Let me ask you this: What is being your Legacy to the world? How is your perception of yourself? How are you projecting to the people around you? Is it consistent with who you are? What Meaning you are giving to your Life? What you Stand for?
Yes! I know… These are very deep questions that ... Views: 1385
Want to be notable among the rest? You have what it takes! I hope you know that and I encourage you to believe it.
We all know women that have that “thing” that we would love to have, right? Have you Been There? Well I have! And I can tell you that since I decided to give myself to the ... Views: 1327
For people who is not familiar with coaching might be wondering: what is coaching? And why it's getting so strong tool? Well coaching is not only a tool, is a life-transforming experience once you apply it. There are many branches of coaching or niches directed to certain specialties. You ... Views: 1385
Being talented is a great responsibility as well having a big vision. When we lose focus as leaders, it's normal to misplace our purpose and get distracted and superficial with the empowering tools of leadership. To build our leadership is to build our presence and calibrate our talents and ways ... Views: 2781
Make a fulfilling life happen comes from bold moves. Trying is not a way to live but a way to avoid it. Life is not short we just spend unconscious amount of time trying, that delay to start living it.
Do or Do not; There is no Trying – Yoda
What is it that inspires you every day? Are ... Views: 1231
We live in a culture where we become addict to conversational approval approach. The continuous exercise of giving approval so we can feel approved. For example; we say something and then immediately the listener add some comment too. This occurs almost instantly and without pauses.
We are ... Views: 1687
All Effect has a Cause. Every circumstance we face in our lives has an internal point of origin. Not only search for the cause, but find it. There are many reasons why for more that we want to find answers, we just don’t see them. Well, if you feel in some way related consider this:
“I ... Views: 1304
Usually for common eyes, a treasure may be anything shiny. For a master, no treasures have to shine to be valuable. In fact, the most valuable things are immaterial. So, let me ask you... What is your treasure? Please take a brief moment to answer this question for yourself. Life is too short ... Views: 2427
You might be agreeing with me if I ever told that honesty is the center of any personal success. All our relationship will be more productive and meaningful while we are truly honest. That is the stability and wellness that we usually are looking for in life.
Courtesy is just another ... Views: 4065
I do love good company! How about you? Isn’t amazing to share spontaneously who we are, what we love to do, to create or to talk about. To have a presence that sends a genuine message of truth and authenticity. It takes a lot of heart and love to take a stand and be consistent in our lives. ... Views: 2347
I feel so much curiosity when people describe themselves as "giving persons". And there is a question that seems to be out of sight. And that question is: what is it you give? The same thing occurs every time a leader describes himself as a committed person. And then their results show a ... Views: 1620
Ok! So you are waking up your inner master at last! And now you have your hands full of questions without any answer... And you ask yourself... Now what?! How I can evoke my family understanding and support? Well, nine months are left of this year, which means that every moment counts. It is ... Views: 1761
"Usually the easy way is the mediocre way" - Donald Trump. And it is true! Now, the easy option is not the same that the simple one. There is a big amount of deep challenges that don't aloud us to stay in the comfort zone or only touch the surface when we are choosing "stay simple". Actually, ... Views: 1673