We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Peak Performance". If you have expertise in Peak Performance and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Have you ever wondered what is the missing piece to having what you want in your life?
I know for me, I used to make the same new years resolutions over and over again each year. I would believe it was possible to create the change I wanted in my life and I would take action. The A and The ... Views: 2142
Energy as defined in Physics is the capacity to perform work. With this awareness, now ask yourself, “How much energy do I have right now”? If you are feeling de-energised or tired, you obviously understand that you will not be able to perform the crucial tasks you need to carry out daily, at ... Views: 885
The words “Peak Performance” tend to conjure up a vision of momentary flashes of brilliance. Extraordinary performances, like the 517 yard, hole-in-one, shot by golfer Mike Crean at Green Valley Ranch Golf Club in Denver, in 2002. Such performances as this are like flashes of lightning; rare, ... Views: 1559
As you tackle the business planning process for the year, there are some fundamental personalities differences that you need to keep in mind to make the process as efficient and effective as possible. The key areas to be considered are:
1.Preparation for the business planning meeting.
2.The ... Views: 1502
What is more important: technical skill or a solid mental game? Both! If you don’t have the technical ability to play a particular sport, it does not matter how strong your mental game is. Golf is an especially difficult game because there are so many aspects to it: driving, long irons, short ... Views: 1315
Setting life goals has been one of the most well known secrets of highly effective people, and being able to do that effectively should be one of the skills you ought to aim to master in this life.
So what is the main secret behind setting effective goals for your life? The answer may ... Views: 1234
Do you ever feel like something is keeping you from moving ahead in your business, but you can’t pinpoint exactly what it is? As I look back at conversations I’ve had with clients over the years, I see four common obstacles that tend to hold people back. Do any of these ring true for ... Views: 2077
There’s nothing more invigorating, more breathtaking than awakening to find glorious spring flowers that have miraculously burst through the soil into full bloom. I find myself mesmerized by them, both astonished by and grateful for their exquisite beauty. Staying in that moment and allowing ... Views: 1390
Throughout your life people have probably told you not to be afraid of anything. Fear is associated with weakness. It is for cowards.
You could find hundreds of self improvement blogs or self help gurus that tell you fear is a bad thing. That it stops people from living their passions, so you ... Views: 1686
There are many ways for a leader to train and develop a workforce: teaching, coaching, encouraging and nurturing. However the one form that speaks loudest and is rarely considered a strategy are a leader’s actions.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then the actions of a leader are ... Views: 1355
Getting organized is definitely a daunting task.
However, I have decided that if I list out the tasks that need to be completed each week, then divide them up into days, I might have a fighting chance.
Since I do not have a cleaning crew, nanny, or someone to take care of my business, it’s ... Views: 1138
With family finances addressed and closets restocked, Monday's new schedule jump-started the week perfectly.
Now, I have the task of getting the house cleaned within the next two days, while keeping up with all of my other priorities, too.
Using the same basic time blocks as yesterday, I ... Views: 1019
With half of my house cleaning tasks completed on Tuesdays, the downstairs remains for Wednesday's.
At the end of the day, the heavy lifting for the week will, for the most part, be done.
Opportunities to take on time-consuming projects during the remaining 4 days exist, but can be ... Views: 1152
The turning point in my life came when I discovered the law of cause and effect, the great law of the universe, and human destiny. I learned that everything happens for a reason. I discovered that success is not an accident. Failure is not an accident, either. I also discovered that people who ... Views: 1222
We’ve already completed the first week of the new year and I’m curious how you’re doing with your New Year’s resolutions? To me a new year’s resolution is just another form of a goal.
Roberto and I recently posted our goal setting worksheet for you to use to set your goals. When I shared that ... Views: 931
Little Laws 4 BIG SUCCESS
Bill Cottringer
“We don't see things as they are; we see things as we are.” ~Anais Nin.
A long time ago an MIT Math professor friend introduced me to a very intriguing engineering term called perturbation point. These are the few key stress points in a ... Views: 1771
Albert Einstein famously said "Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result."
I love this, live by it and reiterate it to my clients over and over again. This principle has driven my ability to solve almost any problem when it comes to business growth. I ... Views: 965
Finding or replenishing your lost motivation can be a difficult task for anybody and especially internet marketers during the holiday seasons! With holiday 'spirit' in the air comes many distractions that make it hard to stay motivated which can be the kiss of death for the business of many ... Views: 2365
Blog Success is something you must earn and is not simply granted to you for just launching the site! The fact is that to develop a successful blog you must be willing to work and invest the time necessary to earn the loyalty of your readers! Although nothing involved here is difficult, the ... Views: 975
How to be a millionaire requires revising your old money blueprint that is housed in your subconscious mind. Your old money blueprint is the result of the information or "programming" you received when you were growing up.
I remember how my mother and aunts and uncles would say things like, ... Views: 1390
For anybody looking to get more done one surefire way, in most cases, is when you are confronted with a deadline to meet! Although this is NOT a 'strategy' recommended by this writer it has proven to be highly effective at increasing work efficiency due to the sense of urgency such situations ... Views: 940
I can honestly say that most of my life I've always wanted to "know how to be a millionaire." It never occurred to me that the mind played an important role in the creation of wealth, I just figured that I would have to find a way to get a good paying job and work very hard, and then, I would ... Views: 1263
Building self confidence is something that will DIRECTLY influence the level of success you or anybody else may experience! It all stems from the fact that the more self assurance one may feel the more incline they will be when it comes time for actually taking action! Most people tend to shy ... Views: 1058
Hey Friends,
Wanted to send out some thoughts on achieving what you set out to do daily. With everything at a fingers touch or click away, I found that every now and then we can easily lose focus on what we need to complete that day (myself included!). The result of losing focus is that the ... Views: 1100
“A group becomes a team when each member is sure enough of themselves and their contribution to praise the skills of the others.” Norman Shidle
A fundamental part of being a highly effective team is the ability to make effective decisions as a team, but which way is the best way? In tackling ... Views: 1176
Only Certain People Can Be Successful...
Often time people seem to assume that you can only be successful if you were born into money or you are overly artistic or fate has brought you success. This is an absurd belief… There are factors that contribute to success among all people that have ... Views: 1194
The dark cloak, the top hat, the intense stare...you've seen it many times, the mysterious hypnotist as they approach their subject to make them obey their every command. Dark, sinister...and not even close to reality! When I tell people that I'm a hypnotist, I get a wide range of responses, ... Views: 1688
Over the years I have noticed a strange anomaly, which at first seemed to me, to be counterintuitive. When people try to work fast, they become overwhelmed and slow, whereas, when they concentrate on being smooth, the results they produce are not only better, but they occur faster too. When ... Views: 1274
The pressures imposed by society on us to conform to the norms and expectations of the masses and the notion that anything you can’t touch, feel or see, cannot be real and is most certainly not believable, has forced us to repress our ability to know things before we think or in other words, we ... Views: 1404
In the journey of personal mastery it is important to recognize and own the very core “powers” or functions of your mind-body system. It is important to recognize and own your “Power Zone”. When you do this, you establish the foundation for your personal empowerment, responsibility, and ... Views: 1482
Any small business owner must be confident in their product, idea, service or themselves to start their business.
As your business evolves, triumphs are recorded and you soar but when hiccups are encountered like recessions, exchange rates drop and marketing, sales or customer challenges are ... Views: 1445
One of the most important topics discussed in recent years in the field of neuroscience explores the mind-body relationship and the fact (yes, it is a fact) that much of our best “thinking” does not occur in the traditional rational left brain-centered approach. This more thorough scientific ... Views: 1195
With each new day we find that the world has changed a little; on some days it’s changed a lot. Often that change creates uncertainty; a subtle discomfort that comes from not knowing what’s going to happen next.
During times like these the greatest confidence builder available to you is ... Views: 2621
Have you ever had the thoughts “I have too much information and too many choices without a way to choose what’s right for me. I don’t have time to do all I need to do. I need to go on an information diet.”?
“I need to go on an information diet” is our solution to the uncomfortable experience ... Views: 1427
Success always leaves clues. No one around you that has achieved great success has done so in a vacuum. The path they have traveled, to achieve the remarkable success they have achieved, is paved with their own personal recipe or brand for success. One of the easiest ways to invite similar ... Views: 1054
Jim Harbaugh has been successful at every level in football. In college at the University of Michigan, he was an All-American quarterback. As the leader of the Chicago Bears and Indianapolis Colts’ offenses, he was known as a modestly talented but gritty, independent and inspirational ... Views: 3825
These days, people often wear their “ability” to multitask as a badge of honor. We’ve all been there: sitting at our desk, computer humming, files open, checking e-mails, talking on the phone, and listening to a colleague all at the same time. Impressive, yes? No. It’s neither impressive nor ... Views: 1521
I find that the best kind of creative inspiration, in any field of endeavor, comes from communing deeply with other life presences, in heartfelt, open-minded, empathic attunement with them. The more deeply we invest our heart, mind, and senses, in communion with other life presences, ... Views: 2492
Ever stop to consider how your productivity influences other aspects of your life! Now we're not necessarily talking about being more productive at work to get that raise or promotion even though that's a definite plus! The focus of our conversation here today is about when you get more done how ... Views: 1288
In my second year in the insurance business I set a couple of records while going for the coveted President's ring. At one point my closing ratio was over 90%. It seemed almost effortless at times. I felt at one with my work, my prospects, and my clients. I was extremely focused and energized, ... Views: 1821
This article is for e-store owners who want to be in control over their business and whose time is too precious to spend it in vain.
What if Your Store Is not That Fit?
Even if you're the lucky owner of Magento, one of the best e-store platforms, it cannot grant your website top ... Views: 956
The weather here in NJ has been pretty stormy lately. A couple of hours ago, it was dark outside. Thunder was rumbling. Everything seemed to be in place for a terrific downpour but the storm didn't come, at least not then. All we got were a couple of raindrops that quickly disappeared. Hours ... Views: 1511
Turning Pressure into a Positive Force in Your Life
By Aimee Bernstein
First published in Holistic Health Magazine
The more you want success, money, love, power or even peace of mind, the more you invite pressure into your life. Think about it. You strive to attain a top-level job and ... Views: 1988
Outlook email client is the application that works stand alone as well as it can easily used with Exchange Server with which entire Outlook data shared on network. Various Outlook items like emails, tasks, calendars, contacts etc can easily saved in OST file format if Outlook user is working in ... Views: 1241
When you plan your work do you try to keep your schedule light or do you focus more on increasing productivity? Many believe that having a busy schedule leads to uncompleted tasks, frustration and stress and therefore does little in regards to increasing productivity! On the contrary there is ... Views: 1474
Success comes to those who have a strong will to succeed, a vision of what they want and finally a plan to guide them to get it. Does that sound really simple and easy to do, well it really is. The challenge you face though, is that as easy as it is to do, so easy is it not to do. It is really ... Views: 1269
Your attitude is so very influential in just about everything you do yet we all tend to occasionally overlook this! For the most part people with a positive outlook seem to be more productive and as a result happier as well! Let's have a closer look at 3 reasons as to why a positive outlook ... Views: 1464
Often the stress we feel when we are about to take a test - whether for school or a job, is the stress we put on ourselves. If you are prepared, and know the material as well as you can, you have all you need to do well, so why are you putting roadblocks up for yourself?
I have a friend who ... Views: 2113
Perhaps you have actually dreamed of taking part in a musical instrument and clueless as to what type of instrument is ideal to participate in with? Effectively, learn how to participate in a violin therefore you will never regret it. It can be, by far, 1 from the coolest instruments to engage ... Views: 1492
10 Tips for Overcoming Procrastination
“After all is said and done, more is usually said than done.”
Old proverb
Why do we procrastinate? Over the years, here are some of the things I’ve heard people say in my workshop on time ... Views: 1696