There's a lot of talk about the oil cleansing method - especially among African Americans. Some ladies swear by it (usually those who just began using the technique). Others find that the side effects are just not worth it.
What Is Oil Cleansing?
Before getting into why you shouldn't ... Views: 2032
You're stuck in traffic, late for work and invading your thoughts is the threat of losing your job.
Clear across town, a high school math teacher is having difficulty managing an over-packed class of forty-two 11th graders that constantly challenge his authority.
Further downtown, the ... Views: 1192
iPods, iPads, Blackberries, DVRs, Kindles and more – all fascinating forms of technology.
As the technology era continues to explode, there's something interesting that's exploding with it. Stress.
With the increase of technology, there was supposed to be an increase in the ease of which ... Views: 1231
Grey hair in unwanted places. Lack of energy. Lower (or higher) sex drive. Ah, the joys of aging. Now we can add another startling fact to growing older - decreased resistance to stress. While stress naturally takes a toll on your mind and body, your ability to ward off the negative effects of ... Views: 1170
Imagine the holidays filled with love, peace and laughter. In today's hectic world, having a stress free holiday is a rarity. Now more than ever, you need to be equipped with strategies such as the holiday stress relief tips I'm about to share. These holiday stress relief tips will help you ... Views: 1403
Life is filled with distractions that can take your focus off the tasks you need to accomplish and time management is a struggle for many. While it is a difficult skill to master for many, time management is simply managing the time you have allotted to you while on this earth. You can manage ... Views: 1640
Acne can be an embarrassing condition and while many think acne is a "teen disease", evidence has show that it affects teenagers and adults. If your skin is acne prone, changing your diet can help to the condition.
There are common myths about what actually causes acne but one of the biggest ... Views: 1718
Conventional methods of taming eczema have been tried by many. However, while there are many who who have tried conventional methods, there are just as many who are fed up with the so called traditional eczema treatments and the side effects associated with them, including myself. My daughter ... Views: 3709
Definition of Stress: Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary defines Stress as a physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a factor in disease causation; a state of bodily or mental tension resulting from factors that tend to alter an existent ... Views: 1906
While dating is a good exercise to meet different people and weed out those who may not be worthy of your time, it can also brings with it the complications of pressure from the person you are dating and also peer pressure from friends and family. A classic example of dating peer pressure is the ... Views: 4684