We are born into this world with one thing—ourselves. So how do we make the most of this thing called our life? We can start by asking good questions, like: Who am I? What are my gifts? What do I love doing? What do I want to do and who do I want to be? How do I want to be with myself, my ... Views: 477
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I'll meet you there.
Black and white thinking occurs when we believe there is a right or a wrong view or a good or a bad way of behaving and we split by taking sides. We are closed to learning and to others who do not ... Views: 720
I believe that most of the violence in society comes from our aversion to our emotions. We fight the reality of what we feel because we don’t like the feeling. We try to make it go away by resisting what is. We battle with our feelings by drinking, running, eating, refusing to feel. When we have ... Views: 1167
Growing up with developmental trauma* can cause patterns of learned helplessness where we shut down, get small, space out, disassociate and eventually get depressed. Another response would be to go into the big one where we puff up and present ourselves as bigger than we are (see “Being the Big ... Views: 1526
Repetition compulsion* is a pattern we get stuck in where we are trying to ease the pain that manifests because our needs as a child were not met. The pain occurs when we are younger and because our feelings weren’t acknowledged, the emotions (of fear, anger and grief) are not resolved and we ... Views: 1655
What does it mean to bring more of the feminine into our culture and why should we do that? Is there evidence that it helps? In a study in Leadership: Women Do It Better Than Men, Harvard Business Review (https://hbr.org/2012/03/a-study-in-leadership-women-do), Dr. Jack Zenger and Dr. Joe ... Views: 1649
If you do for others and neglect your own needs, you are not nurturing yourself and you are not aligned with your true self. Often people are told they are selfish if they think of themselves and and put their needs before others, but really we strengthen ourselves when we listen to our own ... Views: 1331
When you expect to get the love you didn’t get as a child from your partner, you are stuck in the pattern of hope and struggle that you cannot win. This is a pattern that is created in childhood that seeps into our relationships (as most patterns do). The pattern comes about because the love we ... Views: 1619
Many of us were raised to resist our feelings (don’t be angry, don’t cry, don’t be so wild, etc). We do most anything to not feel: we eat, do drugs, drink, exercise, work, text, play computer games, and in doing all of this doing, we fight reality. When we resist feeling, we block reality, and ... Views: 1916
Sometimes when we are little and things go wrong, we think we have to take charge and fix things. We feel it’s up to us to make it better. We think we have to be the big one and we’ll show the adults how to do it. Or we feel like no one else is seeing what a mess things are, or how unsafe things ... Views: 1820
This article discusses effective and ineffective ways of gaining personal power and how that search impacts those around us. Note: I suggest you read “The Victim Tyrant Cycle” as it includes important concepts used in this article ... Views: 1463
How do we know when we have healthy fear versus unhealthy fear about the latest pandemic? Healthy fear stimulates our awareness and drives us to appropriate action. Unhealthy fear is not as effective because we are over stimulated. We are hypervigilant, stressed, and our body is tense, all of ... Views: 2065
The Victim Tyrant Cycle
By Julie Roberts, Ph.D.
This paper is about adults and not children. Children don’t have a choice when they are victims (they can’t leave their situation and if they do speak, often they aren’t heard). Adults have choice when they can see beyond the pattern that keeps ... Views: 2188
The world is filled with people who are unhappy and even angry because they can’t get the love that they want. Most of us think that we need to do something different or be with someone different in order to get what we think we need—love from someone else. We have to be better, do more, achieve ... Views: 1535
Generally, society works against us discovering and being ourselves. We are taught to be what society and our parents want us to be. There is little faith in the brilliance and miracle of who we are. Instead, there is typically a fear that we are not enough and we have to push to be the best we ... Views: 1926
The world in which we live is violent in large part due to how we raise our children. We assume that children are small and undeveloped and without the need for freedom and personal choice. However, we traumatize them by making demands, creating unnecessary limits, not listening to them and not ... Views: 1854
What do Kids need?
Children need to be seen and appreciated for who they are. Our job as an adult is to look at a child and ask, “Who can you be?” This means we create an atmosphere of curiosity and attention, which nurtures a child to find the essence of who they are. We support their way of ... Views: 2487
I recently turned 55 and at my birthday celebration, a friend told me that I had changed more than anyone he knew. When I told this to another friend (with whom I have recently reconnected after 30 years) he said yes, that was true for him too, “you aren't the same person in so many ways, and ... Views: 1804
Addiction results from using a substance repeatedly to cope with emotional and/or physical pain. Family history of addiction is a factor in the severity of the problem and one’s ability and willingness to stop, but using substances to deal with emotional pain prevents us from learning effective ... Views: 4779
Many of us have limiting beliefs that impact our relationship with money. During these difficult times when we are tightening our belts, it would be helpful to rid ourselves of any negative beliefs that impact our ability to manifest money. These beliefs originate from our interactions, cultural ... Views: 4909
If you want to alleviate stress, reduce negative emotions, eliminate obsessive thinking, or help actualize your potential, you can use the following simplified steps of CLEAR. This method combines a number of energy psychology methods (EFT, EMDR, Somatic Experiencing) and is simple and ... Views: 2308
The development of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and other psychological problems by war survivors has been well documented1. Despite substantial efforts to provide these individuals with Mental Health services, the reality is that that the services are not usually available, or are ... Views: 2133
Book review of Change Works with CLEAR, Clearing Limitations with Acupressure Release
By Julie Roberts, Ph.D.
Ready for distribution; printed 4/07 by Change Works
ISBN #: 978-0-9796033-0-3
Paper back; 150 pages
Cost: $15 (+ shipping) available at: www.changeworksinc.com
Book Summary
Change ... Views: 1785