At the age of 34 Rory had achieved everything he had set out to do when he decided to prove to his father that he wasn’t a waster. He had an exciting six figure salary job as a buyer of exotic furnishings for a global interior design company. Together with a large upscale home, a beautiful and ... Views: 1866
Despite the relief that Craig felt when his wife Sophie did his bookkeeping for his landscape business he was frequently choked with shame. The conflict made him snappy and uninterested in spending leisure time with her. He dreaded going to bed at night because he didn’t want to face his ... Views: 1636
Trudy a twenty-nine year old local newspaper reporter and Max a thirty-three year old limousine company owner had endless fights about who was doing the lion’s share of parenting their two children. They argued about what to do, how to do it, when to do it and who should take the blame when ... Views: 2859
Driving home from his last landscape design consult, thirty-three year old Craig’s stomach was in knots wondering if Sophie would have gotten over the row she had with her mother the other day. He felt bad for his wife who had tried and failed to arrange a family dinner, taking out her ... Views: 1754
Panic attacks spoil your wish to be superior than your baser emotions
You pride yourself on doing things the right way, being punctual, polite, well turned out and the perfect friend. You can’t abide people who are lazy, don’t make the effort and don’t seem to care how they come across. You ... Views: 1604
You thought you had figured it out and that everything was under control
But then just at the worst possible moment before the big event, panic attacks grab you and reduce you to a heap of jelly. You try to keep it quiet, push through it, chop its head off before it gets a grip, but you can’t. ... Views: 3510
A panic attack out of the blue can make you think you are going crazy!
If you are organized, in control and competent in managing your life, then the odd panic attack can throw you off balance. It can be unsettling and sap your confidence, making you question your whole way of operating. ... Views: 1563
Do you take care of a bunch of chores that have been neglected for weeks, months or years when you see how hurt and upset your loved ones are at you?
Perhaps you go to the other extreme of making sure that no one can find fault with you and blame you for anything by anticipating areas where ... Views: 2596
You work hard to please the people you love. You long to see a smile on their faces. You hope that you have brought them joy. You want them to come alive because of your thoughts and actions. You imagine the scene over and over and it makes you fill up with desire and motivation to do that one ... Views: 2483
Isn’t it frustrating when you want to make changes in your life but can’t quite find the energy and motivation to take the necessary steps?
You get all fired up one minute when the vision feels exciting and worthwhile, but the next moment a ton of competing ideas and scenarios come to quash ... Views: 3016
Nia was stunned when her perfect relationship ended
Nia was on top of the world. Her job was going well, and she had the best boyfriend any girl could ask for. He was attentive and affectionate. He was interested in her ideas and opinions. He showed respect for her family traditions. She felt ... Views: 7718
Louis shock turns to disbelief and anger
The world caved in on Louis when his girlfriend of three years ditched him, complaining he was ‘too needy!’ Louis had been the devoted boyfriend and caretaker. He did whatever she asked no matter what the cost to him. He cut out his friends and family. ... Views: 5832
Anger makes Zane protest and refuse to work hard
Zane was furious when he didn’t get his pay raise. He remembered all the times his boss gave him signs that his efforts would be rewarded. Was that a dream? Did he misread the signals? How could he be so easily fobbed off with a few sweet ... Views: 2121
Road rage nearly causes Garret a heart attack
Just as he was about to turn right and head for home, a driver on his left zoomed in front of 35 year old Garret’s car and raced through the traffic lights. One moment he was smiling at the thought of telling his wife about his big sales deal, and ... Views: 3835
Why on earth are we burdened with anger?
Why do we have to battle with anger all our lives? What is the point of having this emotion? Why can’t we do without it? We aren’t needing to kill predators to protect our lives or keep meager food rations for ourselves as we did millions of years ago. ... Views: 1910
Koren is furious that her son is being unfairly picked on
As she drove to pick up nine year old Hector from school, Koren seethed with rage. She was confronted with a complaint that Hector was suspended from after school playground access for hitting another boy. Koren was mad at the ... Views: 1816
Patsy swallows her feelings and gets tired out
Patsy spent her forty-fifth birthday with her elderly mother who complained about the food being cold and bland. Patsy bit her tongue and tried to make something more appetizing. Her sister called to wish her a happy birthday, then made excuses ... Views: 4559
Achieving her goals was a bit too easy for Nadine
Thirty-five year old writer and director Nadine got three clients as soon as she put the word out about her new venture as an acting coach. Her script for a TV show was accepted and she was hired to direct the production. She was amazed at ... Views: 2102
I do what you want, but you never let me do what I want!
Justin had his heart set on the new BMW sports car, but Bernice wondered whether it was the best way of spending money at this point. There were other more important priorities like her business start up, the kids school fees and house ... Views: 1695
The cures don't last, but it's nice to have care and concern!
Bonnie was a hostage to migraine attacks. They lasted for hours and she was unable to do anything but lie down in bed until it passed. Sometimes her migraine was accompanied by nausea and other times by cramps or acid reflux. ... Views: 1326
Do you feel ashamed when you lash out at the people you love the most? Do you wish you could erase it for ever and be free of this beastly emotion? That’s because there is a taboo against feeling and expressing anger, particularly if done in a loud, over the top and explosive way. We don’t ... Views: 2307
The pressure’s on - everything depends on Wyatt’s speech!
Wyatt was terrified that he was going to make a mess of the presentation, look weak and ruin the reputation of the company he loved. He imagined his mind going blank and mumbling. He saw a sea of critical faces judging him as he tried to ... Views: 1737
Rita was happy and Norman hated it!
Rita was on top of the world and Norman hated it. He couldn’t stand seeing her so comfortable in her own skin, and in such good spirits. It turned his stomach. It was unfair. What right did she have to feel so good when he felt lousy?
Despite her ... Views: 2018
Why Do Nice Guys Make Sharon Panic?
Sharon enjoyed the flirting until Rudolph asked if she’d like to go out with him on a date. In the blink of an eye she said “ Oh, I can’t. I’m really tied up and I’m not sure when I’ll be free.” It was as if Rudolph had pushed a panic button inside her and ... Views: 1555
Pity or genuine desire for connection?
Watching Tom rapt in conversation with their guests made Roxy feel left out and unimportant. Almost as if he heard her wish, Tom asked her for her opinion of the movie they were all talking about. She could hardly speak. She didn’t want to be brought in ... Views: 9615
You Mean I can Have What I Want?
Fabienne drooled over that gorgeous pair of shoes in the store window. Just for once she wanted to indulge herself by splurging on something personal that wasn’t an absolute necessity. She had spoken to Larry about it and he gave her the go ahead. This weekend ... Views: 3236
No Welcome Home Made Jeremy Angry
There was no happy smile. There was no light in her eyes. There was no bear hug. There was no gasp of welcoming delight. Jeremy’s expectation of a warm and affectionate homecoming was decimated. Wasn’t it only yesterday that they had exchanged messages of ... Views: 1705
Insomnia Jeopardizes Merdith's Job
The future of Meredith’s business depended on one simple thing. Getting a good night’s sleep. If she wasn’t on the ball, she would lose the marketing contract for a prestigious corporate firm. There was no way Meredith was going to let that happen. She ... Views: 1605
Maggie feels caught in the middle
The cliques and gossip in the office made Maggie nervous. She wanted to stay on the right side of management and not make any waves. She liked the manager at the Spa, who supported her efforts to bring in new clients. He was appreciative of her willingness to ... Views: 1728
The call came at 1:00 a.m. The call that never should have come. The call that Bruce would have moved heaven and earth to prevent. The call that ended everything when an apologetic voice dealt the fatal blow - his wife had suffered a heart attack at work and died.
Medication just knocks him ... Views: 1519
Before he turned off the engine as he pulled into the driveway, Mia got on his case. He never appreciated her, he hadn’t fixed the shower door, he failed to pick up their son from the child care facility on time, and he drank too much!
Doug’s breath came hard and fast. He felt attacked ... Views: 1713
I Can’t Stand It - My Family Treats Me Like An ATM Machine!
How the hot button was created
Sharon helped her sister Ellisa prepare the party for their father's 80th birthday. As the guests left they thanked Ellisa and wished her father many more years of healthy life. Sharon drove home hurt ... Views: 4879
Kodi put his legs up and switched on the television. Checking out of his life by jumping into a hilarious reality show was just what the doctor ordered. Two minutes later Ciana sat by him and asked how he fared in his Engineering seminar.
“ It was fine.” Kodi replied to shut it down.
“ Did ... Views: 2598
Dinner was over. Now came the awkward time. Making small talk, being effusive with praise for the hosts, and having to be entertaining for the crowd. Mordi hated it. He also hated to watch his wife sing songs and play the piano with her friends. He stuffed his irritation, ... Views: 3187
Preparing for her younger sister’s visit put some pep into Shelly’s steps. She recalled Natalie’s last visit when they had fun at the beach, going to movies and eating out. The thought of having those precious moments again made Faith feel warm inside. She wanted to show Natalie the home she ... Views: 1571
Valerie was hurt and upset. Barry dismissed her plans for the Thanksgiving holiday but supported the same proposals coming from cousin Ruth. What made it even worse was that Barry seemed oblivious to the stinging rebuke he had dealt his wife. Silenced by the lump growing in her throat and the ... Views: 1839
Nauseous waves filled Roxanne¡¦s stomach. This was the umpteenth message she had left without a response. A whirlwind of crazy thoughts whipped her with self-doubt. Why did I let myself be seduced? Why did I let this happen with a guy I hardly ... Views: 1401
Lorraine was infuriated. She got in her car, raced the engine and zoomed into the street, the screeching tires magnifying her frustrated rage. She¡¦d show him! Let him worry about where she was, whether she was okay, and sweat over when she would be ... Views: 1576
Mimi was proud of the ten pounds she had lost on her new diet and exercise regimen. It was easy and enjoyable. A few days later Mimi was part of a decision making team at work. Arguments and insults flying around made her afraid of giving her opinion. Right then Mimi sensed something was ... Views: 1598
A savage bile rose in Tanya’s throat as she heard Martin talk to his mother on the phone. His patient, understanding and placating voice made Tanya want to cut the wire on the land line and smash up his cell phone. She wanted to feel his soft responsiveness - she wanted to be his one and only. ... Views: 1724
Tricia was sick of the online greetings, the phone calls offering good wishes, and friends wanting to throw Tony a surprise 35th birthday party. “ Why does Tony get everyone fussing over him. When it was my 30th birthday no one did anything special. It sucks,” Tricia puked out at she stepped on ... Views: 1342
Oliver¡¦s guilty voice squeaked ¡§I¡¦m going out for a drink with my friends, okay?¡¨ Megan pounced on him like a cat determined not to let the mouse escape. ¡§You only just got home, why do you have to go out again?¡¨ his wife challenged. Oliver¡¦s pulse catapulted into overdrive, his face ... Views: 1082
After years of thankless work as a furniture restorer, forty year old Maggie took the plunge and became an entrepreneur. Her investment capital consisted of experience and hope. Business was so bad that she didn’t have enough gas money to provide clients with estimates.
Then she remembered a ... Views: 1547
Joe was mesmerized when he saw the new hire at work. Lenora was tall, blonde and without any makeup. A whiff of vulnerability glazed with competence wafted up from her body. But what really got Joe hooked was her voice. It oozed of innocence sucking him into her orbit.
Like a cat starved of ... Views: 1362
Your boss tells you that you did a good job on a project, but it doesn’t please you. It makes you feel that he or she will expect more of you, and you will have to do even better to match those expectations. The praise and recognition was translated into more demands, extra effort and anxiety ... Views: 1267
“ If my anxiety didn’t nag at me, I don’t think I would be bothered to make any improvements in my life,” said teacher Connie. She wasn’t friends with her anxiety, but she realized that without it pushing her, she would be stagnant and accept a life style that was far different to what she ... Views: 2042
Take deep breaths, visualize a serene sunset on a tropical beach, or get a good massage, are all remedie recommended for anxiety relief. For a few minutes you may breath less hurriedly, the tension headache may ease, and you can let go of the worries that invade your waking moments. But why ... Views: 1692
Sam lived in hope that his best friend would hear him, support and encourage him instead of the constant judgments and criticisms that he heaped Sam’s way. Each time the hope was dashed, yet Sam couldn’t allow himself to think anything but positive things about his friend. He thought he just ... Views: 1593
Adrian has many friends and no regular job. He works in intense short bursts for a few days at a time, becoming mentally and physically exhausted. As he recovers he begins to hate the life style he has chosen and becomes motivated to seek a more wholesome existence. But within an hour or two of ... Views: 2954
Check any listing of self-help groups, books or websites, and Anger management is likely to be given top billing. It has a bad smell, and it is frowned upon indiscriminately. Yet anger is one of our fundamental emotions, and it has a purpose and value. The survival and utility value of anger ... Views: 4810