People ask this question all the time, 'how do I make my skin look and feel better and what miracle product will shave 10 years off my face?'
Make no mistake there are a lot of fantastic Natural and Organic Skin Care products out there that will knock your socks of when it comes to results and making you look and feel younger. However there are many other ways to improve your skin and here is the top 3 Most Important Skin Care Tips in the World Ever.
We have read many times about so many things that can make your skin feel and look healthier, well guess what here is another list of the top three things you must be doing for your skin.
Water. We all know that our bodies are on average more than 50% water, so if asked if it is important to drink lots of water, the answer is most definitely yes. Being hydrated means the body has enough water to do everything it has to in terms of renewing, repairing and basic functions. Take enough water out the loop and you are putting your skin on the back foot.
So how much water is enough? I do not believe or stick to stringently to amounts, I make sure to get at a minimum 1 litre of water a day and will drink more than that depending on weather, my current hydration levels, exercise or if I may have a cold or flu. As a general rule if your urine is close to clear then you are getting enough water.
Moisture. The body naturally loses moisture throughout the day and although you may be keeping yourself fully hydrated various factors can mean your skin is still suffering. Look at natural and organic moisturizes that steer clear of any nasties like parabens or SLS and make sure that it suits your skin. This is very important in the winter and summer months all the same where the weather can edge towards the extremes.
Sleep. Oh the power of sleep! Your body does some magic things when you sleep, it unlocks your subconscious to paint beautiful dreams, it replays, categories and stores all the millions of images and encounters you have had during the day and most importantly for you and your skin, it repairs and renews itself. I do not want to sound like your granny and tell you how you should drink a glass of warm milk and not sleep in front o the TV, we all know about the ways to better get to sleep and stay asleep. What I would say is if you are getting less than 7 hours sleep a night and you find yourself dozing off on the train, or napping at lunch time or when you get home from work then something is wrong. Start to look at this more and try and identify possible causes.
Adrian Richardson - Panda Face
Selling only the best in Natural Skin Care and Organic Skin Care Products and Cosmetics
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