Many people are astonished to realize that they have the ability to positively change their life by simply beginning to think and speak differently.
How can this be?
Is it realistic that you can discover how to take control over how you talk and what you think?
Yes, it is possible and ... Views: 955
You probably know about the fear of failure. The fear of falling short and not wanting to appear as weak or ineffective. Not wanting to let others down. It can hold you back and keep you from taking risks.
It’s what I call a first level fear. One that with some effort you are able to ... Views: 2749
Hypnosis is a powerful ally in your struggle to quiet that critical inner voice so that you lose weight permanently. We all have lapses when we overeat or snack on the wrong foods. Far too often you then might experience a bout of self-criticism and disappointment. The “critical inner voice” ... Views: 991