"Usually the easy way is the mediocre way" - Donald Trump. And it is true! Now, the easy option is not the same that the simple one. There is a big amount of deep challenges that don't aloud us to stay in the comfort zone or only touch the surface when we are choosing "stay simple". Actually, the stage of making things simple is where people complicate everything!
Being simple is being wise. We dive into the deep places of our consciousness. It takes to look within ourselves, take simple action full of purpose to deal with our inner fears, inner conversations, expectations, assumptions etc. To choose "the easy way" is to choose superficially, is to be choosing shortcuts. And as we know, there are no shortcuts in leadership! Usually comes from avoidance, hurry, unconsciousness, which makes always results mediocre. A master leader knows how to expand his/her mind in possibility, auto-monitor and create out of nothing, stay in the present and focus all energy to explore and reach options to make things happen.
How can we do that? Here I give you some guidance:
• Focus your energy on the present. The past gives you valuable information. However, from there you cannot create anything new.
• Direct your Thoughts to new directions. Innovation stimulates creativity. And a creative life is a meaningful one!
• Re-evaluate your ways of being and your actions. I always say that sometimes the light of one candle is brighter than the electric bulb, and a candle do it naturally.
• Get Out of your comfort zone. Keep on moving. Inertia is a premature death.
• Take your pulse time to time. Pay attention how you experience yourself, feelings, emotions and moods. And stay in touch with people that contribute with your wellness.
• Do note Limit yourself. Absence of resources is absence of creativity and inner connection. Circumstances make some influence in our reality, how ever do not define them neither take our power away. Unless we permit that happens. So keep your own power where it belongs; with you!
We exist to achieve one meaningful purpose and this is as simple as we cannot let ourselves to be mediocre when we come from a pure, divine and excellent source! Do your job... Step up in possibility.
Saritza Zambrana is founder of Fine Edge Coaching, a company devoted to teaching high caliber leaders to reach up their mastery manifestation in their life. And how create a highly successful and meaningful personal and professional life attracting and evoking spiritual community in their leadership practice. Creator of high-impact master leadership programs in Puerto Rico. Certified Coach, transformational trainer, Yoga teacher and Latin magazine collaborator. To experience Saritza's coaching and find out more about her programs write to us! at: Info@fineedgecoaching.com
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