Imagine a world where everything is as we wish it to be, a world where everyone meets our standards, our idea of perfection, where people get our approval and do exactly what we want them to do.
How stimulating, exciting and practical is that?
Well, the reality is, it can’t ... Views: 655
I ask you to climb mountain A in two hours
You climb mountain B in 90 minutes
You are happy about being efficient, you did it quicker than I had estimated
However, are you effective?
Note, you climbed the wrong mountain.
Can you relate this to your workplace?
How many meetings would be ... Views: 1126
Realize what you want. It stops you from chasing butterflies and puts you to work digging gold.’ ~ William Moulton Marsden
What is purpose to you, does it matter, have you identified yours?
How different would your life be if you were to live on purpose?
Ever paused to think about ... Views: 1071