One glance at a full pregnant belly reminds us instantly of a deep truth of the human condition. We are creative beings. In our bodies, in our most sacred and holy core, resides the essence of pure creativity. In women, with the right germination, that essence of creativity is actually capable ... Views: 1447
Your thoughts and beliefs form vibrations. Those vibrations have power -- the power to create. Each thought vibration is like a seed, carrying potential substance into the realm of creation. How you interpret, think, and feel about everything you encounter arises out of your belief system and ... Views: 1409
Working with the rhythmic timings of nature is like listening to the music when you dance. There is a certain musical point when it is most effective to begin the movement or step on to the dance floor – the count of one. The same holds true for the creational dance of your life. Certain points ... Views: 1193
In ordinary times, the natural flow of constant change in our lives is gradual and often barely noticed. Just like the subtle physical changes from 30 to 40, the move from one home to another, or one season to the next, you flow through the changes without giving them much attention. You can ... Views: 1218
There’s a tribal saying, “If you can move, you can dance.” Dance is something we all have in common, like a heartbeat. And like a heartbeat, dance can help us come alive and activate our dreams, integrating and energizing them internally and externally.
Dance is a natural expression of ... Views: 1269
Both The Byrd's and the Bible tell us there is a time to be born, a time to die, a time to weep, a time to laugh, a time to dance -- a time for every purpose under the sun. When the musical group The Byrd's released their song Turn, Turn, Turn in 1965 they made it easy to sing along to this ... Views: 1099
A temple is a structure reserved for spiritual activities; such as prayer and the worship of a divinity. Often seen as the dwelling place of the Divine, a temple provides sacred containment for reverence, devotion, and connecting one's soul to Spirit.
The body is often referred to as a holy ... Views: 1531
The natural life cycle brings some powerful physical transformation points that also function as initiations into a new phase of consciousness. Coming of age, stepping into adulthood, child birth, and menopause are all doorways into another aspect of the self. These can seem like purely physical ... Views: 1442
My personal journey with the Wheel of the Year began in 1988, with my soul's first deep longing cry for the voice of the Divine Feminine. That August I had just moved from Los Angeles back to the land of rain, trees, and family on the outskirts of Atlanta where I grew up. All of my early ... Views: 1885