Case Study!
For many years we have been fixing people’s voices which have been affected by acid reflux… One of the cases - of the year 2014 - stands out the most.
A woman in her early 40th walked into our studio and told us her story… She was divorced from her very abusive husband, who ... Views: 744
Spasmodic Dysphonia is a very nasty voice disorder which is, conventionally speaking, not treatable, let alone curable. Via my observations of many years of practise, it looks like it happens more to women rather than to men. I think that men are less emotional, less loud and/or much less ... Views: 625
To whom it may concern - a personal message from Diana Yampolsky:
We are doers and not just talkers!
In these trying times, we should not only connect with each other but should also express care for each other. We, at The Royans Professional Vocal School, nonetheless, provide ... Views: 780
To whom it may concern - a personal message from Diana Yampolsky:
In these trying times, we should not only connect with each other but should also express care for each other.
We, at The Royans Professional Vocal School, nonetheless, provide unprecedented care for our past, present and ... Views: 659
When a sudden voice problem or vocal issue occurs, the person becomes quite confused (not understanding what had just happened with their speaking voice and why it became so raspy and hoarse...) Why is it all of a sudden they started to experience difficulty speaking and even ... Views: 732
Suffering from voice disorders like sulcus vocalis, GERD (affecting the vocal cords), voice damage caused by chronic laryngitis, paralyzed vocal cords, muscle tension dysphonia, spasmodic dysphonia, and many other voice/vocal problems?
We can help!!
We can ship our natural herbal voice ... Views: 824
Case Study: Sheree O of Hobart Tasmania, Australia.
Herbal remedies treatment…?
Indeed… no doubt, God sent!!
This is her story:
A couple of months ago, I received an e-mail from the woman who identified herself as a spasmodic dysphonia sufferer. ... Views: 724
Strained Vocal Cords, Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD) or Spasmodic Dysphonia for that matter... Is there a connection between them?
Strained vocal cords - a serious voice problem that could lead to various, more serious voice disorders like Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD) or even a Spasmodic ... Views: 881
In December 2008, after not being able to get a visa to Canada for over 3 years, Ashok N was finally able to travel to us for his very much so needed voice repair. He owned 3 companies -in South Africa (where he was residing), India and Botswana. In his line of work, he had to do a lot of ... Views: 685
This is a voice repair testimonial from Zelda A - former Spasmodic Dysphonia sufferer from Ontario Canada.
Hope for the Future.
“I don't know where I would be if I did not find you... I would definitely be doing a review with 100 stars if I could!... I found Diana by chance when I was ... Views: 634
Now, with over 36 years of business, we thought that we had seen it all. As it appears to be, the above is actually not the case.
In the previous years, we had never seen people who have no control whatsoever of their physical bodies; nor we had seen people who absolutely do not know English ... Views: 650
- My close observations and beliefs. -
For at least a decade, about 90 percent of people have been coming through our doors to conquer not only a voice repair but, as experience shows, first and foremost, to acquire a new and improved lifestyle…
Our Toronto prominent newspaper, The Toronto ... Views: 827
This is an informative & educational story about Mary Ellen Stoll: Former Speech and Singing Voice Repair Client from Brockville, Ontario – Now an active member of the Brockville Barbershop Chorus (Thousand Islanders Chorus).
"Hi Diana, I just wanted to let you know I survived ... Views: 758
We would like to forward you a post-course letter - sent by A Morris, Former Muscle Tension Dysphonia Sufferer from the USA.
We hope that you find it inspirational :)
First up, a little info about A Morris.
A Morris, was a student who had embarked on my famous 30-hour voice repair ... Views: 604
Wenke L.G. – a sufferer of the vocal cord papillomavirus.
Wenke L.G. from Birmingham, Solihull UK, met me in my hotel for a two and a half-hour introductory/exploratory session. Below is her feedback after the session was rendered and she and I proceeded to Camden Lock Market for an Afternoon ... Views: 747
Once again, reader’s discretion is advised. Also, due to the personal and intimate nature of the story, some names have been withheld.
At the beginning of the year 2016, we got an email and then (when we asked her) a call from a woman who was residing near Dallas, Texas and who had ... Views: 974
Judy L from Chicago, USA - Case study:
From Laryngitis to strained vocal cords and finally, and unfortunately… to Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD).
A few years ago, Judy arrived to us with her husband from Chicago, speaking with a pretty raspy and hoarse voice.
This is her ... Views: 762
We would identify the cause of your voice issues and then we will find the solution for the appropriate alternative/holistic treatment which, in the majority of cases, will lead to a desirable cure!!
In February of 1984, The Royans School for the Musical Performing Arts was founded. Just over ... Views: 607
We specialize in a unique form of voice restoration and enhancement - designed for those who suffer from voice disorders, vocal disorders, vocal cord damage and speaking and singing voice problems overall.
Since 1984, we have serviced over an estimated 25,000 (combined) students and clients ... Views: 735
This is a case study of Ashok N - Former Non-Surgical Voice Repair Client of South Africa:
Ashok N, of Indian descent, came to us from South Africa in 2008. We were actually supposed to receive this wonderful, smart and educated man in 2005. In order to come to us, Ashok applied for two ... Views: 627
- Holistic approach to a person as a whole -
Case study of our present student of Indian descent.
G.B is our present student - a male of 27 years of age. 5 years ago, he came to Toronto from India to become a student in one of our colleges to take a business program. Prior to that, he ... Views: 662
Acid reflux is a condition in which stomach acid causes throat discomfort. It does not always cause heartburn, but it can damage the throat and vocal cords. This condition is known as laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR).
The content within the stomach includes stomach acids. Stomach acid is what ... Views: 644
There are voice repair specialists ready to help you to get your voice back!
A constantly-hoarse voice does not have to be a stressful experience for you or your loved ones. For sufferers of voice problems (like chronic voice hoarseness), finding a professional voice specialist is not all ... Views: 770
Yes, it could!
We, my reader, would like to introduce you to at least two stories which we had come across.
In the year 2014, I got an e-mail from a person who said that she had been diagnosed with Muscle Tension Dysphonia.
In that e-mail, she said that her speaking voice was quite ... Views: 723
Case Study:
This story is about Vera D of Barrie Ontario, whose vocal cords got damaged during her open heart surgery… Vera came to us in the year 2015 when she hardly could speak, and mostly was whispering.
She told us her story whereas before coming for our non-surgical voice repair ... Views: 744
This story is about “old” Maggie Y - now the “new” Ariel Y. Maggie Y came to us about a year ago to fix her breaking and crackling voice due to muscle tension dysphonia (MTD) voice disorder. Maggie told us her story and explained the reason why she thinks it happened to her.
With her ... Views: 710
We would like to share with you some excerpts from an email which recently reached our office. However, due to privacy concerns, we omitted some personal details. We regret, however, that this person did not reach out to us first and tried to rectify her vocal problem non-surgically.
For ... Views: 766
How so; you, my reader, may ask?
Our answer is; what else is new…?
This story is about our former non-surgical voice repair client, Issac H – a Jewish community leader from Brooklyn, New York. Once medical doctors had diagnosed Issac with such a disorder as Sulcus Vocalis ( a gap between the ... Views: 1003
This Story is about our former client, Elisabeth H of Ottawa Ontario, who suffered from a voice disorder known as Spasmodic Dysphonia. Like everybody else ( who, unfortunately, possesses the same type of voice disorder), Elizabeth was extremely skeptical and disbelieving. With all of my ... Views: 934
This story is about one of my very dear clients, and now friend, Mary Ellen Stoll of Brockville, Ontario. Mary Ellen came to me sometime in Spring of 2016. She told me her story which I would like to share with you, my reader - which, evidently, has a very happy ending.
Mary Ellen told me ... Views: 840
Vocal fold paresis (or vocal cord paralysis) is the result of abnormal nerve input to the muscles within the voice box. When it comes to the human body, the term “Paralysis” means a complete interruption of nerve impulses that cause minimal to no movement for any given body part. In the case of ... Views: 948
- Case Study #2: Brenda Mooers of Calgary, Alberta Canada -
Brenda arrived at our establishment on November 1st, 2018. She is a 51-year-old woman who has been going through hormonal changes. Sometime prior to inquiring about our services, Brenda went to a medical doctor and presented her ... Views: 812
With the Vocal Science™ method and its own very unique vocal technique, we have proven quite a few medical professionals wrong!
- Case Study #1: Tim Bristol of Niagara Falls, New York -
The above-named non-surgical voice repair client of ours was given a “sentence” of “the point of no ... Views: 765
Case Study #2 - Todd, ORLANDO, Perusini
Todd ORLANDO Perusini came through our doors on February the 4th of 2008.
At the time, he was residing in Mexico (he was originally from Okanagan Valley, B.C.). He had a one-millimeter nodule on his right vocal cord. He was very disturbed by it, as ... Views: 956
The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice repair, which is a division of The Royans Professional Vocal School, for the last 3 and a half decades, has been receiving a lot of clients with various voice disorders.
The most common disorders that people have been suffering from are:
Polyps ... Views: 954
Your vocal cords (within your voice box) are not just strings… They are a delicate form of fold tissues (muscles) with a very thin lining on the outside. And just like any other tissues within the body, if not taken care of properly, they can get damaged. Normally, when people start to exhibit ... Views: 928
A stroke is one of the most harmful experiences an individual can experience. When they happen, strokes will often cause temporary or permanent paralysis (nerve damage) to one or both sides of the human body. Sometimes, speech, memory, balance, cognition, and vision may also be affected.
In ... Views: 891
Is It Possible To Conquer Serious Voice/Vocal Problems in 20 Hours (Not Years) Employing The Vocal Science™ Method?
Beyond the reasonable doubt...
What is this blog actually about?
We just would like to bring to your attention that we successfully completed a speech and singing voice repair ... Views: 930
Are you suffering from abnormal changes in your voice like hoarseness, raspiness or even symptoms of voice loss? You may think that you're fighting with a cold or flu, or perhaps you may think that it’s due to the fact that you sang your heart out at a concert or cheered too loudly for your ... Views: 818
Muscle tension dysphonia is a term used to define a negative change in the sound of one’s voice due to the muscle strain in the neck. Hoarseness or discomfort due to excessive muscle tension in and around the voice box can be telling signs of the beginning stages of this nasty voice disorder. ... Views: 1321
- We are NOT doctors… We, in fact, are practicing alternative and holistic methods applicable to nearly all human health problems, while closely specializing in the Non-Surgical Voice Repair field.
- We are Natural Practitioners with a holistic approach to voice /vocal mechanics; and while ... Views: 823
We are practicing alternative internal medicine while advocating the assurance of the best speaking/singing voice & nevertheless, non-surgical voice repair. - We Got This!!
Firstly, you, my reader, may wonder why we call Vocal Science the forensic science? We do so because we are paying a ... Views: 702
What are vocal cord polyps?
Polyps on the vocal cords are fluid-filled lesions. Unlike polyps in other body parts (such as the colon) vocal fold polyps usually are not associated with cancer; but the main problem that a vocal cord polyp can cause negative sound quality of one’s voice due to ... Views: 1375
In the past month, we finished three non-surgical voice repair courses with people from out-of-town and out-of-country.
The first international client, named Alberto ‘Maui’ Mauiztic (a singer/songwriter from Cozumel, Mexico), came to us for just 20 hours of non-surgical voice repair and ... Views: 1016
Case Study:
This blog is primarily dedicated to our local Toronto clients.
The fact is that, opposed to our international clients, they have an opportunity to come for what we call an Introductory/Exploratory Session before they commit to any courses or treatments in the case of ... Views: 1118
When people inquire about their speaking or singing voice restoration, they think only about their voice and nothing else which could be related to the latter. They do not realize that the voice is an essential part of their anatomy and a very important tool for communication (speaking or ... Views: 1119
Every human, at some point in their lives, experiences a change when it comes to their voice. Some of those changes are natural & some changes are abnormal. Sometimes, those abnormal changes are so severe, they may even warrant an investigation with respect of finding out where the underline ... Views: 995
We fix not only voices, but we also mend broken hearts, wounded souls & spirits and… nevertheless, relationships! Why relationships, you my reader, may ask?
The answer is, while the voice is getting healthier and thus stronger, the confidence of the sufferer also becomes stronger. A lot of ... Views: 1132
Beyond the Reasonable doubt...
What is this blog actually about?
We just would like to bring to your attention that we successfully completed a speech and singing voice repair course with Alberto “Maui” Mauiztic from Cozumel, Mexico.
Please check out his feedback after only 20 hours ... Views: 1067
At The Royans Professional Vocal School/The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair, we naturally get a large number of inquiries related to voice/vocal problems, issues and disorders.
The majority of people who actually inquire about our services truly believe that the problem with ... Views: 1068