For the majority of people, meditation is something only monks do and can take years to learn. Its surprising how many people do not understand the amount of advantages that meditation can bring and they believe that they do not have the time to learn because it takes to long to learn. The truth of the matter is that learning meditation can be very exciting to do if you are familiar with the techniques available.
Before we start to look at some of whats available to you, let's discover what it is you can use meditation for.
Meditation can definitely be defined as a healing process with proved benefits to the physical well-being and also the spiritual, mental, and emotional. If we could acknowledge our own negative thoughts and emotions and for many of us these could be dominant aspects of our personality, and if we are able to acknowledge that stress isn't a normal part of a fulfilling life, then it is possible to be able to reap the many rewards from the regular practice of meditation as well as the gentle healing process which meditation provides.
Another thing you can use meditation for is to balance the spinning energy vortexes referred to as the Chakras that spin in a clockwise direction and are arranged along the spinal column connecting the etheric body to the physical and are the reason for the overall health of whomever concerned .
You can use meditation to develop your spiritual as well as your psychic abilities, using meditation for this purpose will allow you to make contact and communicate with the world of spirit.
These are just some of the many things you can use meditation for and to be honest the list is basically endless. So how long is it actually going to take you to master meditation, Well it's up to you because you can actually be meditating in less than ten minutes if you're smart enough to utilize the technique I’m about to let you know about, but first let’s look at a variety of other meditation techniques you can use to aid you.
One way is to use a technique referred to as a guided meditation, as the name suggests you are verbally guided down into deep meditation in a number of steps which usually starts with methods to breath properly after which going onto clearing the mind of any thoughts which may be stopping you going deep into meditation.
Deep meditation may also be achieved by listening to meditation music.
Meditation music is just relaxing music you can listen to while you attempt to clear your mind of thoughts, a great way to do this would be to breath out and in from your nose and then listen and follow your breath the way it goes in and out, if you begin to get distracted then just come back to taking note of your breath again.
The technique I have for you will bypass the learning stage and will put you into one of the deepest meditation states possible, tests have shown that individuals using this process have meditated as deep as a Zen monk without the years of practice.
Trevor Shaw is known as a developer of mind sessions for altered states of consciousness that help people to experience different levels of the conscious mind
and has helped people everywhere in the world achieve their dreams.
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Trevor Shaw is a full time webmaster developing mind altering sessions for altered states of consciousness, and helping people all over the world realise their potential
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