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Color Your Kitchen with Feng Shui
While the bathroom may be the most used room in a home, the kitchen is the next most often used room. The Kitchen is the heart of the home and is where we build and develop chi energy and loose chi. As we all need to eat, the kitchen becomes the place where ... Views: 1209
Color Your Kitchen with Feng Shui
While the bathroom may be the most used room in a home, the kitchen is the next most often used room. The Kitchen is the heart of the home and is where we build and develop chi energy and loose chi. As we all need to eat, the kitchen becomes the place where ... Views: 1209
Are you experiencing fears to certain situations or objects that somehow lead you to attacks? Or experiencing out of place degree of fear to consequences of not carrying out specific routine? Or suffer from depression and complain panic attacks to some situations? Then you might be a candidate ... Views: 1176
Anxiety is a common emotion like happiness, sadness and anger, however when anxiety becomes uncontrollable or excessive, it becomes a problem or disorder. Anxiety becomes uncomfortable when coupled with increased heart beat, increased blood pressure, too much fear and panic. Anxiety disorder is ... Views: 1027
Are the pressures of life building to the point where you feel like you’re going to explode? Do you look at the coming days, weeks or months with a sense of fear and foreboding? Is it all just too much? Does it seem like your life is not within your control?
At times like these, it is ... Views: 2041
Every once in a while, you need to ‘shut off.’ Not to have to think about working, shopping, ironing, bills, relationships, gardening, families, deadlines, children, parents, what’s right and what’s wrong. If you instinctively fell you’d like to do this – you’re right. Your mind and body is ... Views: 1382
Many people find panic attack relief from practicing meditation. An age old art, nowadays meditation is being used by countless people from around the globe. The benefits of meditation include; a calmer mind, a slower heart rate and relaxed muscles. Meditation can also bring anxiety and stress ... Views: 1623
Have you ever felt lethargic? Lacking in energy? Feel like you're underperforming? If you've answered to yes to any of those questions then you're not alone. Everyday for millions of us just getting through the day can be a real effort as we struggle to balance our hectic liefestyles.
If ... Views: 1053
When we panic (or have anxiety attacks) a number of things happen to us. And we should know that in panic and high anxiety the symptoms that we experience are the same. The difference lies in the build up: anxiety usually builds up slowly, getting stronger and stronger until it becomes a ... Views: 1021
Candace Czarny, CFM, ASID, LEED AP, Feng Shui Expert
If you've been feeling less like yourself lately, you're not alone. When a person is constantly inundated with stress, relationship trouble, and other problems, it's easy to lose your sense of wellness. But just because you're feeling as ... Views: 1271
For thousands of years, retreat was the primary vehicle for spiritual and personal development. It was an art, at the center of all the great esoteric teaching of Buddha, Jesus and others. But in the modern fast paced world it became a lost art. Retreat is misunderstood, and carries a negative ... Views: 1191
Who Is Ready to Heal?
When I started my practice in 2000, I learned there are people not really ready to take complete responsibility for their own healing. I had to explain that I was only a guide to take them to the place of empowerment so the shift could take place within them, ... Views: 1311
What is Mindfulness?
The concept of mindfulness has actually been around for thousands of years. Its origins can be found in the earliest Buddhist teachings (2500 years ago). It has been used over the centuries in traditional eastern contemplative practices like Hatha Yoga and other ... Views: 6450
Having suffered from hip pain myself, I know how frustrating and painful it can be, but did you know that your diagnosis might be incorrect and that it may be possible for you to heal yourself? Chronic hip pain is typically diagnosed as one of three possible syndromes: bursitis, tendonalgia ... Views: 9674
When you set out to write a self hypnosis script, you probably already have a goal in mind, but exactly how you define your goal has more impact on your success than many people realize. The more carefully you define your goal, the more effective you can be in preparing your subconscious mind to ... Views: 2977
The French Algerian philosopher, Albert Camus, expounded the philosophy known as absurdism. According to absurdism, although life is meaningless human beings are faced with the dilemma of hankering for meaning in a meaningless world. Camus says that there are three ways of resolving this ... Views: 6744
If you are desiring to begin learning about yoga and want to know what style might be best for you, you can find Yoga centers in your community through directory or online search for your locale. See if they offer a free class so you can get an idea if you like that style or not. Many schools ... Views: 1973
Road rage nearly causes Garret a heart attack
Just as he was about to turn right and head for home, a driver on his left zoomed in front of 35 year old Garret’s car and raced through the traffic lights. One moment he was smiling at the thought of telling his wife about his big sales deal, and ... Views: 3824
If you've been feeling under the weather, there might be a number of factors at work. You might be tired, stressed, or simply just the victim of whatever is going around at the current moment. And while most of us are going to be sick on occasion, if you find that your health is less than you'd ... Views: 1168
Have you ever noticed how wonderful it feels to come home to a clean house, especially when you've been gone on a long trip and are good and ready to sleep in your own bed? There's a certain refreshing feeling to walking into a space that's perfectly organized, dust free, and scrubbed ... Views: 1431
How does stress affect your overall health? Here are 3 ways how...
Stress suppresses the functions of your immune system
Think back how many times you called in sick at work during the last 2 months...or the last time you got a bad case of cold? Did you get it right after the ... Views: 744
I don’t believe in the germ theory. I believe in the conflict theory. If it were true that germs were the sole cause of illness, we would be sick all the time. There are millions of microorganisms and infectious diseases everywhere-where we live, work, play, shop, and eat.
Stress and conflict ... Views: 1120
Stress is the result of our reactions. Stress can be positive and stimulate us to be productive and live a full life. Stress can also be negative, and studies and experience tell us that 75 % of most illnesses have their root cause in stress. Prolonged stress depresses the immune system and ... Views: 881
The key to meditating is to focus on the breath. The mind has to follow your command and nothing else when you focus on the inhale and exhale. It cannot focus on doing two things at once. Breathing in a seated comfortable position on the floor or chair, if you cannot manipulate sitting ... Views: 2057
In society’s striving to attribute medical causes to all ailments and diseases and so produce a ‘quick and easy fix’ often in the form of medication, something
extremely important is usually overlooked. And it is the most important thing of all, for it often means life or death.
It is a ... Views: 932
How to deal with stress. Stress causes the sympathetic nervous system to release stress hormones during the fight or flight response. These hormones need to be in balance. When released on a continuous basis due to chronic stress it has an effect on your nervous system.
There is a simple way ... Views: 949
“A great silent space holds all of nature in its embrace. It also holds you.”
--Eckhart Tolle
Not one sparrow falls from the sky that our heavenly Father does
not know about - so ... Views: 1049
Meditation (or mindfulness training) is proven to be very helpful for eating disorder sufferers. If practiced regularly, meditation can balance abnormal mental states of patients. It can also bring them peace and stability.
The brains of eating disorder sufferers are overloaded with abnormal ... Views: 1872
Almost four decades ago, Richard Nixon signed the National Cancer Act of 1971 and the "war on cancer" began- or so the mainstream media would like us to think. The so-called war on cancer is not only a dismal failure but has also become an outright lie perpetuated by big business. Not only are ... Views: 1119
‘Why am I ill? Why me?’
by Annie O’Grady, EFT CERT-1
‘Why?’ is a painful question people often ask when they are suffering with a significant illness. Illness or disability often seems so unfair.
Evidence is mounting that much physical and mental illness is partly or wholly caused by ... Views: 1136
Dr. Mehmet Oz in his recent show discussed different healing modalities, one of which is Reiki.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is Spiritually Guided energy. Reiki can be defined as a miraculous and sacred energy of the universe. Reiki is the name of the energy that is used by Usui Sensei for the ... Views: 3723
How to cleanse your system and enjoy better health. It is very important for me to remind you that from the day you landed on this planet, your body has been greeted with poisons and toxins. It is only natural for you to adopt nature's way to detoxify your body for better health.
These ... Views: 1228
In as few as five minutes you can reduce your stress with an ancient method of relaxation called qigong (pronounced chee gong). Qigong has been practiced in China for thousands of years. Early practitioners found it to be useful for many different health problems. They also used it to increase ... Views: 1801
Understanding the body on a deep level is required to cure yourself of any disorder, including sciatica pain. Your body is built on two core principles of science, the first being chemical: you are constructed of chemical compounds and operated by chemical interactions. The second is electrical. ... Views: 1699
Joy...the alchemical emotion. One drop of Joy transforms oceans of doubt and fear into Trust and Love." - Kevin Ryerson
Joy is the ecstatic feeling in the body that uplifts you and radiates good feeling into the world around you when your Authentic Self, the Diamond Self Within, is fully ... Views: 4292
Patsy swallows her feelings and gets tired out
Patsy spent her forty-fifth birthday with her elderly mother who complained about the food being cold and bland. Patsy bit her tongue and tried to make something more appetizing. Her sister called to wish her a happy birthday, then made excuses ... Views: 4542
The origins of Reiki are controversial and shrouded in mystery. Many claim paternity but it’s more likely that polygenesis played an important role in confusing its origins. In fact, like many other ancient beliefs and healing techniques, we can find traces of pseudo-Reiki techniques all over ... Views: 2188
There are two fundamental types of regression: Age Regression and Past Life Regression. However, the distinction is only in our minds because the techniques used to heal traumas and other problems are the same since the Subconscious doesn’t see the passage between this life and the previous ones ... Views: 2569
If hypnosis is extremely powerful and therapeutic in the most varied healing scenarios it is because it allows us to get into direct contact with our subconscious mind. The idea we have of the Subconscious has evolved greatly since Freud “discovered” it in the second half of the 19th century. ... Views: 6464
Do you need to release unwanted thoughts that are running in your mind involuntarily? Have these thoughts become so uncontrollable that they make you feel restless and stressed out?
Do not be frustrated. There are a number of approaches to help you release them:
1. Accept
One of the ... Views: 5390
Knowing how to clear your limiting beliefs is the key to manifesting what you desire.
Why? Because basically all the problems in your lives are caused by limiting beliefs. So if you want to get rid of a certain problem, you need to clear the corresponding belief. For example, let's say you ... Views: 1710
Who Am I: I am your feet. My job is to provide you with a foundation.
Voice of The Feet: I am the voice of your feet. Like hands, I touch the earth. By design, there are two of me. One of me supports your left side and one, supports right side. Each of me has ... Views: 1815
Why Visit A Reflexologist?
What is Reflexology? Reflexology works on the concept of small reflex maps, that suggest a shape of a human body mapped out on the feet, hands and ears. Reflexes in the feet, hands and ears correspond to all glands, organs and parts of the body. By working on these ... Views: 3444
My daughter had her wisdom teeth out yesterday. Once the anesthesia wore off she started feeling pretty serious pain. She took her first Lorcet and called me on the intercom about half an hour later, sounding panicked - she needed more pain meds, right now! We got her some ibuprofen, but tried ... Views: 1101
For years people who have talked about wellness referred to weight loss, fitness or smoking cessation programs. Later we identified the role stress plays in our overall health and wellness so we developed stress management programs.
Interesting that although the wellness industry has spent ... Views: 684
EQ-Emotional Intelligence for Peak Performance Shaheen's example
love the concept of EQ. When Daniel Goleman wrote his book Emotional Intelligence in 1995, his premise that 90% of our success has little do with our IQ made sense and caught on in personal and organizational development circles. ... Views: 877
I love food and I love life. I live for joy and enjoy eating. The day I stopped dieting and I started eating what I wanted and living to the fullest, was the day my weight stopped being an issue. I look forward to eating and enjoy every bite. I also enjoy moving and dancing and using my body. I ... Views: 744
“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them – that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” – Lao Tzu
The biggest part about dealing with stress is about dealing with our emotions. Most of us are so ... Views: 1577
For nearly 10 years I’ve been using hypnotherapy to help clients with Psoriasis. I have noticed three particular personality traits that seem common to most clients I see. But more of that later…
When I first started working with clients who had Psoriasis, I conducted a study into the ... Views: 3794
Have you ever whacked your thumb really hard with a hammer? Or perhaps stubbed your toe on a heavy chunk of furniture? Annoying isn't it?
How would you like to know a clever little mind hack that can eliminate virtually all the pain in under a minute?
One of the most practical applications ... Views: 2528
On top of your regular deadlines, traffic, decisions and relationships, you now have more with holiday deadlines, gifts to buy, events to attend, shopping, traffic and more people who are getting on your nerves.......
Sometimes all you need is a reminder, a quick tip you can do to relieve ... Views: 1593