Shame plays an important role in developing eating disorders because shame is a controlling device. Basically all people with anorexia or bulimia can recall being shamed or ashamed several times before their disorder began.
Shame is complex. It extends from small things like parents or ... Views: 1466
People often ask me about different side effects of bulimia: about short term, long term and the most dangerous ones. This article is about short term effects which appear soon after bulimia begins.
People are also interested if the short term effects are 100% reversible or not. Well, ... Views: 7632
Bulimia causes damaging side effects to the body. It can also destroy the brain, heart and the soul of the person suffering from this eating disorder. There is no one system in the body that does not get affected by long term bulimia.
What are the most dangerous side effects? – You may ask. ... Views: 4294
Bulimia and weight loss are two things that interest many people. Nowadays nearly everyone wants to know a fast and easy method to lose extra weight. Bulimia is considered by some people as one of this easy ways to become slim.
But how does it work, if it works at all?
When people become ... Views: 4491
Attachment theory explains the bond or tie between a child and an attachment figure, a parent or guardian. Nowadays it is starting to become obvious that children with insecure attachment styles are prone to eating disorders more so than children with secure attachments.
When children ... Views: 2800
If you have obsessive thoughts about food and weight and you act out compulsive behaviours like binging, purging or starving yourself you will be relieved to learn about a new unique treatment method for eating disorders.
This new method to overcome your eating disorder is based on ... Views: 6682
Anorexia starts from special beliefs: beliefs about themselves, body image, control and perception of beauty. These beliefs are tightly connected to strong emotions – both negative and positive.
These “Beliefs+ Emotions+ action” form the long-term memory in the brain.
So, why do these ... Views: 2084
A sufferer’s mother is the most important person in helping a daughter or son to beat anorexia. A Mothers connection to her child is a sacred connection. Most mothers can not only see but they can feel what is happening to their child.
Nowadays we know that the anorexia lives in the ... Views: 2917
If you want to turn your binge eating habit into a healthy eating habit, first of all you must BELIEVE that you can do it. This is the first and most important step on the road to recovery from binge eating.
Put it this way: if you believe you can eat healthy without overeating – that means ... Views: 1756
Binge eating / overeating is mainly an emotional problem. The good news is you can stop your binge eating if you start to feel more confident, more powerful, more energised and more loved and loving. I guarantee that if you start feeling more positive about yourself it will be easier for you to ... Views: 4041
There are many kinds of meditation techniques available these days. How to choose which one is the best for a person with an eating disorder? Are any methods better than the others?
Meditation is a practice of focusing your attention for some time on specific emotional states, mantras ... Views: 1653
Meditation (or mindfulness training) is proven to be very helpful for eating disorder sufferers. If practiced regularly, meditation can balance abnormal mental states of patients. It can also bring them peace and stability.
The brains of eating disorder sufferers are overloaded with abnormal ... Views: 1871
Since eating disorders are rooted in emotional conflicts, the solution for the problem can be found in emotional healing. Emotional healing doesn’t happen instantly; it is a process. Many existing treatments nowadays promote only a physical fix while the emotional component is severely ... Views: 1960
Eating disorders are rooted in emotional struggles. These struggles are deep emotional conflicts within the sufferer, these are called self-conflicts.
How the conflicts started in the first place?
This process begins by fantasizing at a very early age. People fantasize a script, for ... Views: 1679
Unexplained infertility is when a couple fails to conceive following one year of unprotected intercourse and when all infertility tests show no abnormalities.
Unexplained infertility is very frustrating. Affected couples often go through numerous invasive and painful procedures. But the ... Views: 2926
Many researches have proven now that people with eating disorders derive a lot of benefits from doing meditation. Eating disorder sufferers have disturbances in autonomic nervous system, problems with impulse control and many emotional problems. All these can be improved with regular ... Views: 983
According to general statistic one out of ten patients with eating disorders is a man. That means that men are 10% of all eating disorders suffers, but according to the opinions of many experts the number could even be higher. The problem with men is that they are reluctant to come and complain ... Views: 1670
If you are dealing with an adult who suffers from an eating disorder, then you should adjust your talk to a relevant format. Remember, an adult may use stronger language than a child would use. Do not get angry. It will not do any good, and will probably make things worse. Plus, the sufferer ... Views: 1663
What is brain plasticity? And how is it related to developing an eating disorder?
Brain plasticity, or neuroplasticity, is the lifelong ability of the brain to change itself based on new experiences. When we say “the brains ability to change” we don’t mean something mystical ... Views: 1686
Bulimia (bulimia nervosa) is an addictive eating disorder which begins with physical cravings then evolves into a mental obsession and finally turns into a spiritual illness. It usually comes from an unresolved trauma (emotional, psychological or even physical) earlier in life.
The question is ... Views: 3160
The treatment for anorexia nervosa is often difficult and can take a long time. Some patients improve much slower then others do with many relapses during the recovery process. The treatment can be subdivided into immediate or long term anorexia treatment.
The immediate concerns of most people ... Views: 1416
It is proven now that media can influence the beginning of eating disorders in some people. This is evident especially in children and teens who can easily be lulled into the wrong image of what the human body is supposed to look like.
A very serious concern is that tiny little children as ... Views: 3774
Researching eating disorders is a relatively new field of medicine. Scientists still don't have a lot of data on a long-term recovery process from eating disorders. But many things about who is susceptible to the disease, how it starts and how it develops is known and that is what we will look ... Views: 1500
According to new research the promotion of healthy eating to fight obesity can drive some teenagers into eating disorders.
Also many adult women and men admit that the extremes of trying to eat healthy lead them into abnormal eating behaviors and later to a fully developed eating disorder. ... Views: 1130
Eating disorders have very many effects on the sufferers. The effects can be divided into mental, spiritual and physical.
The mental effects can be associated with different levels of anxiety (from moderate to very severe), depression, and difficulty to focus on tasks, low span of attention, ... Views: 1879
This article is for those who believe that she/he has found a magic wand to control their body weight and it is called bulimia.
Many bulimics think they invented it and keep it secret for a long time because it feels shameful to admit about throwing up food.
Bulimia as a weight loss strategy ... Views: 1872
People with bulimia don't experience a proper sense of satisfaction when they eat. They can eat food then more food and the feelings of hunger or cravings can still be present: this then makes them eat more and more. When they go on a binge it seems there isn't enough food for them to stop and ... Views: 6271
People with eating disorders suffer in many ways: physically, mentally and emotionally. Let's look at each way of suffering separately.
Mentally they experience feelings of fear, inadequacy, and reduced ability to concentrate. All these affect the sufferer's studies, work and relationships. ... Views: 1173
People with eating disorders suffer in many ways: physically, mentally and emotionally. All of them normally feel down although anorexics sometimes feel high in the beginning of the disorder.
The mental suffering significantly diminishes the quality of people's life. Feelings of fear, ... Views: 5307
Different herbs have been used for infertility treatment for thousands of years. A well known example of how herbs can help you to fall pregnant is in the Bible, with the story of Rachel and Leah. Rachel tried for years to fall pregnant without success. Then she finally eats mandrakes and ... Views: 5930
People often ask me to describe what a day in the life of an anorexic-bulimic sufferer is really like. How do people become eating disorder sufferers and what do sufferers themselves think about their disorder and why they developed it. When I explain to them about the plight of the ... Views: 5221
What we understand from our personal experience coping with a child suffering from anorexia is that there isn’t one single definitive guide or course of action for you and your child to follow that will guarantee a solution to their eating problems.
Your attitude and beliefs about ... Views: 1266
It is with growing concern that I have noticed an alarming trend in the emails I receive from people asking for help with young anorexics eating disorder problems. It has become obvious that something is terribly wrong with the normal medical approach to helping these sufferers.
I would like to ... Views: 2706
It was with great interest that I read in the UK Telegraph about the ex deputy prime minister of the UK John Prescott and his battle with bulimia. It is good that man in such a high powered position has finally come out and said he was a sufferer of this insidious disorder.
It was also with ... Views: 1509
I have been ask this question so many times by lots of worried parents who think their child may have bulimia but don’t know any of the warning signs.
If you are one of these parents then here is a list of things to look out for, I will start with simple things first:
1: Look for an excessive ... Views: 3191
There are many ways to treat bulimia but not very many of them really cure bulimia.
Popular treatment is going to the doctors or clinics or a counselor. How helpful are these? Statistic shows that nearly 90% of suffers relapse after attending these kinds of treatment.
What happens to these ... Views: 3655
I know you are thinking right now "Why do I have bulimia? How can I overcome it? And why isn’t anything I tried before stopping it and has failed to help?"
You understand that bulimia is slowly killing you and ruining your life but you can't stop. It seems like something inside you is stronger ... Views: 2876
To fall pregnant faster you need to identify the exact day of ovulation. This is important especially when you are getting older or having medical problems.
Why is this?
Well, it is because a young woman is fertile only a few days in a month. When you get older or have any health problems ... Views: 1066
The History of bulimia is old. Even in ancient Rome people used to vomit up food they ate in the period of feasting. They even had special places for it called "vomitorium". There is a lot of recollection about these events in ancient Rome books. Roman emperors Claudius and Vitellius were ... Views: 2479
Eating Disorders can only be described as a living hell. They consume every minute of your waking hours where the sufferer is so caught up in counting calories, reading the back of packets, measuring and weighing food, thinking when and where they are going to binge and how to sneak away to ... Views: 1133
There is a small, but growing group of extreme dieters who believe that significantly reducing the amount of food they eat, will not only delay the aging of the body, but also prevent developing heart problems, diabetes and other chronic diseases.
This movement, called calorie restriction or ... Views: 1872
To become pregnant faster you need to know your ovulation time precisely which you can identify using natural body signs (the most reliable method).
It is also important to deliver the maximum number of healthy sperm during this ovulation time. To increase your chance to fall pregnant your ... Views: 1066
Bulimia affects different organs. And the longer you have bulimia the more organs get affected and damaged.
The organs that suffer the most are: heart, kidney, brain, digestive system, bones, skin and endocrine glands.
The heart gets damaged from the constant electrolyte imbalances caused by ... Views: 13252
Many bulimia sufferers complain about fluid retention in their body from time to time. The symptoms of this problem are: swelling of the legs and feet, plumped up fingers and hands, feelings of puffiness over the whole body.
These problems are especially relevant to the people who vomit often, ... Views: 7758
People with bulimia are very secretive about their disorder. For this reason it is very difficult to notice anything as an observer. Bulimics look normal to other people. Even close family members initially have difficulty seeing what is going on with the person.
But you can observe some ... Views: 1142
Bulimia affects the whole body. But the most obvious effects it has is on the nervous system, mental state, gastro-intestinal, cardio system, kidney, skin, bones and the hormonal system.
The most common and the most dangerous is mineral depletion (Potassium, Sodium, Calcium etc). This has an ... Views: 1206
You can overcome infertility after 40 by applying certain natural fertility methods correctly. Many older women failed to get pregnant just simply because they can't find the right time when they can fall pregnant.
And there is a biological basis for it. The ability of women to fall pregnant ... Views: 1765
Getting people with anorexia to gain weight and eat more is the number one thing in helping them get better. Increasing weight for anorexics improves their health and helps them think clearly. There is a strong connection in anorexia between weight and thoughts: the lower the weight goes their ... Views: 2466
The mystery of anorexia biochemical cause could be unraveled according a new research of Dr. Valerie Compan of Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Montpellier, France.
The findings of this new study showed that both anorexia and ecstasy reduce people’s appetite by stimulating the same ... Views: 1059
Effects of bulimia can be divided into long term and short term side effects. Also you can then subdivide the side effects of bulimia to correspond with the system or the organs bulimia affects: e.g. psychological problems, mental, gastro-intestinal, cardio-vascular system, kidney, skin, bones ... Views: 16201