This week I had a session with a client which shifted the foundation of the way she relates to herself. Although she had a brilliant career as a young woman and changed careers because of health problems, we found she had a persistent fear of failure which was keeping her from success in her 2nd career. Muscle response testing showed areas of energetic blockages in the throat and heart. In previous sessions, she needed to focus on connecting and communicating with others. Now her communication was more open and relational, but her heart was blocked. We found out later in the session that fear of failure was key.

She applied Open Heart Body-Mind Remedy Lotion from BioSource Naturals across the chest, above the breasts. Then we waited 30 seconds for absorption into the skin. Using a super-fast EFT tapping on the face hands and fingers with emotions related to the heart chakra, I tapped, fear of rejection, fear of closeness, fear of failure, fear, feeling rejection, feeling failure. She immediately felt calm and peaceful.

This technique (remedy lotion + super fast EFT on emotions connected to energy area) allowed me to do go into deeper EFT where the psychological reversal was only present in a few areas. By the end of the session, she had felt a major shift, especially in the areas of fearing failure to extend her career. She felt a door had been opened for her.

Previously she had had a prestigous career, neglected herself out of youth and ignorance and, in the process, ruined her health and marriage. Now, remarried and recovering physically, her career could be better but there was the fear of now being able to have the stamina. We explored this and found we needed to tap,

"fear I can't do it"

"fear I'll quit"

"fear I"ll ruin my health"

"fear I'll fail"

"fear I'll hurt my marriage"

"fear I just can't pull it off"

"fear I"m not up for the full time position"

"fear of failure"

"fear of failure"

"I know better now"

"I take care of myself now"

"I receive energy from doing my work"

She acknowleged that, for the most part, she actually receives energy while doing her job because she enjoys it. Usually the job is not draining physically. She felt a huge shift in this session.

The career expansion was key for her because it was connected to her feelings of connectedness to others, her contribution to society, her income and independence, her standing and feelings of power in her marriage. My client is a highly intelligent person, and it has not been an easy process to get to the emotional level as she operates in an analytical mode much of the time. I believe the big shift came as a result of the prior application of Open Heart Body Mind Remedy Lotion and a super-fast EFT to find the source issue, and rebalance her energy so she can feel less fear to dig deeper.

For more information on this technique and Open Heart Body-Mind Remedy Lotion, visit or

Author's Bio: 

Lezlie Cebulski, ND, EFT-ADV is a naturopath, EFT practitioner and holistic counselor. She has a private practice, specializing in natural mental health treatments in Michigan. She holds a Doctorate in Naturopathy, B.A. in Psychology and two certificates in Emotional Freedom Technique. She also uses flower essences, essential oils, color and sound therapy, as well as holistic counseling in sessions. She is the founder of Biosource Naturals body-mind remedy lotions which are body-mapped lotions incorporating flower essences, essential oils, gem elixirs, in an organic lotion base. Remedies are charged with the energy of color, sound and healing prayers.