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“If you accept a limiting belief, then it will become a truth for you.” – Louise L. Hay
“People are anxious to improve their circumstances but unwilling to improve themselves, they therefore remain bound.” - James Allen
In Part I of this series we began our exploration of the ... Views: 2052
“Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.”
– Earl Nightingale
“The world is a great mirror. It reflects back to you what you are.”
-Thomas Dreier
The whole point of the First Pillar of ... Views: 2872
Do you feel like you are always under a lot of stress? Many of us feel as if we are always worried and pressured, but we are so used to feeling stressed that we take it for granted.
Many of us feel stressed because of too little money, and too many urgent things to do, and not enough time ... Views: 1356
Hey there everyone!!
Why is it that we write? To record. We write to capture moments. Moments of ideas, of inspiration, of opinions, or of abstract thought. These recorded moments become part of our history. They can be popularized and find themselves in libraries of the future. Or they can ... Views: 2221
Did you know that your skull holds three brains, each built on top of the other serving different purposes and functions? The ancient reptilian brain, which is about 500 million years old, is the oldest and smallest part of the evolving human brain. This brain center is concerned with the ... Views: 2161
In my dealings with chronic pain, something very important shifted at some point. My practice had been focused, up to that time, on relaxing in order to make the pain go away, thank you very much. I recognized at some point (at the point of utter exhaustion, to be precise), that acceptance and ... Views: 1229
When we think of the word addiction we often think about chemical addiction to alcohol, tobacco, or heroin. But did you know that you can be addicted to your emotions? We all know someone who is! Sometimes they are addicted to anger, depression, sadness and then there is the rare person who is ... Views: 8865
I have just started a new six-week teleclass series on chronic illness, Tap Into Your Healthy Self, and in the first teleclass we discussed, and used EFT on, the downside of being well and healthy. This is a concept which continues to fascinate me.
The first reaction to there being a downside ... Views: 1649
When I work with new clients, I’m always interested in why they have chosen to learn and use EFT. The answer is usually in the negative, “I’m very ill”, “I’m overweight”, “I procrastinate”, or “I don’t have enough money in my life”, etc. As a result of this, I changed one of the questions on my ... Views: 7803
One of the questions on my EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) client intake form asks “Are you on any medication?” Many of my clients can easily list several forms of medication they are taking; ranging from blood pressure pills, to diuretics, to painkillers, to anti-depressants. These ... Views: 2033
Madam Blavatsky, born Helena von Hahn, was a free spirit in a time when women were not free to roam the world alone. She dreamt about her teacher of Theosophy at an early age and then met him many years later in London. Weeks before her seventeenth birthday, she was married to a 44 year old man, ... Views: 1236
Self-growth requires the energy our focus creates. How we focus our awareness is how we activate our inner resources. When we focus on our thoughts, we activate more thinking. When we focus beyond thinking, we activate the Wisdom of our Body. In sports, that places us in the Zone. In healing, ... Views: 993
"You never know what you can do until you do it.”
—Betty Ford
No part of healing would be complete without first addressing the phenomenon of the “Placebo Effect.” Many scientists and health care providers are mystified by the Placebo Effect. For others, ... Views: 1671
Are you truly happy with your life? Do you look forward to getting out of bed every morning? Are you doing what you are really meant to do in this life?
If you answered yes to these questions then you have what I call mental well-being. I define mental well-being as that state of mind where ... Views: 1184
Most of us get overweight over a period of time without realizing it. Eating a few more calories than you burn, even from something "healthy" like a glass of orange juice every morning, can make you gain 100 pounds in five years! It's cumulative. Here are some common ways we start packing on the ... Views: 8851
The purpose of this article is to help people with disabilities who may be surrounded by loving, quality support identify an emptiness they may experience because they live in a different reality.
There is a significant difference between understanding a person and accepting them. To really ... Views: 1243
Hypnotherapy is the therapy of choice for helping smokers to be free of this dangerous and destructive habit. But not all hypnotherapists are trained in the latest and most effective technology for easy recovery from this stubborn addiction. So in this article I list seven of the most advanced ... Views: 1210
Cigarette smoking can be a nasty habit. Every year more facts are unearthed about the destructive effects of smoking. Smokers show much higher rates of many kinds of cancer, as well as increased risk of heart disease, strokes, emphysema, asthma, kidney failure, osteoporosis, diabetes, and a host ... Views: 1264
In our last two articles I addressed some of the possible underlying psychological causes of the current epidemic of breast, prostate and colon cancers. These analyses present some examples of what I consider one of the most fertile yet least explored areas of cancer research and treatment: ... Views: 926
In the first article in this series we examined the underlying cause of the current pandemic of breast cancer, and how hypnosis can assist in healing this disease. This article will tackle the cause of two other pandemic forms of cancer, cancer of the prostate and colon cancer. Scientists have ... Views: 1141
A great deal of research has been devoted to the treatment of cancer in the last 60 years. High tech treatments are now being developed which can increase survival rates and reduce the terrible side effects of the highly toxic drugs and radiation which are the foundations of most medical cancer ... Views: 896
As you awaken to yet another day in your fabulous life, each and every time you are lucky enough to open your eyes from your nightly sleeping pattern requires that you prepare yourself for your next adventure. You are creating change in your life and it takes hard work and dedication to work ... Views: 1647
What do you do when it feels like there is no light at the end of the tunnel? When everything is in doubt and life's possibilities seem empty? When you watch world events transpire over which you have no control and film and music idols, once seemingly immortal, senselessly succumb to cancer or ... Views: 777
This is the deal. Food is good for you. Food has been demonized to a point where you cannot look at something without wondering if you will gain weight and without asking yourself whether you "should" or you "shouldn't."
The problem is that every time you deny yourself of something, the brain ... Views: 716
How Spirituality Affects Your Health
Recent studies have shown that spirituality could be as important as fitness or nutrition for your health. Stretching this point even further some scientists believe that not having any spiritual beliefs could be a potential risk factor for a person. ... Views: 8650
You know those moments of insight that zap you like a bolt out of the blue? Some people refer to them aha or light-bulb moments. I call them V-8 moments because when the pieces fall into place, it’s suddenly so ... Views: 1342
A psychiatrist told the following story at a professional meeting in Houston:
“I have a patient, an 8 year old little girl, who received the heart of a murdered 10 year old girl. Her mother brought her to me when she started screaming at night about her dreams of the man who had murdered her ... Views: 1220
Are invisible forces guiding you in your life? Imagine an angel of God sitting on your shoulder. What do you think that angel would say? Would he or she offer constructive or destructive help?
Well, from my own personal experiences, it does appear an angel—the inner spirit of God—has been ... Views: 2461
Law of Attraction
Many of you wish to manifest something more constructive in your life, such as finding joy through love or gaining financial independence. The Law of Attraction, made popular by Rhonda Byrne's book, The Secret, defines this law as simply focusing all your energy and thought on ... Views: 1622
There are those of us who suffer from daily back pain simply because we do not know how to relax. Relaxation is soothing to the soul and good for us. In today’s world with all of its stresses, it seems every now and then we have to learn how to relax all over again. We’re so busy with our jobs, ... Views: 964
There’s a new psychology getting rave reviews for its phenomenal success in helping people achieve permanent weight loss. It’s called Therapeutic Psychogenics.
Therapeutic Psychogenics is a collection of “mind control” techniques I developed that helped me lose 140 pounds over 20 years ago, ... Views: 4704
If we have fallen into the behaviour of overeating, restricting or purging – in other words: If we use food to cope, we can absolutely know a few key things about ourselves that can really help us in our recovery.
1. First, we can absolutely know for certain that we struggle with insecurities ... Views: 1355
I was sifting through a journal from last year and recognized that many of the goals I had for my life last year have been realized and that the others are well on their way to manifesting. It occurred to me in that moment how incredibly lucky that makes me, and then it occurred to me that it ... Views: 1571
The first and probably greatest step to overcoming sickness is to realise that sickness is an enemy and not a friend and should be treated with an aggressive attitude.
Too many people meekly accept someone else's opinion about their symptoms. They lay down without showing any ... Views: 898
Do You Advance Toward Risk or Avoid Them?
Let’s look at your typical patterns of behaviors to get an indication of where your default switch is set on the continuum of advancing toward or avoiding risks. Take the following quiz to find out.
1. You are asked to ... Views: 1351
You know what it’s like when you’re down to the wire on a project and suddenly that jolt of adrenalin kicks in and gets you to the finish line? That’s stress. In small doses, stress can give you a welcome energy boost and the ... Views: 1453
Josie is poised, unmoving, as she focuses her gaze. Her intention is clear. She moves through the grass like a slow motion film, periodically freezing, one paw in the air. Then in a blur of fur, she runs, leaps and the unfortunate vole that I couldn’t even see is history. Cats don’t struggle ... Views: 1501
What you are about to read may rock or even dismantle the very foundation of your beliefs about your body, health and healing. The title, Cancer Is Not a Disease, may be unsettling for many, provocative to some, but encouraging for all. This book will serve as a life-altering revelation for ... Views: 2540
This article is for anyone who helps others lose weight as a profession. You may be a coach, nutritionist, dietician, personal trainer, nurse, EFT practitioner, doctor, therapist or even a hypnotist. No matter how you implement your program for your clients, I think you’ll find this ... Views: 4972
Upon searching for articles about eyesight, I found more than a million references. Why? Maintaining good eyesight is vital to our life experience. Seeing is such an important part of being. How can we maintain good eyesight for a lifetime? We exercise our body but most are not aware of natural ... Views: 1380
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Mind Body Healing. Mind Body healing is a series of techniques and practices that attempt to harness and enhance the mind's capacity to affect bodily function and symptoms. Maggie Phillips is the Official Guide to Mind Body ... Views: 1369
How Does Mind-Body Healing Work?
By Dr. Bruce Forciea
Many of us know that there is a strong connection between what we think and how we feel, but just how can something as abstract as a thought have such a powerful affect on our bodies? Perhaps an answer can be found by looking at the mind ... Views: 2532
Have you ever heard the saying “mind over matter?” This saying wouldn’t have stuck around for so long if it didn’t have some value of truth. Imagery also known as visualization is an exercise that involves forming mental pictures, or “seeing with the mind’s eye.” It is a mental simulation of ... Views: 1471
When your computer has a bug, hidden programs run commands that interfere with normal operations and generally wreak havoc on the system. They can add in information where it doesn’t belong, block access to important areas and interrupt full enjoyment of the operations system.
The same is ... Views: 943
Quantum Techniques (QT) is a powerful cousin of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). Our specialty is chronic health issues and chronic pain that, seemingly, does not respond to the power of EFT treatments. When EFT “appears” not to work, and Quantum Techniques appears to work, it is because ... Views: 4729
Colour Light Therapy is a holistic healing method that treats the whole spectrum of the human being from a mild headache to bringing in your soul blueprint. It uses a torch and different coloured quartz glass rods to release emotional, physical, mental and soul-level pain. It can be used to ... Views: 1107
Do you follow the most popular trend of self-development? Do you switch from one popular teacher to another and never commit to one system? Majority religions, healing systems and such always receive more 'press' than those which are more hidden by virtue of their own choice or due to not using ... Views: 1685
The medical profession today is an amazing resource in healing. I define a victim as the person who only looks outside for the solutions to their problem. If a person gets excellent medical care and they only look outside, they can become a victim. The empowered patient actively participates ... Views: 965
After I studied what the Obama health plan entails, I want to identify an additional important perspective. As president of Life Skills Institute, I have been working with the chronically ill and disabled for over 25 years. The focus of my work is to help people in a health crisis connect to ... Views: 1362
You wake up in the morning and immediately a negative thought comes into your head. Maybe it's something that's been on your mind, a concern or an unresolved situation. Sure enough, not even a minute after you've opened your eyes, you're right back in the thick of that stressful thought ... Views: 1673