When you wake up in the morning, do you feel the softness of the sheets against your skin and think of the cotton that was grown to provide you with the covering? Do you feel the warmth of the quilt or bedspread, and appreciate the wool or down that went into that cobija?
Are you paying ... Views: 675
To Be is to Do – Socrates
To Do is to Be – Sartre
Do Be Do Be Do – Frank Sinatra
As Latinas, one of the things we struggle with is overwork, burnout and the stress of juggling many, many obligations all at once. As women, we are most frequently the ones who take care of household ... Views: 677
I hope that you can celebrate the various kinds of love you find in your life...
Falling in Love Only Takes One-Fifth of a Second
A new study conducted by a Syracuse University Professor Stephanie Ortigue found falling in love can elicit the same euphoric feeling as using cocaine, AND also ... Views: 731
Latino Health Issues. Latino Health Surprises and Strengths. Public Policy that affects and influences Latinos and health. How we define, engage and protect our own health. All of these issues -- and more -- will be part of the discussion this month.
And, perhaps most important, how these ... Views: 720
What is inspirational and motivating is different for everyone. What we need may shift from moment to moment, but it helps us to build up our toolbox of ideas to keep us going, and so we have the right thing to pull out when we need it.
Our Powerful Latina interviewees have suggested many ... Views: 1002
It's too often that we take for granted the little things. Especially when we're moving so fast... Our lives are full and busy, and as Latinas, we have a lot on our plates!
Start the Day With Gratitude
Do you start the day with thoughts of gratitude for all the little things? I know ... Views: 1401
Sometimes perseverance isn’t the big things, it’s the little ones. One foot in front of another, just another minute, only one more step, etc.
I know that some days when I’m working out and in the middle of a really intense session I can’t think about how much longer I have to complete ... Views: 3094
“It’s not all about You!” While this phrase is often hurled with venom, intending to hurt someone, actually the truth in this statement can also be immensely healing.
Over the course of my life, I have had many events that were personally “hurtful” to me, that when I was able to view them ... Views: 1013
As we go through our lives, we experiences our ups and downs, things that are both bitter and sweet, and things that bring both pain and pleasure. But no matter what, who we are is created by our RESPONSE to these experiences – they all bring us something…
I am sure that, if you’re like me, ... Views: 935
Can I brag a bit? Right now, I'm at Georgetown University in Washington, DC waiting for my son to graduate from college this weekend. As you can imagine, I'm an exceedingly proud mama right now!
And at the same time, I think about how much I've worked to create what I hope will be a solid ... Views: 849
What is YOUR culture? Did you grow up in a place where you held rituals and ceremonies also held in the countries from which your ancestors came? Did you grow up speaking Spanish, listening to a certain kind of music, eating certain foods, and believing certain myths and superstitions?
Is ... Views: 971
As Latinas, we get to create our culture together, in community and in dialogue. We know that culture is a moving, shifting, growing thing and it is not static!
So when I say "Your culture is an asset," what do I mean? I mean that you get to create a uniquely individualized Latina identity, ... Views: 937
Many of you have probably already heard by now of the passing of Jaime Escalante (he died last Tuesday of cancer at the age of 79), the teacher who was celebrated in the film “Stand and Deliver.”
If you recall, this teacher was one who pushed his students to excel, encouraging them to do ... Views: 790
This month’s theme is Gather Support Around You. For January, we focused on Knowing the Self. February was about Finding and Following Our Passions. March had the theme of Learning is Key.
For this month we will be exploring what it means to explore, create and build our alliances. We ... Views: 896
The big learning experience for me was the health problems suffered by my dog, Lucky, and the insights I got from both my own and others' reactions to the situation (including Lucky's!).
My dog has been in my life for over 11 years. He's actually not even "my" dog, but my son's dog, and they ... Views: 783
Who is the oldest primary school pupil in the world?
That’s a trick question. You see, the person who used to claim that honor died in August 2009. Most likely, none of us in the United States knew him, and, in fact, most people in his own country—Kenya—didn’t know him either. His village, ... Views: 731
We’ve been talking about the idea of “Finding Your Passion.”
And while I agree that you want to spend the majority of your time doing something that moves you, engages you, and is using your talents to their fullest purpose… Sometimes, it’s all about FUN!
Do you remember what you used to ... Views: 740
This has been a time for me to reflect, journal on where I'm at and where I'm going, as well as getting serious about what it will take to meet my own personal goals.
And sometimes, that means asking myself the tough questions. Questions like: What have I let get in my way of achieving ... Views: 878
Wisdom comes from a variety of sources. It can come from experience, but it doesn't have to. Someone has said that an expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field. However, as we all know, the smart thing is to learn from OTHERS' mistakes so we ... Views: 729
I don’t know about you, but I see magic everywhere! One definition of magic is, “Of, relating to, or invoking the supernatural.” Another is, “Possessing distinctive qualities that produce unaccountable or baffling effects.” When something is “super” natural, it means it seems more than ... Views: 1195