . .
Because this green smoothie recipe didn’t just liven up some cells on the inside . . . it ... Views: 1643
There’s really no polite way to talk about bowel movements. For this reason, many of us simply try to ignore what goes on in the bathroom.
But by doing so, we put our health at risk!
See, most of us – even most doctors – ignore this important bodily function. Yet despite its ban from ... Views: 2798
Almost despairing, a young family approached the animal rescue organization, The Gentle Barn, seeking help. After being treated with anti-inflammatory medications, their little dog, Sofia, had developed a hole in her stomach. No medical intervention worked and they were worried they’d lose this ... Views: 1408
What organs are essential for health?
If you talk to a western doctor, they’d probably first tell you the heart or brain is the most important. In contrast, a Traditional Chinese Medical doctor would most likely assign this honor to the liver.
An amazing organ, the liver . . .
• Plays ... Views: 1414